El heredero y la Princesa [5] (BigVERSO)

in blurt-192372 •  2 months ago 

El heredero y la Princesa: La cena

La noche era tranquila y serena en lo mas alto de los cielos la luna alumbraba con su tenue brillo el hermoso castillo del Principado de Kremnica, para agasajar a su invitado de honor la princesa Zenya habia mandado a cazar algunas piezas frescas en los pueblos aledaños bajo sus dominios, el plato principal del heredero eran un par de hermosas y jóvenes gemelas que todavía no habian llegado a la mayoría de edad, con el color del fuego en sus cabelleras unas de las debilidades de su amo que pocos conocían.


Aunque ahora a diferencia de hace 300 años no era una tenebrosa carreta negra arrastrada por corceles del mismo color la encargada de traer los ricos manjares para la cena de gala que se efectuaba esa noche en el castillo, si no poderosas y rápidas camionetas 4x4 blindadas, el heredero del grupo Klausman presidia la cena sentado al a cabecera de la mesa principal con la hermosa Princesa de Kremnica a su lado, compartiendo con sus lacayos, la hermosa Teila que por su parecido físico con la Princesa igualaba en belleza a Zeyna era la única que valía la pena nombrar con sus mas de 260 años y entrenamiento militar podía contar con ella para morir a su lado peleando, el resto era media docena de mancebos y doncellas, ninguno tenía si quiera 40 años de convertido y nunca habian levantado una espada hasta la noche anterior cuando ridículamente Zeyna se empeño en que Mozambique les enseñara a pelear con una.

Roderick Klausman a pesar de tener mas de 400 años como vampiro, ser el nosferatu mas rico del mundo y uno de los no muertos que acumulaba mas poder en esta tierra estaba nervioso aunque no lo aparentaba en lo mas mínimo, tomaba cada tanto un trago de su copa de vino tinto tan rojo como la sangre mientras sonreía escuchando las bromas que la Princesa Zenya y sus vampiros compartían en la mesa para disimular su preocupación.


Esta noche Klausman se jugaba mucho y si se habia equivocado en su estrategia perdería la cabeza estando prácticamente solo al desconvocar a todas sus huestes, junto con el en el salón principal del castillo, solo estaban uno de sus poderosos guardaespaldas gemelos africano Shaka, Monzanbique y Teila que podían dar la pelea, el resto incluyendo a la mimada Princesa de Kremnica no seria de mucha ayuda a la hora de un combate a muerte contra vampiros asesinos que llevaban siglos matando y cazando, -¿ se habrá equivocado el heredero ?-, se preguntaba Shaka en silencio sin perderlo de vista.


Ha esa misma hora en el pequeño aeródromo de la cercana ciudad de Banská Bystrica, el jet privado del grupo Klausman se mantenía en la pista, presto a despegar si el heredero podía llegar hasta el para huir si fuera necesario!!!, en el bar del aeródromo un hombre alto y fornido de un poco mas de 2 metros de altura, pide un ron añejo al barman hablando con un marcado acento portugués, cualquiera hubiera apostado al verlo que era un marino, por su piel tostada que solo podía ser producto de haber navegado abordo de un barco en los mares por muchos años bajo el ardiente sol, el hombre se termina su trago de ron y pide otro sin perder de vista la pista de aterrizaje.


El marino portugués no estaba solo, adentro del bar lo acompañaban 4 hombres, todos tan grandes y corpulentos como el, afuera una docena mas entre mujeres y hombres desperdigados por el aeródromo trataban de pasar desapercibidos bajo el amparo de la noche aguardando ordenes, luego de terminarse su segundo ron, el marino portugués vuelve a echar un vistazo a la pista y al jet privado con la enorme K en un costado, toma un teléfono satelital que uno de sus acompañantes le facilita, marca el único numero que tiene guardado en la memoria para comunicarse, enseguida le atienden del otro lado pero no responden solo escuchan el reporte de Gonzalo «el capitán».


-Completamente despejado mi amo, al menos por el aeropuerto no recibiremos compañía!!!

El marinero portugués cuelga y pide al barman un tercer ron, la noche podría ser larga. Ha varios cientos de kilómetros de allí en un tenebroso castillo negro escondido entre las montañas al otro lado de la frontera norte de Eslovaquia en territorio Polaco 5 helicópteros negros artillados cargan en sus vientres un pequeño ejercito de seres de la noche, que bien podrían hacer el viaje por si solos, pero su amo los quería frescos y descansados para la lucha, cuando estan cargadas las 5 aeronaves se aprestan para despegar, el viaje tomara poco mas de 3 horas a máxima velocidad, llegaran a Kremnica después de que la lechuza ululara y la hora del lobo ya hubiese tomado posesión de la noche!!!, a la cabeza del escuadrón el piloto del helicóptero líder se aproxima lentamente a su ave negra, ya habia combatido antes en el aire cuando derribaba cazas alemanes durante la gran guerra!!!, a su lado lo acompañaba su pequeña hija rubia Simonette.


De vuelta en el Castillo del Principado de Kremnica...

Los minutos pasaban lentamente en la cena de gala en el salón principal, afuera la seguridad exterior a cargo de los soldados humanos del Principado de Kremnica y el equipo comando que siempre viajaba Klausman estaba desplegados cumpliendo sus funciones como si fuese una noche normal de banquete en el castillo, por ordenes directas del heredero no se habia inplementado ningún operativo o medida especial de defensa esa noche, adentro del salón salvo unos pocos guardias y unos filosos sables colgados en las paredes como adorno, solo los guardaespaldas africanos Monzanbique que a pesar de llevar un hermoso vestido de gala llevaba su armas ocultas, al igual que Shaka que a pesar de las ordenes de su padre no pensaba rendirse sin pelear portaba en su cintura luna de las dos añejas y filosas espadas de acero de Damasco que el heredero había comprado en una subasta en Egipto 90 años atrás, su gemela estaba estaba extraviada, luego de una dura batalla en un viejo edificio en ciudad Caótica que exploto y se incendio en llamas, su hermano habia quedado a cargo de encontrarla.


Shaka hubiera preferido contar con su gemelo y con las dos espadas esa noche, por mas de 8 décadas los hermanos de origen africano nacidos de una mujer comprada en la misma subasta que las espadas habian practicado y entrenado desde niños desarrollando un mortal ataque combinado que seria mucho mas letal si actuaban junto a una pareja, Klausman que entrenaba casi a diario con sus dos guardaespaldas conocía la técnica aunque aun no la dominaba a la perfección como sus hijos.


No muy lejos del castillo la pasividad de la tranquila noche es rota por 5 enormes cuervos negros que volaban a máxima velocidad a baja altura esquivando las escarpadas montañas de la cordillera de Kremnica cuando por fin tuvieron el castillo del Principado a la vista los 5 cuervos mecanizados se separaron rodeándolo por los 4 flancos, el helicóptero líder toma altura y se eleva hasta colocarse encima del castillo justo arriba del helipuerto que estaba ubicado en el patio interior del castillo, los soldados del castillo al ver los helicópteros artillados que los rodeaban entraron en alerta roja sonaron las alarmas como se acostumbraba cuando el castillo estaba bajo ataque!!!, en las torres los cañones artillados eran cargados y apuntados en dirección de los helicópteros enemigos para derribarlos.


Claude el piloto del helicóptero líder habla por radio con la torre de comunicaciones del castillo informando del arribo de su amo y señor, de inmediato los soldados del Principado deponen su actitud bajando los cañones artillados, el helicóptero comienza a descender lentamente pero a unos 200 metros del suelo se abren las compuertas laterales y una docena de cuerpos sin alma ni paracaídas se lanzan al vació!!!, la misma operación se repite en los otros cuatros helicópteros que rodeaban el castillo, un par de minutos después en el patio interior aterrizaba sin problemas el señor de los vampiros escoltado por la Princesa rusa, su rubia asesina y amante ademas de otros 8 temibles guerreros. Los soldados humanos abren las puertas permitiéndole el paso sin oponer resistencia alguna, Shaka es informado de inmediato de la llegada del visitante, se acerca a su amo que en ese momento mordía el cuello de la segunda gemela con el cabello tan rojo como la sangre.


-Mi Amo disculpe que lo interrumpa!!!

-¿habla Shaka?.

-Vladic ya esta aquí Señor!!!



*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***

The Heir and the Princess: The Dinner

The night was calm and serene high in the heavens, the moon illuminated with its faint glow the beautiful castle of the Principality of Kremnica, to entertain her guest of honor, Princess Zenya had sent some fresh game to hunt in the surrounding towns under his domains, the heir's main dish was a pair of beautiful, young twins who had not yet come of age, with the color of fire in their hair, one of the weaknesses of his master that few knew about.


Although now, unlike 300 years ago, it was not a dark black cart pulled by steeds of the same color that was in charge of bringing the delicious delicacies for the gala dinner that took place that night in the castle, but rather powerful and fast armored 4x4 trucks, The heir of the Klausman group presided over the dinner sitting at the head of the main table with the beautiful Princess of Kremnica at his side, sharing with his lackeys the beautiful Teila who by Her physical resemblance to the Princess was equal in beauty to Zeyna, she was the only one worth naming, with her being more than 260 years old and with military training, he could count on her to die at his side fighting, the rest were half a dozen young men and maidens, none of them. He was even 40 years old and they had never lifted a sword until the night before when Zeyna ridiculously insisted that Mozambique teach them how to fight with one.

Roderick Klausman, despite having more than 400 years as a vampire, being the richest nosferatu in the world and one of the undead that accumulated the most power on this earth, was nervous although he did not seem it in the least, he took a drink of his glass of red wine as red as blood while he smiled listening to the jokes that Princess Zenya and her vampires shared at the table to hide their concern.


Tonight Klausman had a lot at stake and if he had made a mistake in his strategy he would lose his head being practically alone when he called off all his hosts, along with him in the main hall of the castle, there were only one of his powerful African twin bodyguards Shaka, Monzanbique and Teila who could put up a fight, the rest, including the pampered Princess of Kremnica, would not be of much help when it came to a fight to the death against murderous vampires who had been killing and hunting for centuries. Has the heir made a mistake? - Shaka asked himself silently without losing sight of him.


At that same time at the small airfield in the nearby city of Banská Bystrica, the private jet of the Klausman group remained on the runway, ready to take off if the heir could reach it to escape if necessary!!!, in the bar From the airfield, a tall, burly man, a little over 2 meters tall, asks the bartender for an aged rum, speaking with a marked Portuguese accent. Anyone would have bet upon seeing him that he was a sailor, because of his Tanned skin that could only be the product of having sailed aboard a ship on the seas for many years under the hot sun, the man finishes his drink of rum and orders another without losing sight of the landing strip.


The Portuguese sailor was not alone, inside the bar he was accompanied by 4 men, all as big and corpulent as him, outside a dozen more among women and men scattered around the airfield trying to go unnoticed under the cover of the night awaiting orders, after finishing his second rum, the Portuguese sailor takes another look at the tarmac and the private jet with the huge K on the side, picks up a satellite phone that one One of his companions helps him, he dials the only number he has saved in his memory to communicate, they immediately answer him on the other side but they do not respond, they only listen to the report of Gonzalo "the captain."


-Completely clear my master, at least at the airport we will not receive company!!!

The Portuguese sailor hangs up and asks the bartender for a third rum, the night could be long. Several hundred kilometers from there, in a dark black castle hidden among the mountains on the other side of the northern border of Slovakia in Polish territory, 5 black gunship helicopters carry in their bellies a small army of beings of the night, who could well do the They traveled on their own, but their master wanted them fresh and rested for the fight. When the 5 aircraft are loaded, they prepare to take off. The trip will take just over 3 hours at maximum speed. They arrived in Kremnica after the owl hooted and the hour of the wolf had already taken possession of the night!!!, at the head of the squadron the pilot of the lead helicopter slowly approaches his black bird, he had already fought before in the air When he shot down German fighters during the Great War!!!, he was accompanied by his little blonde daughter Simonette.


Back at the Kremnica Principality Castle...

The minutes passed slowly at the gala dinner in the main hall, outside the external security in charge of the human soldiers of the Principality of Kremnica and the commando team that Klausman always traveled were deployed carrying out their duties as if it were a normal night of banquet in the castle, by direct orders of the heir, no operation or special defense measure had been implemented that night, inside the hall except for a few guards and some sharp sabers hanging on the walls as decoration, only the African bodyguard Monzanbique who despite wearing a beautiful gala dress carried his hidden weapons, like Shaka who despite his father's orders did not intend to surrender without a fight, carried the moon of the two old and sharp steel swords on his waist. of Damascus that the heir had bought at an auction in Egypt 90 years ago, its twin was lost, after a hard battle in an old building in Chaotic city that exploded and caught fire, its brother had been left in charge of finding her.


Shaka would have preferred to have his twin and the two swords that night, for more than 8 decades the brothers of African origin, born of a woman bought at the same auction as the swords, had practiced and trained since they were children, developing a deadly combined attack that would be much more lethal if they acted together with a couple, Klausman, who trained almost daily with his two bodyguards, knew the technique although he had not yet mastered it perfectly like his children.


Not far from the castle, the passivity of the quiet night is broken by 5 enormous black crows that were flying at maximum speed at low altitude, avoiding the steep mountains of the Kremnica mountain range when the 5 mechanized crows finally had the castle of the Principality in sight. They separated, surrounding it on all 4 sides, the lead helicopter took altitude and rose until it was positioned above the castle just above the heliport that was located in the inner courtyard of the castle. castle, the soldiers of the castle, upon seeing the helicopter gunships that surrounded them, went on red alert, the alarms sounded as was customary when the castle was under attack!!!, in the towers the gunship cannons were loaded and pointed in the direction of the enemy helicopters to take them down.


Claude, the pilot of the lead helicopter, speaks by radio with the castle's communications tower reporting the arrival of his master and lord. The soldiers of the Principality immediately abandon their attitude by lowering the artillery cannons. The helicopter begins to descend slowly but at about 200 meters. From the ground the side doors open and a dozen bodies without souls or parachutes are thrown into the void!!!, the same operation is repeated in the other four helicopters that surrounded the castle, a couple of minutes later in The vampire lord landed safely in the inner courtyard, escorted by the Russian Princess, his blonde assassin and lover, as well as 8 other fearsome warriors. The human soldiers open the doors allowing him passage without offering any resistance, Shaka is immediately informed of the visitor's arrival, he approaches his master who at that moment was biting the neck of the second twin with hair as red as blood.


-My Master, excuse me for interrupting you!!!

-Does Shaka speak?

-Vladic is already here Sir!!!


To be continued...

Capitulos Anteriores:
El arribo
El reencuentro
El enemigo
La decisión

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