Gutiérrez [One Shot] (BigVERSO)

in blurt-192372 •  3 months ago 

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El roomie

Gutiérrez estaba sentado en su cubículo frente a su computador simulando que trabajaba, era día viernes, ya al final de la tarde, estaba solo en la oficina sus compañeros de trabajo ya se habian marchado, pero su jefe el señor Piedragris le había encomendado que redactara un informe de último minuto, el cual tendría que regresar a terminar mañana por que esa noche tenía una importante cita que no pensaba perderse por nada del mundo. En esos momentos Gutiérrez estaba observando el reloj colgado en la pared esperando que marcara las 6 PM para salir corriendo de la oficina, pero como todo buen godínez era victima de una paradoja del espacio tiempo que padecían todos los viernes los empleados de oficina cuando faltaban pocos minutos para cumplirse su horario de trabajo, el puto reloj se detenía y a veces lo podría jurar Gutiérrez o cualquier otro godínez la manecilla del segundero en vez de avanzar echaba para atrás, cuando por fin el reloj marco las 6 en punto de la tarde pego un salto y grito:

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-Gutiérrez!!!-, grito su jefe desde su oficina tres segundos después, Gutiérrez apago su computador recogió sus cosas y camino hacia la oficina de su jefe.

-Jefe ya me voy!!!.

-¿Termino el informe?

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-No jefe, pero como ya le dije mas temprano tengo que llevar a mi mama al medico, las cita es a las 7 de la noche apenas tengo tiempo.

-Su madre siempre esta delicada de salud cuídela mucho Gutiérrez, puede retirarse pero mañana lo quiero a primera hora sentado en su cubículo terminando ese informe ¿ me oyó ?

-Cuente con ello señor Piedragris nos vemos mañana, bye.

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Gutiérrez corrió hasta el ascensor por suerte se abrieron las puertas nada mas lo llamo, durante el minuto que duró el descenso hasta la planta baja reviso la hora en su teléfono 5 veces, 6:05 PM apenas tenía tiempo, en planta baja saludo a Asdrúbal el vigilante y corrió afuera del edificio necesitaba tomar un bus hasta su casa, pero primero necesitaba comprar un par de cosas para la cita de estudio que tenía con la bella Sofie Piedragris la hija de su jefe en su apartamento.

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La joven le habia pedido su ayuda una vez mas para estudiar para un importante examen en la universidad, Gutiérrez era un duro para las matemáticas financieras, pero si quería tener suerte esta noche debía crear el ambiente, unos tacos y unas enchiladas, la comida mexicana favorita de Sofie según habia averiguado estalkeando sus redes sociales y una botella de vino rosado harían el trabajo, ademas de que se enteró que habia terminado hace poco con el greñudo rastafari con el que salía.

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Cuando lo tuvo todo consigo abordo un autobús con rumbo a su edificio eran las 6:35 PM, si el chofer del bus se apresuraba llegaría a tiempo para recibir a Sofie habian acordado que llegara a las 7 de la noche. Gutiérrez hacia tiempo revisando la comida, pudo darse el lujo de comprar los tacos en el mejor restaurante mexicano del centro cerca de su oficina y una botella cara de vino, tenía algo de dinero extra, aunque no era por el miserable aumento de sueldo que le dio su jefe el señor Piedragris si no porque habia alquilado la habitación vacia de su pequeño apartamento para mejorar su economía, su roomie era un hombre unos años mas joven que el, según le contó ex jefe de policía en un pequeño pueblo perdido llamado San Casimirito que estaba a varias horas de viaje de ciudad Caótica, tenía solo 3 semanas viviendo en su apartamento, salía mucho de noche y llegaba de madrugada, pero hasta los momentos no habian tenido ningún contratiempo mayor con su roomie, aunque era muy confianzudo y lo llamaba por su nombre de pila desde el primer día.

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Esta noche Gutiérrez no quería que lo molestase así que esa mañana antes de marcharse a trabajar le advirtió que vendría una chica al apartamento en la noche y que necesitaba que se esfumara, su roomie le dijo que no se preocupara que esa noche volvería a salir ya que el también tenía un evento importante, menos mal pensó Gutiérrez hubiera sido muy incomodo avanzar con Sofie teniendo a su roomie metido de cabeza entre ellos. Cuando se bajo del bus verifico la hora 6:55 PM estaba a tiempo corrió hasta su edificio pudo ver que Sofie no estaba abajo esperándolo, verifico una vez mas la horas 7 PM, para no tener que volver a bajar decidió esperarla en la entrada, 20 minutos después la chica no aparecía, verifico su teléfono por si le habia enviado un mensaje pero no habia ninguno, decidió subir tal vez sufrió un percance y venia en camino.

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3 minutos después cuando abrió la puerta de su apartamento primero escucho las risas y luego los vio a los dos sentados en el sofá muy contentos, su roomie devoraba un plato de galletas de chocolate que la chica habia traído seguramente para el.

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-Hola Gutierritos!!!-, dijo Sofie sonriendo.

-Hola Manuel!!!, le dijo también sonriendo el caradura de su roomie

-Hola Sofie ¿ quien te abrió, como subiste ?

-Llegue temprano tu roomie estaba asomado en el balcón me reconoció y bajo a abrirme-, ¿como diablos la reconocio? se pregunto Gutiérrez si jamas la habia visto!!!, pero enseguida obtuvo la respuesta.

-No me habías dicho que tenias una foto mia en tu cuarto Gutierritos!!!-, el godínez sonrío ideando una excusa rápida para salir del atolladero.

-Si es una foto de la oficina, del cumpleaños de Susanita el mes pasado, ¿ no lo recuerdas ?, tome varias fotos e imprimí la mas bonita donde salíamos todos juntos abrazados comiendo pastel!!!-, era una mentira tenía una foto grande enmarcada solamente de Sofie que le habia tomado sin que ella se diera cuenta.

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-Estas galletas de chocolate están deliciosas Sofie!!!-, dijo su roomie que seguia devorando las galletas.

-Muchas gracias las prepare yo misma, Gutierritos déjame te ayudo con esas bolsas!!!-, la chica se levanto del sofá y se llevo la comida a la cocina.

Gutiérrez camino hasta la cocina y se asomo para asegurarse que Sofie siguiera ocupada con la comida luego regreso a la sala.

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Estaba que le explotaba la bilis de la rabia, el confianzudo de su roomie no solo se habia metido a su cuarto sin su permiso si no que estuvo a punto de dejarlo en evidencia con Sofie por la foto, y ademas se devoraba sin compasión las gallletas de chocolate que Sofie trajo para el, pero debía calmarse la chica no debía enterarse que esta molesto.

-¿Que demonios haces aquí?, ¿acaso no te pedí que te esfumaras esta noche?

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-Cálmate Manuel, me voy en un rato, ¿ no me digas que te enojaste porque le baje abrir a Sofie ?, ¿ que querías que hiciera que la dejará allá abajo sola ?, esta ciudad es muy peligrosa y mas para una joven tan linda como ella!!!-, Gutiérrez respiro profundo, su roomie tenía razón.

Sofie regresaba a la sala con los tacos servidos en un plato.

-¿Gutierritos porque no me dijiste que tenias un roomie tan guapo?-, Gutiérrez sonreía disimulando pero quería matar a su roomie en esos momentos.

-Ring,ring,ring!!!-, el smartphone del roomie repico este reviso la pantalla y se puso de pie.

-Bueno muchachos ya debo marcharme.

-¿Porque no te quedas un rato mas y cenas con nosotros?,¿ que te parece Gutierritos?.

-Si si quédate!!!-, mentía Gutiérrez que le hacia señas a su roomie para que se largara sin que Sofie lo viera.

-Jejeje, lo siento mucho Sofie pero ya tenía un compromiso previo, será para la próxima, ha sido un placer conocerte, espero que disfruten sus tacos y aprendas mucho en tu sesión de estudios, voy a mi cuarto por mi chaqueta y las llaves de mi moto!!!

El roomie camino hasta su habitación y salió un par de minutos después despidiéndose con una sonrisa cuando salía del apartamento.

-Adios y gracias Juan!!!-, dijo Sofie.

-Me disculpas un momento Sofie tengo que hablar con el-, dijo Gutiérrez que salió de inmediato tras su roomie para hablar con el sin que la chica los oyera.

-¿A que hora vas a regresar?

-Sinceramente no lo se Manuel, hoy es la primera vez que voy hacer una iniciación no se si eso se toma unas horas o 20 minutos.

-Puta madre!!!.

-Pero tranquilo Manuel no te voy a echar perder la noche con la chica si termino temprano iré a tomarme unos tragos, regresare en la madrugada ¿ te parece bien ?

-Si súper bien, ya lárgate.

Gutiérrez vio a su roomie caminar por el pasillo hacia las escaleras sin estar seguro en que Diablos se iba a iniciar!!!, pero con su partida se recompuso, abrió la puerta y volvió a entrar a su apartamento esbozando su mejor sonrisa, pero enseguida se le volvió a agriar la bilis.

-Ya se fue, solo quería recordarle que mañana le toca sacar la basura, ya podemos sentarnos a comer Sofie.

-Claro, ¿Gutierritos cuando conociste a Juan?, es un muchacho muy simpático y tiene moto!!!-, dijo la chica con ojos soñadores.

Gutiérrez no contesto solo seguia sonriendo, tenía un problema con su joven y guapo inquilino si no hacia algo sus planes de conquistar a Sofie se complicarían, pero por lo pronto no podía hacer nada, esa tarde entre la comida mexicana y la botella de vino se habia gastado lo úlitmo del dinero que le restaba del primer pago de su roomie, un mes de renta y otro por adelantado a fuerzas tenía que aguantárselo al menos por 5 semanas mas antes de poder echarlo.


*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***

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The roommate

Gutiérrez was sitting in his cubicle in front of his computer pretending to work, it was Friday, already at the end of the afternoon, he was alone in the office, his co-workers had already left, but his boss, Mr. Piedragris, had assigned him to write a last-minute report, which he would have to return to finish tomorrow because that night he had an important appointment that he did not plan to miss for the world. At that moment, Gutiérrez was looking at the clock hanging on the wall, waiting for it to strike 6 PM so he could run out of the office, but like any good godínez, he was a victim of a space-time paradox that office employees suffered every Friday when there were only a few left. minutes to complete his work schedule, the fucking clock stopped and sometimes Gutiérrez or any other godínez could have sworn that the second hand, instead of advancing, went backwards, when finally the clock struck 6 o'clock in the afternoon, it hit a jump and shout:

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-Gutiérrez!!!-, his boss shouted from his office three seconds later, Gutiérrez turned off his computer, gathered his things and walked towards his boss's office.

-Boss, I'm leaving!!!

-Have I finished the report?

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-No boss, but as I already told you earlier, I have to take my mom to the doctor, the appointment is at 7 at night, I barely have time.

-Your mother is always in poor health, take good care of her Gutiérrez, you can retire but I want you first thing tomorrow morning sitting in your cubicle finishing that report, did you hear me?

-Count on it, Mr. Piedragris, see you tomorrow, bye.

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Gutiérrez ran to the elevator, luckily the doors opened as soon as he called, during the minute of descent to the ground floor he checked the time on his phone 5 times, 6:05 PM he barely had time, on the ground floor he greeted Asdrúbal the guard and ran out of the building he needed to take a bus home, but first he needed to buy a couple of things for the study date he had with the beautiful Sofie Piedragris, his boss's daughter, in his apartment.

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The young woman had asked him for his help once again to study for an important exam at the university, Gutiérrez was tough at financial mathematics, but if he wanted to be lucky tonight he had to create the atmosphere, some tacos and some enchiladas, Mexican food Sofie's favorite, as she had found out by stalking her social networks, and a bottle of rosé would do the job, plus she found out that she had recently broken up with the shaggy Rastafarian she was dating.

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When he had everything with him, he boarded a bus heading to his building, it was 6:35 PM. If the bus driver hurried, he would arrive in time to receive Sofie. They had agreed that she would arrive at 7 at night. Gutiérrez spent time reviewing the food, he could afford to buy tacos at the best Mexican restaurant downtown near his office and an expensive bottle of wine, he had some extra money, although it was not because of the miserable raise he received. His boss, Mr. Piedragris, told him that if not because he had rented the empty room in his small apartment to improve his finances, his roommate was a man a few years younger than him, according to what the former police chief in a small lost town called San Casimirito told him. He was several hours away from Chaotic City, he had only been living in his apartment for 3 weeks, he went out a lot at night and arrived in the early morning, but until now they had not had any major setbacks with his roommate, although he was very trusting and called him by his first name from day one.

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Tonight Gutiérrez did not want him to bother him so that morning before leaving for work he warned him that a girl would come to the apartment at night and that he needed her to disappear, his roommate told him not to worry that she would go out again that night. He also had an important event, thank goodness Gutiérrez thought it would have been very uncomfortable to move forward with Sofie having his roommate stuck head first between them. When he got off the bus he checked the time 6:55 PM, he was on time, he ran to his building he could see that Sofie was not downstairs waiting for him, he checked the time 7 PM once again, so as not to have to go down again he decided to wait for her at the entrance, 20 minutes later the girl did not appear, she checked her phone to see if she had sent her a message but there was none, she decided to go up, maybe she suffered an accident and was on her way.

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3 minutes later when he opened the door to his apartment, he first heard laughter and then saw the two of them sitting on the couch very happy, his roommate devouring a plate of chocolate cookies that the girl had probably brought for him.

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-Hello Gutierritos!!!- Sofie said smiling.

-Hello Manuel!!!, the cheek of his roomie also said smiling.

-Hello Sofie, who opened it for you, how did you get up?

-I arrived early, your roommate was leaning out on the balcony, he recognized me and came down to open the door for me-, how the hell did he recognize her? Gutiérrez wondered if he had never seen her before!!!, but he immediately got the answer.

-You hadn't told me that you had a photo of me in your room, Gutierritos!!!-, the godínez smiled, devising a quick excuse to get out of the quagmire.

-If it's a photo from the office, from Susanita's birthday last month, don't you remember? I took several photos and printed the most beautiful one where we were all together hugging and eating cake!!!-, it was a lie, it had a big photo framed only from Sofie who had taken her without her realizing it.

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-These chocolate cookies are delicious Sofie!!!- said her roommate who continued devouring the cookies.

-Thank you very much, I prepared them myself, Gutierritos, let me help you with those bags!!!-, the girl got up from the couch and took the food to the kitchen.

Gutiérrez walked to the kitchen and looked out to make sure Sofie was still busy with the food then returned to the living room.

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His bile was exploding with rage, his trusting roommate had not only entered his room without his permission but was on the verge of exposing him to Sofie for the photo, and he also devoured the cookies mercilessly. of chocolate that Sofie brought for him, but he should calm down, the girl should not find out that he is upset.

-What the hell are you doing here? Didn't I ask you to disappear tonight?

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-Calm down Manuel, I'll be leaving in a little while. Don't tell me that you were angry because I opened the door for Sofie? What did you want me to do that would leave her down there alone? This city is very dangerous, especially for such a pretty young woman. like her!!!-, Gutiérrez took a deep breath, his roommate was right.

Sofie returned to the living room with the tacos served on a plate.

-Gutierritos, why didn't you tell me that you had such a handsome roommate?- Gutiérrez was smiling secretly but he wanted to kill his roommate at that moment.

-Ring, ring, ring!!!-, the roommate's smartphone chimed, he checked the screen and stood up.

-Well, guys, I have to go now.

-Why don't you stay a little longer and have dinner with us? What do you think, Gutierritos?

-Yes, stay!!!-, Gutiérrez lied, motioning to his roommate to leave without Sofie seeing him.

-Hehehe, I'm very sorry Sofie but I already had a previous commitment, it will be next time, it has been a pleasure meeting you, I hope you enjoy your tacos and you learn a lot in your study session, I'm going to my room to get my jacket and the keys my motorcycle!!!

The roommate walked to his room and came out a couple of minutes later, saying goodbye with a smile as he left the apartment.

-Goodbye and thank you Juan!!!-, said Sofie.

-Excuse me for a moment, Sofie, I have to talk to him-, said Gutiérrez, who immediately left after his roommate to talk to him without the girl hearing them.

-What time are you going to return?

-I honestly don't know Manuel, today is the first time I'm going to do an initiation, I don't know if that takes a few hours or 20 minutes.

-Fucking mother!!!

-But don't worry, Manuel, I'm not going to spoil your night with the girl. If I finish early, I'll go have a few drinks. I'll be back in the early morning. Is that okay with you?

-Yes, great, go away now.

Gutiérrez saw his roommate walk down the hallway towards the stairs without being sure what the hell he was going to start with!!!, but with his departure he composed himself, opened the door and re-entered his apartment, putting on his best smile, but immediately His bile turned sour again.

-He's already gone, I just wanted to remind him that tomorrow it's time to take out the trash, we can sit down and eat Sofie.

-Of course, Gutierritos, when did you meet Juan? He is a very nice boy and he has a motorcycle!!! - said the girl with dreamy eyes.

Gutiérrez didn't answer, he just kept smiling, he had a problem with his young and handsome tenant, if he didn't do something, his plans to conquer Sofie would get complicated, but for now he couldn't do anything, that afternoon between the Mexican food and the bottle of wine he He had spent the last of the money he had left from his roommate's first payment, one month's rent and another in advance, so he had to put up with it for at least 5 more weeks before he could throw him out.


Escrito originalmente en Español, traducido al ingles utilizando Google Traslate.

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Gracias por el soporte