Las Aventuras de Corcho Marcano [14] (BigVERSO)

in blurt-192372 •  2 months ago 

Corcho Marcano y el caso del loro Francés [El plan]

-¿Entonces que vamos a hacer para descubrir lo que esta pasando?-, pregunta Fabiana.

-Tenemos una ventaja, tenemos a Morgan y los primos Iturralde quieren al Loro!!!-, dijo Corcho Marcano mientras todos miraban a voltear a ver a Morgan que seguia comiendo croquetas con su nuevo amigo Backup.

El detective Corcho Marcano logro esquivar una bala, de verdad tenía miedo de volver a meter la pata y terminar demandado otra vez por sus clientes los primos Iturralde, pero ademas quería darle un voto de confianza a Priscila Iturralde, no solo porque hubiera dormido con ella la noche anterior, si no porque según la versión de Fabiana los que se robaron los cuadros del penthouse fueron Walter y Jesús Iturralde, quizás Priscila no estaba al tanto de que sus primos secuestraron a su tía y la involucraron engañándola. Tampoco quería perder puntos de confianza con la bella Fabiana Morales, la muchacha le gustaba y si defendía a Priscila quizás saldría a la luz su encuentro romántico mejor era que ella y Adamaris siguieran sin sospechar nada.

-¿Piensas entregarles a Morgan a los primos Iturralde Corcho?-, pregunta Fabiana.

-Ellos lo quieren una vez que se los entreguemos quizás nos conduzca hasta la señora Bentley y descubramos que es lo que esta pasando de verdad!!!-, responde el detective.

-Pero debe ser cuidadoso jefe ellos son 3 y usted uno solo, si quiere yo y Backup vamos con usted de refuerzo!!!-, dice Adamaris.

-De eso nada Adamaris no te pondré en riesgo a ti y a mi perro, ademas tengo un plan para descubrir la verdad.

-Woof, woof!!!- Backup ladró.

-planifier, planifier!!!-, dijo Morgan.

Adamaris y Fabiana miraron expectantes a Corcho Marcano que con cara de bobo trataba de idear en fracciones de segundos en su cabeza un plan que no tenía muy claro hasta ahora, finalmente hablo:

-Llamare a Priscila Iturralde para decirle que encontré a Morgan y que se lo llevare a donde me indique, si todo sale bien acordara la entrega en un sitio neutral, le entrego al loro y luego la sigo hasta su escondite y averiguo que es lo que pasa!!!

-Carajos jefe como que no es un gran plan!!!

-Le vas a entregar a Morgan ¿así nada mas Corcho?, ¿piensas ponerle un rastreador al menos para no perderlo cierto?-, pregunta Fabiana.

-De esos ya no nos quedan Fabiana!!!, no hemos recibido el ultimo pedido de Japón!!!-, dice Adamaris para no pasar la pena de que su jefe trabaja con las uñas a la antigua sin rastreadores o sofisticados equipos tecnológicos de vigilancia mas que su astucia y su pequeño teléfono analógico pues se habia resistido a comprarse un smartphone.


-No te preocupes Fabiana, me conociste como El Águila!!!, no solo soy uno de los mejores detectives privados de la ciudad, si no que ademas soy el mejor taxista de ciudad Caótica, me conozco todas las calles, los desvio, y atajos como la palma de mi mano!!!, será imposible que una señorita de la alta sociedad como Priscila Iturralde logre burlarme a pesar de conducir un mercedes Benz, le entregare a Morgan y te aseguro que no le perderé el rastro al loro, hoy mismo sabremos que es lo que esta pasando y con suerte hallaremos a tu jefa la señora Lucia Bentley sana y salva!!!


-Muchas Gracias Corcho!!!-, le dijo Fabiana con una gran sonrisa.

Adamaris en silencio escuchaba y recopilaba toda la información como una computadora, analizándola -¿ así que su jefe habia conocido a Fabiana como El Águila ?, eso no concordaba con la versión de como habia dado con ella y el loro que le habia dicho su jefe temprano esa mañana cuando regreso a la oficina con los sacos de croqueta para Backup-, pensaba en silencio la astuta secretaria.

-Verifiquemos todos los gadgets antes de que se marche jefe!!!-, dice Adamaris ya que su jefe era a veces muy despistado.

-Mi chaqueta, mi teléfono, el Querubín cargado!!!-, dijo Corcho luego de verificar que todas las recamaras del viejo revolver calibre 38 que heredo de su padre tenían balas.


-Llévese unas mas por si acaso.

-Ya no me quedan mas balas Adamaris, solo aquellas las que tu sabes.

-Esas se deben quedar aquí!!!, ¿Y su Teléfono jefe esta cargado?

-33% de pila.

-Menos mal que verificamos, yo lo pongo a cargar mientras usted va y le pone el tanque full al Rojo y Negro no queremos que se quede sin gasolina a mitad de camino quizás los primos Iturralde tengan a la señora Bentley retenida en las afueras de la ciudad.

-El auto tiene medio tanque pero es muy buena idea Adamaris, ¿ que haría yo sin ti ?

-No mucho jefe, no mucho!!!

Fabiana los oía hablar y empezó a preocuparse ciertamente su gran instinto para leer a las personas que nunca le fallaba le habia indicado que El Águila/Corcho Marcano era una buena persona, al igual que su inteligente secretaria Adamaris, pero era obvio que Corcho trabajaba contando con pocos recursos, ademas que ambos fueran buenas personas no garantizaba el éxito del plan del detective, ella no podía dejar todo a la suerte si algo salía mal no solo seguiría desaparecida la señora Bentley si no que ademas perderían también a Morgan y ella no lo podía permitir.

Corcho se marcho de la oficina con Backup para ir a recargar combustible no muy lejos, mientras Adamaris puso el pequeño teléfono analógico de su jefe a cargar y luego bajo a la tienda del turco Rahib a robar otro termo de su delicioso café. Fabiana quedo a solas en la oficina jugando con Morgan para calmarlo, diciéndole que todo estaría bien y pronto encontrarían a la señora Lucia, ella confiaba en Corcho pero quizás necesitaría un poco de su ayuda, entonces la joven mira el moderno smartphone de Adamaris que habia quedado en su escritorio, lo tomo en sus manos y tuvo una buena idea para mejorar el plan de Corcho Marcano.


20 minutos después con todos reunidos de vuelta en la oficina...

Corcho Marcano toma su pequeño celular analógico totalmente cargado y llama a Priscila Iturralde.


-Buenas tardes Priscila!!!

-Buenas tardes Corcho!!!

Adamaris notó de inmediato que su jefe tuteaba a la nariz respingada de la señorita Iturralde lo cual era raro viniendo de el ya que su jefe siempre era muy respetuoso con sus clientes.

-Te tengo buenas noticias halle a Morgan lo tengo aquí a mi lado.

-Gracias a Dios, ¿como esta el loro?, dame unos 30 minutos y lo paso buscando por tu oficina.


-No estoy en mi oficina Priscila, tuve que seguir a la empleada domestica fuera del barrio obrero para recuperar a Morgan, el loro esta en perfectas condiciones.

-ok ¿ entonces que propones ?

-Que te parece si nos vemos en el penthouse de tu tía, no estoy muy lejos.

-Perfecto voy en mi auto no estoy muy lejos, en 15 minutos estaré allí.

-Bien Priscila nos vemos allá voy en camino.

La parte de su plan que no podía confesarles Corcho Marcano a Adamaris y a Fabiana era que iba a tratar de usar los dotes seductivos que creía poseer para sacarle la verdad a Priscila sin entregarle a Morgan, el detective de verdad confiaba en que su cliente no estuviera al tanto de las trastadas de sus dos primos varones, y sin duda el mejor sitio para conseguir su objetivo era el penthouse donde habian pasado la noche juntos.


*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***


Corcho Marcano and the case of the French parrot [The plan]

-So what are we going to do to find out what's happening?-, Fabiana asks.

-We have an advantage, we have Morgan and the Iturralde cousins ​​want Loro!!!- said Corcho Marcano while everyone looked to turn to see Morgan who was still eating croquettes with his new friend Backup.

Detective Corcho Marcano managed to dodge a bullet, he was really afraid of screwing up again and ending up being sued again by his clients, the Iturralde cousins, but he also wanted to give a vote of confidence to Priscila Iturralde, not just because he had slept with her. the night before, if not because according to Fabiana's version the ones who stole the paintings from the penthouse were Walter and Jesús Iturralde, perhaps Priscila was not aware that her cousins ​​kidnapped her aunt and involved cheating on her. He also did not want to lose points of trust with the beautiful Fabiana Morales, he liked the girl and if he defended Priscila perhaps their romantic encounter would come to light, it would be better if she and Adamaris continued without suspecting anything.

-Do you plan to hand Morgan over to the Iturralde Corcho cousins?- Fabiana asks.

-They want it, once we give it to them, maybe it will lead us to Mrs. Bentley and we will discover what is really happening!!!-, answers the detective.

-But you must be careful, boss, there are 3 of them and you are just one, if you want, I and Backup will go with you as reinforcements!!! - says Adamaris.

-Nothing about that, Adamaris, I will not put you and my dog ​​at risk, and I also have a plan to discover the truth.

-Woof, woof!!!- Backup barked.

-planifier, planifier!!!-, said Morgan.

Adamaris and Fabiana looked expectantly at Corcho Marcano who, with a stupid face, tried to devise in fractions of seconds in his head a plan that he was not very clear about until now, finally he spoke:

-I will call Priscila Iturralde to tell her that I found Morgan and that I will take him to where she tells me. If everything goes well, I will agree to deliver him to a neutral place. I will give her the parrot and then I will follow her to her hiding place and find out what she is doing. happens!!!

-Damn boss, it's not a great plan!!!

-You're going to hand him over to Morgan, just like that? Corcho? Do you plan to put a tracker on him at least so you don't lose him, right?-, Fabiana asks.

-We don't have any more of those Fabiana!!!, we haven't received the last order from Japan!!!-, says Adamaris so as not to feel the shame of his boss working with his nails the old-fashioned way without trackers or sophisticated technological equipment. surveillance more than his cunning and his small analog phone because he had resisted buying a smartphone.


-Don't worry Fabiana, you knew me as El Águila!!!, not only am I one of the best private detectives in the city, but I am also the best taxi driver in Chaotic City, I know all the streets, I detour them, and shortcuts like the palm of my hand!!!, it will be impossible for a lady from high society like Priscila Iturralde to outwit me despite driving a Mercedes Benz, I will hand her over to Morgan and I assure you that she will not I will lose track of the parrot, today we will know what is happening and with luck we will find your boss, Mrs. Lucia Bentley, safe and sound!!!


-Thank you very much Corcho!!!- Fabiana told him with a big smile.

Adamaris silently listened and compiled all the information like a computer, analyzing it - so his boss had known Fabiana as The Eagle? That did not agree with the version of how he had found her and the parrot that his boss had told him. early that morning when I returned to the office with the bags of kibble for Backup, the astute secretary thought silently.

-Let's check all the gadgets before the boss leaves!!!- says Adamaris since his boss was sometimes very absent-minded.

-My jacket, my phone, the loaded Cherub!!!- said Corcho after verifying that all the chambers of the old 38 caliber revolver that he inherited from his father had bullets.

-Take a few more just in case.

-I don't have any more Adamaris bullets left, only the ones you know.

-Those should stay here!!! And is your boss's phone charged?

-33% battery.

-Thank goodness we checked, I'll put it on charge while you go and put the full tank on the Red and Black. We don't want it to run out of gas halfway there. Maybe the Iturralde cousins ​​have Mrs. Bentley detained on the outskirts of the town. city.

-The car has half a tank but it is a very good idea Adamaris, what would I do without you?

-Not much boss, not much!!!

Fabiana heard them talking and began to worry. Her great instinct for reading people, which never failed her, had told her that El Águila/Corcho Marcano was a good person, as was his intelligent secretary Adamaris, but it was obvious that Corcho worked counting. With few resources, and the fact that they were both good people did not guarantee the success of the detective's plan, she could not leave everything to chance. If something went wrong, not only would Mrs. Bentley still be missing, but they would also lose Morgan and she couldn't allow it.

Corcho left the office with Backup to go refuel not far away, while Adamaris put his boss's small analog phone on charge and then went down to Turkish Rahib's shop to steal another thermos of his delicious coffee. Fabiana was left alone in the office playing with Morgan to calm him down, telling him that everything would be fine and they would soon find Mrs. Lucia. She trusted Corcho but perhaps she would need a little help from him, so the young woman looks at the modern Adamaris smartphone that she had. left on his desk, he took it in his hands and had a good idea to improve Corcho Marcano's plan.


20 minutes later with everyone gathered back in the office...

Corcho Marcano takes his small, fully charged analog cell phone and calls Priscila Iturralde.


-Good afternoon Priscila!!!

-Good afternoon Corcho!!!

Adamaris immediately noticed that his boss was addressing Miss Iturralde's upturned nose, which was strange coming from him since his boss was always very respectful of his clients.

-I have good news for you, find Morgan, I have him here by my side.

-Thank God, how is the parrot? Give me about 30 minutes and I'll spend it looking around your office.


-I'm not in my office Priscila, I had to follow the maid out of the working-class neighborhood to get Morgan back, the parrot is in perfect condition.

-ok, so what do you propose?

-How about we meet at your aunt's penthouse, I'm not too far away.

-Perfect, I'm going in my car, I'm not far away, in 15 minutes I'll be there.

-Well, Priscila, see you there, I'm on my way.

The part of his plan that Corcho Marcano could not confess to Adamaris and Fabiana was that he was going to try to use the seductive skills that he believed he possessed to get the truth out of Priscila without handing over Morgan, the detective really trusted that his client was not aware of the antics of his two male cousins, and without a doubt the best place to achieve his goal was the penthouse where they had spent the night together.

To be continued...

Capítulos Anteriores:
Necesito un nuevo caso
la cliente, la empleada domestica y el loro
Adamaris, Backup y las maldiciones
La mer
Croquetas para perros y alpiste para aves
La roba loros
El rescate de Morgan
La historia de Lucía Bentley y su loro Morgan
Los primos Iturralde y el negocio
Los primos Iturralde, la herencia y el plan
Debemos hallar al maldito loro francés!!!
El secuestro de Lucia Bentley
No estaba muerto, estaba de parranda!!!

Escrito originalmente en Español, traducido al ingles utilizando Google Traslate.

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