Cazadores de Lunas [Origines II]

in blurt-192372 •  3 months ago 

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Cazadores de lunas - Origenes II

Cuando el pequeño Juan y los González llegaron a la plaza de la ciudad se encontraron con una enorme pantalla que habia sido colocada en el medio para visualizar los números ganadores del sorteo, habia mucha gente y algunos soldados para evitar motines, los tickets de la lotería habian sido asignados 3 semanas atrás a cada familia así que si alguien resultaba ganador no habia forma de robarse el ticket, si alguna familia no completaba los 4 cupos que tenían asignados los puestos libres serian reasignados finalmente por la federación de naciones, esa era la única esperanza que le dieron al abuelo Pedro sus contactos luego de hacer algunas llamadas si su ticket no salía premiado así lograría salvar a Juan, el viejo se sentó entonces pacientemente con una taza de café a aguardar el final del sorteo y el regreso de su nieto.

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Aquella mañana en la plaza del pueblo la algarabía y emoción inicial con que habia comenzado el día se fue apagando con el pasar de los minutos y la muestra en pantalla de los números ganadores, ya solo reían y celebraban las pocas familias que habia tenido la dicha de resultar ganadoras!!!, Juan apretaba su ticket fuertemente contra su pecho esperando un milagro, al igual que sus amigos la familia González que estaban a su lado, cuando tan solo restaba un boleto a la salvación por salir sorteado en la ciudad, -Siiii !!!-, grito el niño emocionado de la alegría cuando vio en la pantalla el numero de su ticket!!!.

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El pequeño Juan caminaba de regreso a su casa totalmente emocionado, su amplia sonrisa mostraba su alegría por tener la suerte de salvarse y ademas cumplir al fin su sueño de viajar a las estrellas!!!, el niño jugaba con la pequeña Susana, mientras que Tomas y Carla trataban de disimular la tristeza en sus rostros por el futuro que le aguardaba a su familia tratando de que Juan y su pequeña hija no se diera cuenta del trago amargo que estaban pasando, pero Juan no habia dejado de pensar en un solo momento en la suerte de sus amigos, era un niño muy despierto e inteligente, su abuelo Pedro lo habia criado para que fuese un hombre de buen corazón que supiera empatizar con los problemas de los otros y si estaba al alcance de su mano no se rindiera y tratara por todos los medios de ayudarlos!!!, Juan le dijo a sus vecinos que no se preocuparan, ellos también vendrían con el y su abuelo al espacio, tenía un plan que habia estado ideando desde hace unos días, solo tendrían que esconder a Susana dentro de una maleta con una agujeros para que pudiera respirar aprovechando que era pequeña nadie se daría cuenta de su presencia hasta que fuera demasiado tarde y todos estuvieran abordo de la nave nodriza.

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Tomas y Carla asintieron agradeciéndole a Juan por su plan, en su inocencia el niño lo tenía todo resuelto, pero ellos sabían que solo era una fantasía infantil. Cuando llegaron al edificio el niño salió corriendo hasta su apartamento para darle la buena noticia a su abuelo Pedro de que habian ganado la lotería!!!, -ganamos abuelo, ganamos!!!-, grito al entrar por la puerta, el viejo cerro los ojos y rezo en silencio agradeciendo su inmensa fortuna, su nieto estaría a salvo!!!, tenían tan solo 24 horas antes de ser recogidos y llevados hasta los sitios de lanzamiento donde pequeños cohetes los llevarían hasta el espacio exterior para abordar las Arcas que aguardaban listas para emprender su largo viaje en sus estaciones espaciales, el viejo Pedro apuro a Juan para que preparara su equipaje, tan solo 15 kilos de peso por persona serian permitidos según las regulaciones de la federación de naciones, el niño salió corriendo muy alegre para su cuarto, entonces el viejo Pedro se volvió a sentar frente al teléfono tenía que hacer algunas llamadas antes de partir mañana.

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Esa noche el abuelo Pedro invito a cenar a sus vecinos los González, en la mesa entre sonrisas jugando con la pequeña Susana, Juan aprovecho de comentarle a su abuelo su gran plan para que los González los acompañaran en su viaje, el viejo Pedro, Tomas y Carla sonrieron por su inocencia y buen corazón!!!.

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Al día siguiente el pequeño Juan tenía todo listo desde temprano, cuando llego el bus de la Federación escoltado por algunos soldados a recogerlos, el abuelo Pedro le recordó que se colocara suficiente protector solar antes de salir a la calle, tomo la maleta del pequeño y bajo con su nieto hasta el bus que los aguardaba en la calle, allí afuera del edificio ya los esperaban los González, Carla cargaba a su pequeña hija Susana en brazos, mientras Tomas certificaba los detalles del cambio de último minuto con los militares encargados del traslado.

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Fue el momento en que Juan se dio cuenta de que algo malo pasaba, Susana no estaba escondida dentro de una maleta como el habia planificado, se volteo y vio que su abuelo solo habia bajado su maleta!!!. Entonces su abuelo Pedro hablo con el, explicandole que no podría acompañarlo en su gran viaje a las estrellas!!!, ya estaba muy viejo y cansado, no seria capaz de resistir el lanzamiento en el cohete, ademas que tenía el deber de cuidar de las tumbas de sus abuela, sus padres y demás familiares, los dos últimos Martínez provenían de una familia muy grande, y los suyos no podían quedar solos y desamparados en la tierra!!!, al principio Juan lloró, protesto y discutió, pero su abuelo lo hizo entrar finalmente en razón, diciéndole lo que mas importaba en ese momento, para salvar a sus amigos los González no podían esconder a la pequeña Susana dentro de una maleta serian descubiertos, solo habían 4 puestos, para que ellos lo lograrán un Martínez se tenía que quedar atrás y ese solo podría que ser el.

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El niño asintió con la cabeza aun llorando pero comprendiendo el sacrificio de su abuelo, luego se fundieron en un gran abrazo, Carla tomo al pequeño Juan y lo subió al bus junto con su hija, abajo el viejo Pedro ayudaba a Tomas a terminar de cargar sus maletas en el bus.

-Yo y mi familia jamas tendremos como pagarle por la oportunidad que nos ha brindado y su sacrificio señor!!!.

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-Claro que si tienen como, cuiden de Juan es lo único que les pido a ti y a tu esposa!!!.

-Puede estar seguro que lo cuidaremos como a si fuera nuestra propio hijo, nuevamente muchas gracias por todo!!!.

-Gracias a ustedes, protejan a mi nieto por favor!!!.

-Cuente con ello Capitán Martínez.

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El viejo Capitán retirado de la marina Pedro Martínez habia quemado sus últimos cartuchos e influencias la noche anterior llamando a sus contactos para asegurarse que los cupos restantes de su ticket fueran asignados a la familia González, el viejo marino juzgo que el niño tendría una mayor oportunidad de sobrevivir si iba acompañado por sus buenos amigos que ademas de protegerlo lo conocían muy bien ademas de que lo querían sinceramente!!!, que si lo hacia con unos completos desconocidos!!!. El viejo contenía las lagrimas mientras se despedía de su nieto que aun lloraba dentro del bus, cuando el vehículo comenzó a rodar, el pequeño se desprendió de los brazos de Carla se asomo por la ventanilla y le grito a su abuelo.

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-Algún día volveré, te juro que regresare abuelo!!!.

En ese momento el viejo Capitán retirado supo que su nieto como un buen Martínez algún día de alguna forma cumpliría con su palabra!!!. El abuelo se quedo parado en la calle hasta perder de vista el autobus de su nieto, estaba muy triste pero a la vez contento de que su nieto Juan Martínez junto a la familia González y muchas otras personas mas le dieran una nueva oportunidad a la raza humana de no repetir los mismo errores que habian condenado a la moribunda tierra!!!, esperanzado que sin duda hallarían un nuevo hogar donde asentarse en algún planeta mas allá de las estrellas.

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***** ***** ***** English Version ***** ***** *****

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Moonhunters - Origins II

When little Juan and the González arrived at the city square, they found a huge screen that had been placed in the middle to display the winning numbers of the draw. There were many people and some soldiers to avoid riots, the lottery tickets. They had been assigned 3 weeks ago to each family, so if someone was the winner, there was no way to steal the ticket. If any family did not complete the 4 places that were assigned, the free seats would finally be reassigned by the federation of nations, that was the only one. The hope that Grandpa Pedro's contacts gave him after making some calls was that if his ticket didn't win, he would be able to save Juan. The old man then sat patiently with a cup of coffee waiting for the end of the draw and the return of his grandson.

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That morning in the town square, the initial excitement and excitement with which the day had begun faded as the minutes passed and the display of the winning numbers on the screen, only the few families who had had the joy laughed and celebrated. to be winners!!!, Juan clutched his ticket tightly to his chest hoping for a miracle, as did his friends the González family who were by his side, when there was only one ticket left for salvation by being drawn in the city, -Yessss!!!- The child shouted, excited with joy when he saw his ticket number on the screen!!!

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Little Juan walked back to his house totally excited, his wide smile showed his joy at being lucky enough to be saved and also finally fulfill his dream of traveling to the stars!!!, the boy played with little Susana, while Tomas and Carla tried to hide the sadness on their faces for the future that awaited their family, trying to prevent Juan and his little daughter from realizing the bitter pill they were going through, but Juan had not stopped thinking for a single moment. In the luck of his friends, he was a very alert and intelligent child, his grandfather Pedro had raised him to be a good-hearted man who knew how to empathize with the problems of others and if it was within his reach, he would not give up and He would try by all means to help them!!!, Juan told his neighbors not to worry, they would also come with him and his grandfather to space, he had a plan that he had been devising for a few days, they would only have to hide Susana inside a suitcase with holes so she could breathe, taking advantage of the fact that she was small, no one would notice her presence until it was too late and everyone was on board the mothership.

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Tomas and Carla nodded, thanking Juan for his plan, in his innocence the boy had everything figured out, but they knew that it was just a childish fantasy. When they arrived at the building, the boy ran to his apartment to give the good news to his grandfather Pedro that they had won the lottery!!! -We won, grandpa, we won!!!-, he shouted as he entered through the door, the old hill. He closed his eyes and prayed silently, thanking his immense fortune, his grandson would be safe!!! They had only 24 hours before they would be picked up and taken to the launch sites where small rockets would take them to outer space to board the Arks that They were waiting ready to undertake their long journey in their space stations, old Pedro urged Juan to prepare his luggage, only 15 kilos of weight per person would be allowed according to the regulations of the Federation of Nations, the boy ran out very happy to his room, so old Pedro sat down again in front of the phone, he had to make some calls before leaving tomorrow.

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That night Grandpa Pedro invited his neighbors the González to dinner, at the table with smiles playing with little Susana, Juan took the opportunity to tell his grandfather about his great plan for the González to accompany them on their trip, old Pedro, Tomas and Carla smiled for their innocence and good heart!!!

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The next day little Juan had everything ready early, when the Federation bus escorted by some soldiers arrived to pick them up, Grandpa Pedro reminded him to put on enough sunscreen before going out, he took the little boy's suitcase and She went down with her grandson to the bus that was waiting for them on the street, there outside the building the González were already waiting for them, Carla carried her little daughter Susana in her arms, while Tomas certified the details of the last minute change with the soldiers in charge of the transfer.

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It was the moment when Juan realized that something bad was happening, Susana was not hiding inside a suitcase as he had planned, he turned around and saw that his grandfather had only taken his suitcase down!!! Then his grandfather Pedro talked to him, explaining that he couldn't accompany him on his great trip to the stars!!!, he was already very old and tired, he wouldn't be able to resist the launch in the rocket, plus he had the duty of taking care of the tombs. of his grandmother, his parents and other relatives, the last two Martínez came from a very large family, and they could not be left alone and helpless on earth!!! At first Juan cried, protested and argued, but his grandfather finally made him come to his senses, telling him what mattered most at that moment, to save his friends the González could not hide little Susana inside a suitcase they would be discovered, there were only 4 positions, for them to achieve it a Martínez had to to be left behind and that could only be him.

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The child nodded his head, still crying but understanding his grandfather's sacrifice, then they merged into a big hug. Carla took little Juan and put him on the bus along with her daughter. Below, old Pedro helped Tomas finish loading. their suitcases on the bus.

-I and my family will never be able to repay you for the opportunity you have given us and your sacrifice, sir!!!

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-Of course, if you have the option, take care of Juan, that's the only thing I ask of you and your wife!!!

-You can be sure that we will take care of him as if he were our own son, again thank you very much for everything!!!

-Thank you, please protect my grandson!!!

-Count on it Captain Martínez.

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The old retired Navy Captain Pedro Martínez had burned his last cartridges and influence the night before by calling his contacts to make sure that the González family would accompany his grandson on his long journey, the old sailor judged that the boy would have a better opportunity to survive if he was accompanied by some good friends who, in addition to protecting him, knew him very well and loved him!!!, than if he did it with complete strangers!!!. The old man held back his tears as he said goodbye to his grandson who was still crying inside the bus. When the vehicle began to roll, the little boy broke away from Carla's arms, looked out the window and shouted at his grandfather.

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-Someday I will return, I swear I will return grandpa!!!

At that moment the old retired Captain knew that his grandson, like a good Martínez, would one day somehow keep his word!!! The grandfather stood in the street until he lost sight of his grandson's bus. He was very sad but at the same time happy that his grandson Juan Martínez, along with the González family and many other people, gave the breed a new opportunity. humane to not repeat the same mistakes that had condemned the dying Earth!!!, hopeful that they would undoubtedly find a new home to settle on some planet beyond the stars.

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Capitulo Anterior:
Origenes I

Escrito originalmente en Español, traducido al ingles utilizando Google Traslate.

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