Caída del cielo [One Shot] (BigVERSO)

in blurt-192372 •  4 days ago 


Caída del cielo

La pequeña, corajuda y valiente teniente Judy Hoops se relajaba un poco disfrutando del hermoso paisaje nocturno de montaña, mientras que el díscolo, lento y glotón de su compañero el Sargento Hernández conducía la patrulla como un experto por la zigzagueante carretera, aprovechando que ya habian terminado su turno de patrullaje en ciudad Caótica se dirigían hacia la Colonia Tovar un pequeño poblado con raíces alemanas donde ademas del paisaje, la arquitectura típica de un pueblo bávaro y el clima frío propio de montaña, se degustaba ricos platos típicos de ese país, con el plus que que casi la totalidad de la oferta gastronómica del pueblo era preparada con productos frescos provenientes de los huertos y granjas de la localidad.


El Sargento Hernández con su enorme gula era un cazador de nuevos restaurantes no solo dentro de los linderos de ciudad Caótica su experticía se extendía también a sus alrededores, alguien le habia comentado sobre la rica comida que servían en un nuevo restaurante en la Colonia Tovar, el «Familienrestaurant Bauer» y simplemente tenía que probarla.


No hizo falta insistirle mucho a su compañera para convencerla de que lo acompañase, la teniente Hoops que en los actuales momentos estaba involucrada en una apasionada relación con su novio tenía la noche libre, Juan Camilo le habia anunciado mas temprano ese día que en la noche tendría su acostumbrada partida de poker bimensual con sus 4 mejores amigos de la infancia, así que como no tenía que llegar temprano al apartamento de su novio donde pernoctaba varias noches a la semana y tampoco quiso quedarse sola viendo alguna serie de CATFLIX decidio aceptar la invitacion de su compañero de luchas para probar algo de la deliciosa comida alemana y disfrutar también del paisaje de montaña, no era la primera vez que la policía rubia subía a la Colonia Tovar.

Cuando faltaba poco para llegar al pueblo el Sargento Hernández saca un tema de conversación que tenía pendiente con su compañera.

-Teniente Hoops, esta escapada a las montañas no solo es para que visitemos la Colonia Tovar y probemos la comida del restaurante que me recomendaron, también quería hablarle de otra cosa mas importante.


-¿Que sera esa cosa mas importante?, habla te escucho Hernández soy toda oídos!!!-, dijo con interés la diminuta teniente.

-Es que estoy enamorado !!!

-Mmmm ya era hora compañero de que te fijaras en alguien ¿ quien es la chica?

-Es una linda mujer rubia que conocí en el veterinario donde lleve al perro de mi abuela la semana pasada, la joven tiene un gato.


-No me lo tomes a mal Hernández, pero las Karlas de este mundo que viven con gatos no son fáciles de enamorar, les preocupan mas sus gatos que las personas.

-Bueno esta no se llama Karla, se acaba de divorciar y aunque se ve a simple vista que quiere mucho a su gato, ya que el animal no estaba enfermo solo lo llevo a un chequeo rutinario.

-Jejeje, te lo dije.

-Scheeeeeeeeeeeeck!!!-, el Sargento Hernández pisa los frenos de improviso, siendo un habil conductor justo a tiempo para evitar atropellar a una joven muchacha que salió de la nada en frente a la patrulla en el medio de la carretera, como si hubiera caído del cielo!!!, la chica estaba mal herida y apenas se sostenía en pie, con la impresión de casi ser atropellada la muchacha termino por desmayarse, la Teniente Hoops se bajo disparada para auxiliarla, al llegar a su lado se dio cuenta que la chica tenía el vestido rasgado, varios moretones y heridas en varias partes del cuerpo, era apreciable que tenía al menos un brazo roto, tal vez alguna costilla también, la Teniente mira a su alrededor y parecía que habia caído y rodado por la ladera, sin duda se llevo un golpe muy duro al caer de tan alto, Hernández ya al lado de su compañera pregunta por la muchacha!!!.

-¿Como esta la chica Teniente?.

-Muy mal herida Hernández, ¿que tan lejos estamos de la Colonia Tovar?

-A menos de 5 minutos Teniente.

-Hernández ayúdame a llevarla a la patrulla, no quiero perder mas tiempo, tiene varios cortes y esta sangrando no podemos sentarnos a esperar que llegue una ambulancia estando tan cerca del pueblo.

Cuando se pusieron en marcha la Teniente miraba hacia arriba, preguntándose ¿como diablos se habia caído la joven desde la ladera?.

A esa misma hora en la Colonia Tovar

Agna Bauer vistiendo un tradicional traje de Baviera servia unas cervezas en el restaurante familiar que habian abierto sus padres recientemente, aunque la joven tenía un trabajo fijo bien remunerado en «El Centro», no podía negarse a ayudar a sus padres cuando alguna mesonera faltaba de improviso a su turno, cuando regreso a la cocina su madre le pide un favor.


-Agna hazme el favor de llevarle este plato de comida a tu hermano.

-¿Y que le paso a Matias, no pudo venir a cenar aquí?

-Esta noche esta de guardia en la clínica, tal vez se presento algún inconveniente.

La joven toma la bolsa con la comida y se va caminando hasta la clínica, al llegar ve un auto de policía estacionado al frente rápidamente se da cuenta que no es una patrulla de la policía local, cuando entro a la clínica su hermano Matias que era medico corría junto con la enfermera estaban atendiendo a alguien en la sala de emergencias, también estaban presentes una pequeña oficial de policía rubia y su compañero un hombre alto y guapo esperaban a que atendieran al paciente que habian traído, como no habia nadie a quien dejarle la comida Agna también tuvo que esperar a que su hermano o la enfermera se desocuparan.


Unos minutos después regreso su hermano y hablo con los oficiales.

-La chica esta muy lastimada, varios raspones y laceraciones, ademas de un brazo y un par de costillas rotas, ya detuve la hemorragia, pero esta fuera de peligro, se recuperara.


-Muchas gracias doctor, la encontramos tirada en la carretera no muy lejos del pueblo, ¿usted es de aquí?, ¿pudo reconocerla?-, pregunta Hernández

-Soy oriundo del pueblo, pero no logre reconocer a la chica, ¿saben como se lastimo?

-Parece que se cayo de una ladera-, dijo Hoops.


-Mmmm tal vez sea una turista, hay un par de hoteles subiendo la montaña, hay una clinica con Spa, ademas se alquilan cabañas privadas en la zona, quizás salio a pasear por el bosque se perdió, resbalo y cayo por una ladera, voy a llamar al comisario del pueblo para que venga de inmediato y le haga seguimiento al caso, cuando la joven recobre la conciencia podrá decirnos que paso, por lo pronto la he sedado para que duerma un poco y resista el dolor oficiales.


-Muchas gracias doctor nos retiramos-, dijeron ambos policías antes de salir de la clínica.


Agna espero a que los policías salieran para hablar con su hermano que mientras llamaba a la estación de policías para dar parte de lo sucedido al comisario, cuando colgó el teléfono, su hermana le entrego su plato de comida.

-Te lo envía mama, ¿que paso?

-Como siempre era otra noche tranquila ya estaba por ir al restaurante a comer cuando llegaron esos policías de ciudad Caótica con una chica muy lastimada, parece que se cayo de una ladera y ellos la recogieron en la carretera.

-¿Es alguien del pueblo?

-¿No me oíste cuando hable con los oficiales?, esa mujer no es de la Colonia Tovar.

Agna debió marcharse de vuelta al restaurante pero mas pudo su curiosidad entro a la sala de emergencias para ver a la chica lesionada.


-Matías ven rápido!!!-, grito la joven, su hermano entra un minuto después.

-¿Que paso Agna?, ¿la conoces?

-Si la he visto antes, esta joven es una paciente de «el centro».


*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***


fall from the sky

The small, courageous and brave Lieutenant Judy Hoops relaxed a little enjoying the beautiful night mountain landscape, while the wayward, slow and gluttonous of her partner Sergeant Hernández led the patrol like an expert along the zigzagging road, taking advantage of the fact that they had already After their patrol shift in Chaotic City, they headed towards Colonia Tovar, a small town with German roots where, in addition to the landscape, the typical architecture of a Bavarian town and the cold mountain climate, they could taste delicious typical dishes from that country, with The plus is that almost all of the town's gastronomic offering was prepared with fresh products from the local orchards and farms.


Sergeant Hernández with his enormous gluttony was a hunter of new restaurants not only within the boundaries of Chaotic City, his expertise also extended to its surroundings, someone had told him about the delicious food they served in a new restaurant in Colonia Tovar, the "Familienrestaurant Bauer" and he simply had to try it.


It was not necessary to insist much to his partner to convince her to accompany him, Lieutenant Hoops who was currently involved in a passionate relationship with her boyfriend had the night free, Juan Camilo She had announced earlier that day that in the evening she would have her usual bi-monthly poker game with her 4 best childhood friends, so since she didn't have to arrive early at her boyfriend's apartment where she spent the night several nights a week and she didn't want to either Staying alone watching some CATFLIX series, she decided to accept the invitation of her fellow fighter to try some of the delicious German food and also enjoy the mountain landscape. It was not the first time that the blonde police went up to Colonia Tovar.

When there was little left to reach the town, Sergeant Hernández brought up a topic of conversation that he had pending with his partner.

-Lieutenant Hoops, this getaway to the mountains is not only for us to visit Colonia Tovar and try the food at the restaurant that was recommended to me, I also wanted to talk to you about something else more important.


-What will be the most important thing? Talk, I'm listening to you, Hernández, I'm all ears!!! - the tiny lieutenant said with interest.

-I'm in love!!!

-Mmmm it's about time mate that you noticed someone, who is the girl?

-She is a pretty blonde woman that I met at the vet where I took my grandmother's dog last week, the young woman has a cat.


-Don't take this the wrong way, Hernández, but the Karlas of this world who live with cats are not easy to fall in love with, they care more about their cats than people.

-Well, her name is not Karla, she just got divorced and although it is clear at first glance that she loves her cat very much, the animal was not sick, she just took it for a routine check-up.

-Hehehe, I told you.

-Scheeeeeeeeeeeeck!!!-, Sergeant Hernández suddenly hits the brakes, being a skilled driver just in time to avoid hitting a young girl who appeared out of nowhere in front of the patrol car in the middle of the road, as if there were fallen from the sky!!!, the girl was badly injured and was barely standing, with the impression of almost being run over the girl ended up fainting, Lieutenant Hoops rushed down to help her, when she reached her side she realized that The girl had her dress torn, several bruises and wounds in various parts of her body, it was noticeable that she had at least one broken arm, perhaps a rib as well, the Lieutenant looked around and it seemed that she had fallen and rolled down the slope, Without a doubt, he took a very hard blow when he fell from such a height. Hernández, already next to his partner, asks about the girl!!!

-How is the girl Lieutenant?

-Hernández is very badly injured, how far are we from Colonia Tovar?

-Less than 5 minutes Lieutenant.

-Hernández, help me take her to the patrol, I don't want to waste any more time, she has several cuts and is bleeding, we can't sit and wait for an ambulance to arrive being so close to the town.

When they set off, the Lieutenant looked up, wondering how the hell the young woman had fallen from the slope?

At that same time in Colonia Tovar

Agna Bauer, wearing a traditional Bavarian dress, served some beers in the family restaurant that her parents had recently opened. Although the young woman had a well-paid permanent job at "El Centro", she could not refuse to help her parents when a waitress was missing. He improvised on his turn, when he returned to the kitchen his mother asked her for a favor.


-Agna, do me the favor of taking this plate of food to your brother.

-And what happened to Matias, couldn't he come to dinner here?

-Tonight he is on duty at the clinic, perhaps there will be some problem.

The young woman takes the bag with the food and walks to the clinic. When she arrives she sees a police car parked in front. She quickly realizes that it is not a local police patrol. When her brother Matias entered the clinic, he was The doctor was running along with the nurse, they were treating someone in the emergency room. Also present were a small blonde police officer and her partner, a tall, handsome man, waiting for the patient they had brought to be treated, as there was no one to leave him to. Agna also had to wait for her brother or the nurse to get ready for food.


A few minutes later his brother returned and spoke with the officers.

-The girl is very hurt, several scrapes and lacerations, in addition to an arm and a couple of broken ribs, I have already stopped the bleeding, but she is out of danger, she will recover.


-Thank you very much, doctor, we found her lying on the road not far from the town. Are you from here? Could you recognize her?-, Hernández asks.

-I'm from the town, but I couldn't recognize the girl. Do you know how she got hurt?

-Looks like he fell off a hillside-, Hoops said.


-Mmmm, maybe she is a tourist, there are a couple of hotels up the mountain, there is a clinic with a Spa, and private cabins are also rented in the area, maybe she went for a walk in the forest, got lost, slipped and fell down a slope, I'm going to call the town commissioner to come immediately and follow up on the case, when the young woman regains consciousness she will be able to tell us what happened, for now I have sedated her so that she can sleep a little and resist the pain officers.


-Thank you very much, doctor, we are leaving-, said both police officers before leaving the clinic.


Agna waited for the police to leave to talk to her brother, who while he was calling the police station to report what happened to the commissioner, when he hung up the phone, his sister gave him his plate of food.

-Mom sent it to you, what happened?

-As always it was another quiet night, I was about to go to the restaurant to eat when those police officers from Chaotic City arrived with a very injured girl, it seems that she fell from a hillside and they picked her up on the road.

-Is it someone from the town?

-Did you not hear me when I spoke to the officers? That woman is not from Colonia Tovar.

Agna had to go back to the restaurant but her curiosity got the better of her and she entered the emergency room to see the injured girl.


-Matías come quickly!!!-, the young woman shouted, her brother entered a minute later.

-What happened Agna? Do you know her?

-If I have seen her before, this young woman is a patient from "the center".


Escrito originalmente en Español, traducido al ingles utilizando Google Traslate.

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