Aventura en el Amazonas [9] (BigVERSO)

in blurt-192372 •  6 months ago 

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Aventura en el Amazonas: La Rata Mo Jones

Colt Jones no solo era un experto conocedor del río Amazonas y de todos los ríos de la cuenca amazónica, también era un experto nadador, al caer al agua nado hasta lo mas profundo del río Madeira para evitar los disparos de Maxwell y los matones de Quish, abajo lo sorprendió un cocodrilo que dormitaba en el fondo luego de esquivar sus fauces, nado aprovechándose de las corrientes submarinas del río para alejarse bajo el agua lo mas que pudo hasta que sus pulmones le pidieron aire y tuvo que salir a la superficie a respirar!!!, -AaaaH!!!-, tomo una buena bocanada de aire, ya estaba lo bastante lejos del hotel , Maxwell no podría verlo, mientras nadaba río abajo con la corriente del río, se preguntaba -¿ como los hombres de Lord Quish dieron tan rápido con el ?-, la respuesta que vino a su cabeza lo hizo enojar nuevamente, Jane Bentley!!!, seguramente la arqueóloga lo habia vendido, -¿ pero para que Jane Bentley le robaría la joya para dársela a Lord Quish ?, eso no tenía ningún sentido, tal vez Quish tuvo suerte y dirigió al Aria Amazon hacia Porto Velho solo porque era la ciudad mas cercana, si era así el ingles seguia detrás del ídolo de oro, entonces eso significaba que Jane también estaba en serio peligro!!!, Colt se molesto aun mas cuando se dio cuenta que se preocupaba mas de la cuenta por la suerte de la mentirosa, tenía que apurarse y dar con ella, si Lord Quish la atrapaba primero se quedaría con el tesoro.

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Colt continuo en el agua hasta que diviso unas humildes casas de pescadores a orillas del río, entonces nado hasta la orilla, al salir del agua se dio cuenta que esta completamente desnudo, habia perdido hasta los calzoncillos!!!, tomo prestado unos harapos que colgaban de una cuerda y regreso a pie a Porto Velho, para dar con Jane y recuperar la Joya antes que el ingles necesitaba ayuda debía ver a alguien que hace muchos años no habia visto. Al entrar a la ciudad se dirigió al barrio mas pobre, luego de caminar un buen rato dio con una humilde casa por fuera no desentonaba con el ambiente, la suciedad y la pobreza de aquel barrio, pero por dentro era muy distinto, era la base de operaciones secreta de lucrativo negocio de Morgan Jones, su padre!!!, el jefe de los carteristas de la ciudad, que como ratas recorrían las calles robando y pillando para traerle luego sus pequeños botines, las ratas de Morgan también desempeñaban otros trabajos mas oscuros, cuando Colt siendo un muchacho se entero de los otros negocios de su padre puso la linea que nunca cruzaría, una cosa era robar a un tonto, estafarlo jugando a las cartas o a los dados, pero otra muy distinta era matar por dinero, fue entonces cuando Colt se marcho de Porto Velho ya hace mas de 10 años!!!. No hubiera querido volver a tocar esa puerta, pero si quería encontrar a Jane y a la joya, tendría que tragarse su orgullo y pedirle ayuda a su padre, las ratas que hacían guardia en la puerta lo reconocieron y le permitieron entrar, al trasponer la puerta lo vio, estaba tal como lo recordaba de la ultima vez, un poco mas viejo, con la ropa sucia, sonriendo, aun con su vieja guacamaya en el hombro parecía un viejo pirata.

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-Mis Ratas!!!, miren a quien tenemos aquí, el hijo prodigo a regresado!!!-, fue el saludo de Morgan Jones.

-Déjate de pendejadas Papa, he venido porque necesito de tu ayuda.

-Eso no tenías que decírmelo, al verte descalzo, vestido con esos harapos, lo supe nada mas cruzaste por la puerta... un momento!!!-, su vieja guacamaya Francis, le susurraba algo al oído a Morgan.

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-Francis me dice que no le gusta tu actitud!!!-, hace 10 años cuando abandono a su padre, la guacamaya era solo su mascota, pero parece que el whiskyes malo y los años habia afectado a su padre convirtiendo a Francis en su mano derecha y consejero!!!.

-¿Ahora sigues los concejos de tu guacamaya?, ¿me vas ayudar si o no?, ¿ o tienes que preguntarle al pajarraco ?.

-Colt, Colt, Colt!!!-, grito Francis antes de volver a susurrar al oído de Morgan Jones.

-Francis dice que te de una oportunidad.

-Se que confías en tus ratas, pero yo no en ellas, hablemos en privado padre.

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Colt, Morgan y Francis se encerraron en una pequeña habitación lejos de los oídos de las ratas de su padre, adentro Colt pone a Morgan al tanto de lo que sucede, contándole todo lo que debía saber, sobre el Lord ingles que estaba detrás de el, la arqueóloga Jane Bentley, el ídolo de oro y también sobre el coleccionista alemán que pagaría 15 millones de libras esterlinas por el tesoro, a la vieja rata Morgan Jones casi se le salen los ojos de sus órbitas al escuchar cuanta valía aquella joya!!!, en toda una vida de crimen jamas habia estado ni cerca de una fortuna semejante. Al terminar de idear un plan de acción Colt y Morgan pactaron repartirse el tesoro 50-50, entonces mientras Colt abría la puerta para salir de la habitación le pregunta a su padre:

-No he tenido tiempo de ir a ver a mi hermana, ¿por cierto como esta ella?.

-Mejor que nunca hijo mio!!!, ahora también es una de mis ratas!!!, JAJAJA!!!.

A Colt Jones no le dio tiempo de indignarse por otra bajeza de su padre, -Colt, Colt, Colt!!!- grito Francis cuando Morgan pateaba a su hijo por la espalda, Colt cae al piso afuera de la habitación cuando trata de levantarse es reducido a golpes por los matones de Lord Quish, mientras es puesto en pie es amarrado con una soga, Colt ve a Lord Quish y a Maxwell sonreír junto a su padre que recibía unos buenos fajos de billetes!!!, lo habia vendido!!!.

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-Lo siento mucho hijo pero aquí el caballero ingles llego a mi puerta antes que tu, sabes que nunca rechazo un buen negocio!!!.

-Eres una maldita rata de alcantarilla Papa!!!.

Los hombres de Lord Quish golpean a Colt un poco mas antes de cubrirle la cabeza con una capucha.

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-No tengo la joya pero se donde encontrarla!!!-, dijo Colt a oscuras tratando de recuperar la ventaja, un minuto después era golpeado en la cabeza y perdía el conocimiento sin escuchar las palabras de Lord Quish.

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-Por eso he venido por ti Colt, que gran señor es tu padre, tiene muy bien ganado su mote, la Rata Mo Jones!!!.

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*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***

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Adventure in the Amazon: Mo Jones the Rat

Colt Jones was not only an expert in the Amazon River and all the rivers in the Amazon basin, he was also an expert swimmer. When he fell into the water he swam to the deepest part of the Madeira River to avoid the shots of Maxwell and Quish's thugs. Below he was surprised by a crocodile that was dozing at the bottom after avoiding its jaws. He swam, taking advantage of the underwater currents of the river to go underwater as far as he could until his lungs asked for air and he had to come to the surface to breathe. !!!, -AaaaH!!!-, he took a good breath of air, he was already far enough from the hotel, Maxwell couldn't see him, as he swam down the river with the current of the river, he wondered - how did Lord's men Quish they found it so quickly? -, the answer that came to his head made him angry again, Jane Bentley!!!, surely the archaeologist had sold it, -but why would Jane Bentley steal the jewel from him to give it to Lord Quish? ?, that didn't make any sense, maybe Quish was lucky and directed the Aria Amazon towards Porto Velho just because it was the closest city, if so the Englishman was still after the golden idol, then that meant that Jane was also serious danger!!! Colt got even more upset when he realized that he cared more than necessary about the fate of the liar, he had to hurry up and find her, if Lord Quish caught her first he would keep the treasure.

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Colt continued in the water until he saw some humble fishermen's houses on the banks of the river, then he swam to the shore, when he got out of the water he realized that he is completely naked, he had even lost his underwear!!!, he borrowed some rags that They hung from a rope and returned on foot to Porto Velho, to find Jane and recover the Jewel before the Englishman needed help, he had to see someone he had not seen for many years. Upon entering the city he went to the poorest neighborhood, after walking for a while he found a humble house. On the outside it did not clash with the environment, the dirt and the poverty of that neighborhood, but inside it was very different, it was the base secret operations of the lucrative business of Morgan Jones, his father!!!, the head of the city's pickpockets, who like rats roamed the streets stealing and pillaging to later bring him his small loot, Morgan's rats also performed other more jobs. dark, when Colt, as a boy, found out about his father's other businesses, he set the line that he would never cross, it was one thing to rob a fool, defraud him by playing cards or dice, but it was quite another to kill for money, it was So when Colt left Porto Velho more than 10 years ago!!! He would not have wanted to knock on that door again, but if he wanted to find Jane and the jewel, he would have to swallow his pride and ask his father for help. The rats that were guarding the door recognized him and allowed him to enter after passing through the door. She saw him, he was just as she remembered him from the last time, a little older, with dirty clothes, smiling, even with his old macaw on his shoulder he looked like a old pirate.

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-My Rats!!!, look who we have here, the prodigal son has returned!!!-, was Morgan Jones' greeting.

-Stop being stupid, Dad, I came because I need your help.

-You didn't have to tell me that, when I saw you barefoot, dressed in those rags, I knew as soon as you walked through the door... wait a minute!!!-, his old macaw Francis, whispered something in Morgan's ear.

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-Francis tells me that he doesn't like your attitude!!!-, 10 years ago when he abandoned his father, the macaw was just his pet, but it seems that the bad whiskey and the years had affected his father, making Francis his right hand and advisor!!!

-Now you follow your macaw's advice? Are you going to help me or not? Or do you have to ask the bird?

-Colt, Colt, Colt!!!- Francis shouted before whispering in Morgan Jones' ear again.

-Francis says to give you a chance.

-I know you trust your rats, but I don't trust them, let's talk privately father.

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Colt, Morgan and Francis locked themselves in a small room away from the ears of their father's rats. Inside, Colt fills Morgan in on what's happening, telling him everything he needed to know about the English Lord who was behind him. , the archaeologist Jane Bentley, the golden idol and also about the German collector who would pay 15 million pounds sterling for the treasure, old rat Morgan Jones's eyes almost popped out of his head when he heard how much that jewel was worth!! !, in a lifetime of crime he had never been even close to such a fortune. After finishing devising a plan of action, Colt and Morgan agreed to split the treasure 50-50, so as Colt opened the door to leave the room, he asked his father:

-I haven't had time to go see my sister, by the way, how is she?

-Better than ever my son!!!, now she is also one of my rats!!!, HAHAHA!!!.

Colt Jones did not have time to be outraged by another baseness of his father, -Colt, Colt, Colt!!!- Francis shouted when Morgan kicked his son in the back, Colt falls to the floor outside the room when he tries to get up He is beaten to death by Lord Quish's thugs, while he is lifted to his feet he is tied with a rope, Colt sees Lord Quish and Maxwell smiling next to his father who received some good wads of bills!!!, he had sold it!!!.

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-I'm very sorry, son, but here the English gentleman arrived at my door before you, you know that I never turn down a good deal!!!

-You're a damn sewer rat, Dad!!!.

Lord Quish's men beat Colt some more before covering his head with a hood.

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-I don't have the jewel but I know where to find it!!!- Colt said in the dark trying to regain the advantage, a minute later he was hit on the head and lost consciousness without hearing Lord Quish's words.

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-That's why I came for you Colt, what a great gentleman your father is, he has very well earned his nickname, Rat Mo Jones!!!.

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To be continue...

Capitulos Anteriores:

Escrito originalmente en español, traducido al ingles utilizando Google Traslate.

Todas las imágenes de esta publicación son propias, fueron generadas usando las versiones gratuitas de las paginas de IA: Leonardo.ai, Picfinder.ai y Tensor.art

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