La tienda de relojes y cajas de música Grübel [Historias de ciudad Caótica](BigVERSO)

in blurt-192372 •  last month 

La tienda de relojes y cajas de música Grübel (Segunda parte)

-Allí tienes tu milagro viejo tonto!!!, dijo Inga.

El viejo Noah se levanta y se apresura en abrirle la puerta a su nieto que no venia solo, -Abuelos!!!-, grito Alexander apenas cruzo por la puerta de la tienda de Relojes y cajas de musica Grübel, luego de los respectivos abrazos y besos, el joven estudiante de filosofía se apuro en presentar a la joven que venia junto con el como su amiga y compañera de estudios Lucia Fernández.

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La abuela Inga quedo impresionada no solo por la belleza de aquella niña de piel caoba y pelo ensortijado si no por los ojos de tonto enamorado con que su nieto Alexander la miraba!!!, obviamente el joven estudiante de filosofía aspiraba a ser mucho mas que solo el compañero de estudios de la bella chica, Inga aprovecho de despedirse tenía que regresar a su casa, pero antes de salir le susurro al oído a su viejo esposo Noah que aunque veía muy bien pese a sus 82 años de edad como todo hombre era incapaz de percibir lo que a las mujeres se le hacia mucho mas sencillo, -tu nieto esta enamorado de la chica!!!-, le dio un beso y se marcho, el viejo Noah la vio alejarse atraves del cristal sin saber para que diablos le iba a servir la información de que su nieto Alexander estaba enamorado de Lucia.

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Un minuto después el viejo Noah no tuvo que preguntar a que habia venido su nieto trayendo a una compañera de clases a su vieja tienda, la bella Lucia sacaba de su bolso una hermosa y vieja caja de musica, aunque algo avejentada por los años, la joven le informo que la caja habia dejado de sonar hace muchos tiempo, el viejo Noah la tomo entre sus manos con delicadeza y le echo un buen vistazo, la reconocio rápidamente nadie la habia traído de vuelta a la tienda para ser reparada en muchos años ademas del desperfecto interno que no le permitía emitir su musica necesitaba algo mas de trabajo en su exterior.

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-La caja le habia pertenecido primero a mi abuela A...

-América!!!- se apuro en completar el nombre el viejo que no solo era un habil fabricante de relojes y cajas de musica si no que ademas tenía memoria no de elefante si no de mamut!!! como a veces le decia a broma su esposa Inga. La joven Lucia no se lo podía creer.

-¿Como supo que mi abuela se llamaba América?- pregunto la chica.

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-Ven acércate, ¿ves las inscripciones en la chapa metálica debajo de la caja?-, le respondió el viejo.

Lucia y Alexander se asomaron para ver de que se trataba, el viejo Noah les comento entonces que el habia reparado esa caja unos 20 años atrás, la última vez que la caja de musica habia entrado a la tienda de Relojes y cajas de musica Grübel para ser reparada, ya el tiempo casi la habia borrado pero todavía se podía leer unos números y una letra grande «79F», que indicaba que esa caja de musica la habia fabricado su padre Finn en 1979 hace unos 45 años, y varias letras mas pequeñas «amr-frdz» que fueron añadidas al momento de ser vendida, era una abreviatura para América Fernández, que solo manejaba la familia de artesanos Grübel!!! con las cuales siempre marcaban su trabajo adicionalmente a cualquier inscripción o nombre que solicitara el comprador del reloj o la caja de musica. Lucia ni su nieto se podían creer que con tan solo unas letras y unos pocos números el viejo Noah recordara hasta el año exacto en que la habia reparado la ultima vez, entonces el viejo Noah les indico que solo sabia el año porque el trabajaba en la tienda ese día, los dos jóvenes se miraron las caras pensando que el viejo fanfarroneaba cuando entro por la puerta de la tienda otra anciana tan vieja como el viejo Noah, la anciana venia acompañada por su mascota, un peculiar loro que gritaba a cada tanto -montres et boîtes à musique, montres et boîtes à musique!!!- y una bella joven que era la empleada de la anciana según oyeron los jóvenes.

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El viejo Noah se disculpo con su nieto y su compañera de clases y fue atender a su cliente luego de una breve conversación los dos ancianos pasaron a su oficina mientras Fabiana se quedo a cargo de Morgan el loro, unos 10 minutos después los dos ancianos salieron de la oficina y regresaron a la tienda.

-¿Cuando crees que estara lista Grübel?.

-La caja esta en perfecto estado, solo necesita un poco de mantenimiento y revisar los engranajes, el lunes en la tarde puede pasar por su caja de musica sin falta señora Bentley!!!.

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-Muchas gracias por todo Grübel, confio en usted!!!.

-Boîte de musique, boîte de musique!!!-, gritaba Morgan el loro cuando salió de la tienda con su dueña y Fabiana, el viejo Noah espero un minuto mas para llamar a Lucia y a su nieto.

-Vengan a ver muchachos!!!-, Lucia y Alexander corrieron al mostrador.

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El viejo Noah volteo la caja de musica que le acababan de dejar para que le hiciera servicio, y les mostró la chapa que habia debajo, el mismo la habia cambiado la original 20 años atrás cuando su actual dueña la trajo a la tienda para ser reparada por primera vez, se podía leer con claridad «15L»,lo cual significaba que esa caja de música la habia fabricado su abuelo Liam cuando aun los Grübel vivían en Hamburgo, unos 4 años antes de fundar y abrir las puertas de la tienda de relojes y cajas de musica Grübel en ciudad Caótica, en letras pequeñas estaba el nombre de la señora Bentley su actual dueña «lca-bty», aunque el viejo Noah pudo recordar que el primer dueño de la caja no habia sido ella, en la chapa original que cambio habia otro nombre abreviado uno que no habia tallado sobre el metal en muchos años tendría que revisar sus apuntes para recordar con certeza cual era.

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La joven Lucia estaba mas que impresionada y aunque no quisiera admitirlo Alexander también, gracias a un par de cajas de musica habia tenido una pequeña lección de historia que le recordaron a su bis abuelo y a su tatara abuelo!!!, todo en una sola tarde!!!. Ya que no habia mas clientes el viejo Noah invito a su nieto y a su amiga Lucia a su taller para que lo vieran reparar la caja de musica que habia pertenecido a su abuela América, la chica estuvo encima del viejo Noah todo el tiempo preguntando muy interesada sobre todo lo que hacia el abuelo de su amigo, en un punto el viejo Noah le paso sus lentes de aumento para trabajar ademas de sus herramientas y luego de explicarle algunas nociones basicas de que tenia que hacer la joven Lucia termino de desarmar su propia caja de musica.

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Cuando la caja de música estuvo totalmente desarmada Noah le mostró donde estaba y le explico cual era el desperfecto en el mecanismo ademas de como repararlo, el viejo Noah retomo sus herramientas y se puso a reparar la caja de música trabajando cuidadosamente por unos 40 minutos pero mostrandole a Lucia y Alexander el paso a paso de la reparación, cuando el mecanismo estuvo reparado Noah se dispuso a cerrar la caja pero Lucia le insistió en que le permitiese hacerlo, el viejo Noah no pudo negarse, a todas estas su nieto que nunca mostró mayor interés por su trabajo y arte esta vez se mostraba mas que interesado sin perder detalle de la caja de musica y de la bella joven, fue entonces que el viejo Noah recordó las palabras que le susurro su esposa Inga mas temprano antes de marcharse, -tu nieto esta enamorado de la chica!!!-, entonces el viejo Noah sonrió pícaramente.

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*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***

The Grübel watch and music box store (Part Two)

-There you have your miracle, you old fool!!!-, said Inga.

Old Noah gets up and hurries to open the door for his grandson who did not come alone, "Grandparents!!!" Alexander shouted as soon as he crossed the door of the Grübel Watches and Music Boxes store, after the respective hugs. and kisses, the young philosophy student was quick to introduce the young woman who came with him as his friend and fellow student Lucia Fernández.

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Grandma Inga was impressed not only by the beauty of that girl with mahogany skin and curly hair, but Not because of the eyes of a fool in love with which her grandson Alexander looked at her!!! Obviously the young philosophy student aspired to be much more than just the beautiful girl's study partner. Inga took the opportunity to say goodbye and had to return home. But before leaving, she whispered in her old husband Noah's ear that although he could see very well, despite his 82 years of age, like every man, he was incapable of perceiving what was much easier for women, -your grandson is in love of the girl!!!-, he gave her a kiss and left, old Noah watched her walk away through the glass without knowing what the hell the information that his grandson Alexander was in love with Lucia would be used for.

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A minute later, old Noah did not have to ask why his grandson had come, bringing a classmate to his old store, the beautiful Lucia took out of her bag a beautiful old music box, although somewhat aged by the years, the The young man informed him that the box had stopped ringing a long time ago. Old Noah gently took it in his hands and took a good look at it. He quickly recognized it. No one had brought it back to the store to be repaired in many years. Due to the internal defect that did not allow him to broadcast his music, he needed some more work.

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-The box had first belonged to my grandmother A...

-America!!!- The old man hurried to complete the name, who was not only a skilled maker of watches and music boxes but also had the memory not of an elephant but of a mammoth!!! as his wife Inga sometimes jokingly told him. Young Lucia couldn't believe it.

-How did you know my grandmother's name was America?-, the girl asked.

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-Come closer, do you see the inscriptions on the metal plate under the box?-, the old man responded.

Lucia and Alexander looked out to see what it was about, old Noah then told them that he had repaired that box about 20 years ago, the last time the music box had entered the Grübel Watches and Music Boxes store to be repaired, time had almost erased it but you could still read some numbers and a large letter "79F", which indicated that this music box had been made by his father Finn in 1979 about 45 years ago, and several smaller letters "amr-frdz" that were added at the time of being sold, was an abbreviation for América Fernández, which was only managed by the Grübel family of artisans!!! with which they always marked their work in addition to any inscription or name requested by the buyer of the watch or music box. Lucia and her grandson couldn't believe that with just a few letters and a few numbers old Noah could remember the exact year he had last repaired it, so old Noah told them that he only knew the year because he worked at the store that day, the two young men looked at each other's faces thinking that the old man was bragging when another old woman as old as old Noah entered through the door of the store, the old woman was accompanied by her pet, a peculiar parrot that screamed from time to time - montres et boîtes à musique, montres et boîtes à musique!!! - and a beautiful young woman who was the old woman's employee according to what the young people heard.

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Old Noah apologized to his grandson and his classmate and went to serve his client After a brief conversation the two old men went to their office while Fabiana was left in charge of Morgan the parrot. About 10 minutes later the two old men left the office and returned to the store.

-When do you think Grübel will be ready?

-The box is in perfect condition, it only needs a little maintenance and checking the gears, on Monday afternoon you can stop by your music box without fail, Mrs. Bentley!!!

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-Thank you very much for everything Grübel, I trust you!!!

-Boîte de musique, boîte de musique!!!- Morgan the parrot shouted when he left the store with his owner and Fabiana, old Noah waited one more minute to call Lucia and his grandson.

-Come see guys!!!-, Lucia and Alexander ran to the counter.

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Old Noah turned over the music box that had just been left for him to be serviced, and showed them the sheet metal underneath, he himself had replaced the original 20 years ago when its current owner brought it to the store to be repaired. For the first time, “15L” could be clearly read, which meant that this music box had been made by his grandfather Liam when the Grübels were still living in Hamburg, about 4 years before founding and opening the doors of the watch shop. and Grübel music boxes in Chaotic City, in small letters was the name of Mrs. Bentley, its current owner "lca-bty", although old Noah could remember that the first owner of the box had not been her, on the original sheet metal What a change there was another abbreviated name, one that he had not carved on the metal in many years, he would have to review his notes to remember with certainty what it was.

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Young Lucia was more than impressed and although Alexander did not want to admit it, too, thanks to a couple of music boxes he had had a little history lesson that reminded him of his great-grandfather and his great-great-grandfather!!!, all in a single afternoon !!!. Since there were no more customers, old Noah invited his grandson and his friend Lucia to his workshop so they could see him repair the music box that had belonged to his grandmother America. The girl was on top of old Noah the whole time asking very interested about everything that her friend's grandfather did, at one point old Noah gave her his magnifying glasses to work with in addition to his tools and after explaining some basic notions of what she had to do, young Lucia finished disassembling her own box of music.

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When the music box was completely disassembled, Noah showed him where it was and explained what the damage was in the mechanism as well as how to repair it, old Noah took back his tools and began to repair the music box, working carefully for about 40 minutes but showing Lucia and Alexander the step by step of the repair, when the mechanism was repaired Noah prepared to close the box but Lucia insisted that he allow her to do it, old Noah could not refuse, to all these his grandson who never showed greater interest in his work and art this time he showed more than interested without missing any detail of the music box and the beautiful young woman, it was then that old Noah remembered the words that his wife Inga whispered to him earlier before leaving, - Your grandson is in love with the girl!!! - then old Noah smiled mischievously.

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To be continue...

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