A Christmas Story (One Shot)

in blurt-192372 •  2 months ago 


Un regalo de navidad para un viejo gruñón

La pequeña Susana junto a sus padres se mudaron a un nuevo pueblo a principios de diciembre, aunque la niña no conocía a nadie como era muy alegre y despierta rápidamente hizo amigos no solo en la escuela si no también en su calle, tanto los adultos y los demás niños de su barrio eran muy amable y atentos, 2 semanas antes de la Navidad ya todos los vecinos habian decorado sus casas con luces, guirnaldas, figuras de Santa, los renos y muñecos de nieve a excepción de la casa del viejo gruñón.


El vecino de la calle del frente de Susana era un anciano mal humorado que vivía solo desde hace tanto tiempo que ya nadie en el barrio recordaba la última vez que lo vieron sonreír, a pocos días antes de navidad Susana jugaba en la calle con otros niños, alguien pateo su balón tan fuerte que cayo en el jardín del viejo gruñón, la niña entro a recuperarlo aunque los otros niños le advirtieron que no lo hiciera!!!, ella no les hizo caso, salto la cerca y cuando estaba a punto de tomar su balón apareció el viejo gruñón, le grito regañándola por entrar a su propiedad sin permiso, Susana trato de explicarle que solo venia por su balón y el cruel anciano lo arranco de sus manos y lo desinflo.


Susana no se enojo mucho, era una niña de buen corazón tal vez habia hecho mal al entrar sin permiso, de regreso a su casa le contó a sus padres lo sucedido entonces su Mama le advirtió que lo mejor era alejarse del viejo gruñón, su Padre le contó a la niña la historia que habia escuchado de los otros vecinos, el viejo gruñón no tenía familia, su esposa y sus hijos lo habían abandonado por su crueldad y mal humor, vivía amargado, no saludaba o hablaba con nadie, y odiaba a todo el mundo, y jamas decoraba su casa en diciembre y tampoco celebraba la navidad!!!


A Susana le pareció aquella historia muy triste, pensó que quizás al viejo gruñón no estaba amargado sino solo y triste, por que le faltaba un poco de amor, no tenía a nadie que lo abrazara, conversara con el, o sonriera y peor aun nadie que le diera un regalo para navidad!!!, la pequeña Susana inocentemente pensó que tal vez como su casa no estaba decorada ni tenía luces a Santa Claus se le olvidaba pasar por ella dejándole un obsequio, la niña asomada a la ventana viendo la triste casa de su vecino sonrió cuando ideo un plan en su cabeza para cambiar las cosas.


La noche de la víspera de Navidad, luego de colocar un vaso de leche con unas galletas que ella misma habia ayudado a su madre a cocinar junto a su árbol para Santa Claus, Susana les dio las buenas noches a sus padres y se retiro a su habitación pero no a dormir, guardo varias cosas que habia preparado en su mochila y espero un buen rato hasta que sus padres se hubieran quedado dormidos, entonces se escabullo de su casa y cruzo la calle rumbo a la casa del viejo gruñón.


La primera parte de su plan fue sencilla, afuera de la casa de su vecino coloco un juego de luces y un pequeño Rudolf que al conectarlo al toma corriente encendía su nariz roja!!!, con eso no debería tener ningún problema Santa Claus para encontrar la casa!!! pensó, la segunda parte de su plan seria un poco mas complicada, tuvo que buscar una ventana que estuviera abierta para poder entrar, cuando la consiguió entro sigilosamente en la fría y oscura sala del viejo gruñón, sobre una mesa coloco un pequeño árbol de navidad, sirvió dos vasos de leche uno para Santa y otro para el viejo Gruñón,y coloco 12 galletas sobre un plato para que Santa Claus las compartiera con el dueño de la casa, la niña esperaba que el glotón de Santa no se las comiera todas, ademas de una hermosa tarjeta navideña como regalo para el viejo Gruñón.


Luego de esto la pequeña Susana regreso a su casa y durmió el resto de la noche feliz, a la mañana siguiente se despertó y corrió hasta su árbol que estaba repleto de regalos, Santa habia venido!!!, no solo los regalos lo demostraban, el vaso de leche estaba vacio y no quedaba ni una sola de sus galletas en el plato, luego de abrir sus regalos Susana paso todo el día vigilando por la ventana pero ni rastros del viejo gruñón, parecía que su plan no habia funcionado!!!


A pesar de ello mas tarde ese día cuando ayudo a su madre a preparar la mesa para la cena navideña, ella coloco un plato extra, cuando su madre le pregunto -¿para quien era?-, Susana le respondió, -invite a un viejo amigo a cenar!!!-. A las 8 de la noche asomada a la ventana Susana vigilaba la casa de su vecino pero el señor Gruñón no estaba, las luces seguían apagadas, solo el juego de luces y la nariz brillante el pequeño Rudolf que habia colocado la noche anterior alumbraban la vieja casa de su vecino, cuando su madre la llamo a comer, la pequeña Susana creyó que habia fallado!!!


Susana estaba sentada a la mesa junto a sus padres a punto de empezar a comer, -ding, dong!!!-, sonó el timbre de la puerta y la niña salió disparada a abrir la puerta, cuando la abrió allí estaba el viejo gruñón con una enorme sonrisa y cargado de regalos, la niña salto a sus brazos y ambos se fundieron en un lindo abrazo, luego de pasar a la casa se presento, su nombre era John Smith, pero ya no recordaba cuando fue la última vez que alguien lo llamo por su nombre ya que todos en el barrio se referían a el como el viejo gruñón!!!


Pero admitió eso había sido su culpa, les contó su triste historia, habia olvidado lo que era la alegría cuando se quedo solo, hace muchos años su hijo mayor John Jr. murió en la guerra, su hija menor Elizabeth que estudiaba en la universidad al poco tiempo murió en un lamentable accidente de trafico, luego de eso su bella esposa Beth no pudo aguantar el dolor y la pena por la perdida de sus dos adorados hijos, muriendo de tristeza poco tiempo después dejándolo completamente solo en el mundo!!!, el se escudo entonces detrás de su amargura formando una coraza alrededor que no le permitía entrar a nadie, olvido lo que era sonreír, disfrutar de la compañía de las personas, la navidad le enojaba sobre manera porque era la fecha en los que todos se reunían con sus familia para compartir y como el no tenía una nunca mas la celebro!!!


Pero esa mañana cuando despertó y bajo a su sala, se encontro con el obsequio de la pequeña Susana y gracias a eso recordó lo que significaba realmente la Navidad, más allá de las decoraciones, el árbol, los regalos, y la comida, lo que importaba realmente en Navidad era compartir con tus seres queridos, la familia, los amigos, la gente que significaba algo para ti, así que se arreglo, se monto en su viejo auto y condujo hasta el cementerio del pueblo para visitar las tumbas de su esposa y sus dos hijos que hace muchos años por su tristeza y amargura no visitaba, les llevo unas hermosas flores y paso varias horas allí sentado recordándolos.


Luego condujo hasta el centro del pueblo para comprar algunos regalos para Susana, pero tenía tantos años que no lo hacia que no recordó la locura de la gente por las compras navideñas, por eso habia llegado un poco tarde, los padres de Susana se avergonzaron por juzgar de manera precipitada al señor Smith, dejándose guiar por los rumores y las historias que el resto de los vecinos del barrio contaban de el, pero gracias a su pequeña hija pudieron escuchar su verdadera historia, a partir de ese momento todos sonrieron y disfrutaron de una rica cena navideña en paz y en familia.


Cuando terminaron de cenar la pequeña Susana fue a abrir los obsequios que el viejo señor Smith le habia traído, varias muñecas, juguetes y un balón como el que le habia desinflado!!!.

-Me disculpo por lo del balón Susana.


-No se preocupe señor Smith, muchas gracias por todos los obsequios.

-Solo tengo una pregunta que hacerte Susana, y no estoy enojado pero dime ¿donde encontraste la foto?.

-¿Cual foto señor Smith?.

-Al lado del vaso de leche y las galletas, debajo de la tarjeta que me regalaste estaba una foto de mi familia, de la última navidad que pasamos todos juntos antes de que John Jr. se enrolara en el ejercito, recuerdo que yo tome la foto, creí que se habia perdido para siempre tenía mas de 30 años que no la veía, me tuve que sentar de la emoción sus sonrisas me recordaron lo mucho que disfrutábamos estar juntos durante la Navidad!!!


La pequeña Susana se quedo pensativa, ella no habia puesto ninguna foto, solo los dos vasos de leche, las galletas y la tarjeta!!!, así que le pregunto:

-¿Señor Smith cuantas galletas habian en el plato?

-Mmmm, solo dos!!!

-Ese glotón!!!, señor Smith esa foto que estaba perdida solo pudo encontrala Santa Claus y la recupero como su regalo de navidad!!!



*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***


A Christmas gift for a grumpy old man

Little Susana and her parents moved to a new town at the beginning of December, although the girl did not know anyone, as she was very cheerful and alert, she quickly made friends not only at school but also on her street, both adults and The other children in his neighborhood were very friendly and attentive, 2 weeks before Christmas all the neighbors had already decorated their houses with lights, garlands, figures of Santa, reindeer and snowmen except for the grumpy old man's house.


The neighbor across the street from Susana was a grumpy old man who had lived alone for so long that no one in the neighborhood remembered the last time they saw him smile. A few days before Christmas, Susana was playing in the street with other children. , someone kicked his ball so hard that it fell into the grumpy old man's garden, the girl went in to retrieve it even though the other children warned her not to do it!!!, she didn't listen to them, she jumped over the fence and when she was about to take his ball the old man appeared Grumpy, he yelled at her, scolding her for entering his property without permission. Susana tried to explain that she was only coming for her ball and the cruel old man ripped it out of her hands and deflated it.


Susana did not get very angry, she was a good-hearted girl, perhaps she had done wrong by entering without permission. On returning home she told her parents what had happened, then her mother warned her that it was best to stay away from the grumpy old man, her father. He told the girl the story he had heard from the other neighbors, the grumpy old man had no family, his wife and children had abandoned him because of his cruelty and bad mood, he lived bitterly, he did not greet or talk to anyone, and he hated everyone. everyone, and never decorated his house in December and he didn't celebrate Christmas either!!!


Susana found that story very sad, she thought that perhaps the grumpy old man was not bitter but alone and sad, because he lacked a little love, he had no one to hug him, talk to him, or smile and even worse nobody to give her a gift for Christmas!!!, little Susana innocently thought that maybe since her house was not decorated or had lights, Santa Claus forgot to stop by her leaving her a gift, the girl was looking out the window watching the sad house His neighbor smiled as he came up with a plan in his head to change things.


On the night of Christmas Eve, after placing a glass of milk with some cookies that she had helped her mother cook next to her tree for Santa Claus, Susana said goodnight to her parents and retired to her home. room but not to sleep, he put several things that he had prepared in his backpack and waited a long time until his parents had fallen asleep, then he slipped out of his house and crossed the street towards the grumpy old man's house.


The first part of his plan was simple, outside his neighbor's house he placed a set of lights and a little Rudolf that when plugged into the outlet lit up his red nose!!!, with that he should have no problem finding Santa Claus. the house!!! He thought, the second part of his plan would be a little more complicated, he had to look for a window that was open to enter, when he got it he quietly entered the cold and dark room of the grumpy old man, on a table he placed a small Christmas tree , she poured two glasses of milk, one for Santa and the other for old Grumpy, and placed 12 cookies on a plate for Santa Claus to share with the owner of the house, the girl hoped that gluttonous Santa would not eat them all, plus a beautiful Christmas card as a gift for old Grumpy.


After this, little Susana returned to her house and slept the rest of the night happily, the next morning she woke up and ran to her tree that was full of gifts, Santa had come!!!, not only the gifts showed it, The glass of milk was empty and not a single one of her cookies was left on the plate. After opening her gifts, Susana spent the whole day watching out the window but there was no sign of the grumpy old man, it seemed that her plan had not worked!!!


Despite this, later that day when she helped her mother prepare the table for Christmas dinner, she placed an extra plate. When her mother asked her - who was it for? - Susana replied, - I invited an old man. friend to dinner!!!-. At 8 at night, leaning out of the window, Susana watched her neighbor's house but Mr. Grumpy was not there, the lights were still off, only the play of lights and the bright nose of little Rudolf that she had placed the night before illuminated the old house. her neighbor's house, when her mother called her to eat, little Susana thought she had failed!!!


Susana was sitting at the table next to her parents about to start eating, -ding, dong!!!-, the doorbell rang and the girl ran out to open the door, when she opened it there was the grumpy old man. With a huge smile and loaded with gifts, the girl jumped into his arms and they both melted into a nice hug. After passing by the house he introduced himself, his name was John Smith, but he couldn't remember the last time someone I call him by his name since everyone in the neighborhood They referred to him as the grumpy old man!!!


But he admitted that it had been his fault, he told them his sad story, he had forgotten what joy was when he was left alone, many years ago his eldest son John Jr. died in the war, his youngest daughter Elizabeth who was studying at the university at Shortly after he died in an unfortunate traffic accident, after that his beautiful wife Beth could not bear the pain and sorrow for the loss of her two beloved children, dying of sadness shortly after, leaving him completely alone in the world!!! He then shielded himself behind his bitterness. forming a shell around him that did not allow anyone to enter, he forgot what it was like to smile, enjoy the company of people, Christmas made him extremely angry because it was the date when everyone got together with their families to share and how I didn't have one, I never celebrated it again!!!


But that morning when he woke up and went down to his living room, he found little Susana's gift and thanks to that he remembered what Christmas really meant, beyond the decorations, the tree, the gifts, and the food, what What really mattered at Christmas was sharing with your loved ones, family, friends, people who meant something to you, so he got ready, got into his old car and drove to the town cemetery to visit his wife's graves. and his two children who for many years, due to his sadness and bitterness did not visit, I brought them some beautiful flowers and spent several hours sitting there remembering them.


Then he drove to the center of town to buy some gifts for Susana, but he was so old that he didn't remember how crazy people were about Christmas shopping, that's why he had arrived a little late, Susana's parents were embarrassed by it. hastily judged Mr. Smith, letting himself be guided by the rumors and stories that the rest of the neighborhood residents told about him, but thanks to his little daughter they were able to hear his true story, from that moment on everyone smiled and enjoyed a Delicious Christmas dinner in peace and with family.


When they finished dinner, little Susana went to open the gifts that old Mr. Smith had brought her, several dolls, toys and a ball like the one he had deflated for her!!!

-I apologize for the ball, Susana.


-Don't worry Mr. Smith, thank you very much for all the gifts.

-I only have one question to ask you, Susana, and I'm not angry, but tell me, where did you find the photo?

-Which photo, Mr. Smith?

-Next to the glass of milk and cookies, under the card you gave me was a photo of my family, from the last Christmas we all spent together before John Jr. enlisted in the army, I remember that I took the photo, I thought it had been lost forever. I hadn't seen it in more than 30 years. I had to sit down with emotion. Their smiles reminded me of how much we enjoyed being together during Christmas!!!


Little Susana was thoughtful, she had not posted any photos, only the two glasses of milk, the cookies and the card!!!, so she asked her:

-Mr. Smith, how many cookies were on the plate?

-Mmmm, only two!!!

-That glutton!!!, Mr. Smith, that photo that was lost was only found by Santa Claus and he recovered it as his Christmas gift!!!



Escrito originalmente en español, traducido al ingles utilizando Google Traslate.

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