Los 5 amigos vs el asesino del refrigerador [10] (Historias viejas de Ciudad Caótica) (BigVERSO)

in blurt-192372 •  3 days ago 

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Comida China [2]

Cuando la parrilla estuvo lista antes de sentarse los 5 amigos a comer el Rolo llevo un plato con una par de pescados asados y otros tantos frescos en una bolsa al apartamento de su vecina del 10 mo piso la señora Bentley, al abogado le encantaba su vecina, en su juventud habia sido una trotamundos gracias a sus padres que vivieron mil y una aventuras según le habia comentado, la anciana siempre tenía una buena historia que contar, hace unos 20 años se habia apaciguado y eligió como lugar de retiro ciudad Caótica, se caso 5 veces según le contó, pero nunca tuvo hijos, su último marido habia muerto hace 2 años, Rolando sin ser su abogado la asesoro con el papeleo y la lectura del testamento de su esposo, don Carlos Iturralde que tampoco habia dejado hijos pero si algunos sobrinos que pelearon como hienas por los vienes del difunto tío, -ding, dong, ding, dong!!!-, la señora Bentley abrió la puerta y lo recibió con una sonrisa.

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-Mmmm, muchas gracias huele delicioso ese pescado asado!!!.

-Poisson grillé, Poisson grillé!!!-, grito Morgan el loro de la señora Bentley que solo hablaba en francés.

-Tenga también le traje algunos pescados frescos.

-Muchas gracias Rolando, ¿quieres pasar a conversar un rato con esta vieja?.

-Ahora no puedo señor Bentley, me esperan mis amigos en casa para comer!!!-, a Rolando le hubiera encantado invitar a su vecina a comer la parrilla en su casa pero en la situación en que estaba involucrado con sus amigos no cabian los invitados.

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-Comprendo,¿ por casualidad tendrás a la mano alguna tarjeta de tu bufete?.

-Ahorita no llevo ninguna conmingo ¿pero en que la puedo ayudar?.

-Cada día estoy mas vieja y cansada, creo que es mejor dejar las cosas por escrito por si pasa algo.

-Muy buena idea señora Bentley siempre es mejor estar preparados, mas tarde le traigo mi tarjeta.

-Muchas gracias Rolando!!!.

Cuando el abogado regreso a su apartamento se sentó a comer con sus amigos, a pesar de la situación de no ser por la cara de preocupación y la mudes repentina de Juan Camilo hubiera sido una parrillada normal de la cofradía, cuando terminaron de comer Napo tomo las cosas que se debía llevar consigo se despidió de todos y salió primero, el resto se sentó a jugar domino para hacer tiempo, hora 1/2 después llamo Napo para informarles que ya estaba en el apartamento de Juan C, entonces el Rolo les entrego los revólveres calibre 38 con los silenciadores a Juan C y a la Ñonga, Arturo salió primero por la puerta, el abogado les habla a los dos Juanes antes de que se retirasen:

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-Ya ustedes dos saben lo que tienen que hacer, Juan Rafael no te despegues de Juan C ni cuando vaya al baño!!!, cualquier cosa que pase comuníquense inmediatamente conmigo o con los otros usando los teléfonos desechables que compre, con suerte esto acabara pronto y tendremos una oportunidad de atrapar al asesino, vayan con Dios.

-Bye Rolo.

Ya era de noche cuando sus amigos se marcharon, Rolando se sirvió un whiskey y camino hasta su balcón para verlos partir, si le hacían caso, cumplían con lo planeado y mantenían la calma atraparían al asesino del refrigerador antes de que este atrapara a Juan C, el abogado confiaba plenamene en ello, cuando vio los autos perderse en el trafico se tomo un segundo para reflexionar no solo sobre lo que habia hecho Juan Camilo con su esposa, si no sobre las consecuencias que esto acarrearía, -¿estaba dispuesto a matar a un ser humano para salvar a su amigo?- se cuestiono, camino de regreso al bar para servirse otro escoces, cuando termino tenía la respuesta -SI!!!-.

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El lunes en la mañana bien temprano antes de salir para su bufete el Rolo paso por el apartamento de su vecina la señora Bentley para entregarle su tarjeta, lo recibió la propia señora en la puerta y le invito a tomar una taza de café haciéndolo pasar a la sala donde estaba su loro Morgan, luego de que el Rolo le entregara la tarjeta a la señora Bentley esta le dijo que lo llamaría pronto para concertar una cita.

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La anciana trotamundos le adelanto que ademas de ser propietaria del apartamento, tenía algo de dinero ahorrado en el banco, varias obras de arte y algunos otros objetos de valor en su apartamento que habia recopilado durante sus viajes por el mundo y un gran tesoro que guardaba celosamente en una caja de seguridad en un banco, el abogado tomo nota mental de todo, y le indico a la señora Bentley que hablarían con mas calma en su oficina, cuando se despedía llegó Fabiana la empleada domestica de la señora Bentley que regresaba de vuelta al trabajo luego de tomarse el domingo libre, la mujer era muy linda así que el Rolo pese a su apuro no desaprovecho la oportunidad de hacerle un piropo.

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El abogado se marcho y un buen rato después cuando llego a su bufete antes de ponerse a trabajar usando su teléfono desechable llamo a sus amigos, primero a la Ñonga, este ya iba en camino a buscar a Juan C a su apartamento, espero un rato y llamo entonces a Juan C, este le informo que ya habia llegado la Ñonga y ambos se dirigían rumbo a su trabajo, luego llamo a Napo para confirmar que todo estuviera bien en el apartamento de Juan C, ademas de reafirmale lo importante de su papel dentro de su plan de acción, si las cosas salían como el Rolo habia planificado lo mas seguro era que precisamente fuese Napoleón el encargado de enfrentarse y liquidar al asesino.

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El resto de la semana transcurrió sin mayores novedades, todos los días usando su teléfono desechable el abogado comprobaba que todos estuvieran haciendo lo que tenían que hacer, por su parte Arturo lo llamaba hasta 3 veces al día para preguntar ¿si todo estaba bien?, le hubiera gustado involucrar al Turro mucho mas dentro del plan, pero su celosa esposa era un problema que debían evitar a toda costa. El viernes casi al final de la tarde recibe una llamada de la Ñonga, este le informa que debe ayudar a su padre en la casa, no era algo grave pero no podía acompañar a Juan C a la salida del trabajo, el abogado despejo las dos últimas citas de su agenda y salió del bufete rumbo al trabajo de sus amigos.

Al llegar entro por ellos, luego de saludarlos disimuladamente la Ñonga le paso su revolver 38 antes de salir y despedirse en la puerta, luego el Rolo y Juan C cada uno en sus respectivos autos fueron a cenar al restaurante italiano que a veces frecuentaban, Juan C estaba nervioso y evitaba llegar temprano a casa, pese a que Napo estaba allí era mas que comprensible pensaba el abogado, cuando terminaron de cenar y abordaron sus vehículos este se adelanto en el trafico y llego primero desatendiendo las indicaciones del abogado Juan C no quiso esperar a que el Rolo llegara a su edificio para bajar de su auto y entrar acompañado al edificio.

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El abogado le marco varias veces pero Juan C prefirió no atender, unos minutos después cuando entro por la puerta de su apartamento lo recibió Napoleón que estaba hablando por teléfono.

-Rolo tranquilízate acaba de entrar por la puerta, esta sano y salvo!!!, ok se lo digo.

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-Te manda a decir el Rolo «que te vayas a la mierda!!!».

-Jajaja, se estresa demasiado Rolando.

-Solo te esta cuidando pendejo!!!, al igual que el resto de nosotros ¿ ya cenaste?.

-Si cene en el restaurante italiano, el Rolo me acompaño porque Juan Rafael fue a ayudar a su padre, ¿ y tu estas cocinando algo ?.

-Esta noche me dio pereza cocinar, hazme un favor voy al baño a darme una ducha, esta pendiente del intercomunicador hace unos minutos llame pidiendo algo de comida si llega mientras estoy en el baño, no vayas a abrir la puerta solo!!!, me avisas y salgo rápido de la ducha, ¿recuerda lo que nos recomendó el rolo!!!?.

-Si Napo tranquilo, estaré pendiente no te preocupes.

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¿Estos pendejos piensan que soy un niño pequeño?, se cuestionaba Juan C mientras Napo entraba en el baño, el pelirrojo se quita el saco y se prepara un daikiri de fresa necesitaba algo de alcohol, cuando se termino su trago se sirvió otro, camino hasta el balcón trasero, los dos gatos roñosos que alimentaba Regina no estaban, el idiota de Napo también les estaba poniendo comida -así nunca se iba a ir de mi casa!!!-, dijo en voz alta, -ding, dong, ding, dong!!!-, Juan Camilo camina hasta la puerta principal al oir el timbre.

-¿Quien es?-, pregunta Juan C mientras se asomaba por la mirilla.

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-Su comida china!!!-, le responde del otro lado

Juan Camilo observa por la mirilla de la puerta la bolsa de comida china puesta contra esta y desatendiendo una vez mas las recomendaciones del Rolo de que jamas abriera la puerta del apartamento si no tenía a Napoleón a su lado la abrió!!!.

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*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***

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Chinese Food [2]

When the grill was ready before the 5 friends sat down to eat the Rolo, he took a plate with a couple of grilled fish and as many fresh ones in a bag to the apartment of his neighbor on the 10th floor, Mrs. Bentley, the lawyer loved his neighbor In her youth she had been a globetrotter thanks to her parents who lived a thousand and one adventures as she had told her. The old woman always had a good story to tell. About 20 years ago she had calmed down and chose Chaotic City as her place of retirement. case 5 times according to what she told him, but she never had children, her last husband had died 2 years ago, Rolando, without being her lawyer, advised her with the paperwork and the reading of her husband's will, Don Carlos Iturralde, who had not left children either, but yes. some nephews who fought like hyenas for the deceased uncle's sons, -ding, dong, ding, dong!!!-, Mrs. Bentley opened the door and welcomed him with a smile.

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-Mmmm, thank you very much, that roasted fish smells delicious!!!

-Poisson grillé, Poisson grillé!!!-, shouted Morgan, Mrs. Bentley's parrot who only spoke in French.

-Here, I also brought you some fresh fish.

-Thank you very much Rolando, do you want to stop by and talk to this old woman for a while?

-I can't now Mr. Bentley, my friends are waiting for me at home to eat!!!- Rolando would have loved to invite his neighbor to eat the grill at his house but in the situation in which he was involved with his friends there was no room for guests.

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-I understand, by any chance do you have a card from your law firm on hand?

-Right now I don't have any with me, but how can I help you?

-Every day I am older and more tired, I think it is better to leave things in writing in case something happens.

-Very good idea, Mrs. Bentley, it is always better to be prepared, I will bring you my card later.

-Thank you very much Rolando!!!

When the lawyer returned to his apartment he sat down to eat with his friends, despite the situation, if it had not been for Juan Camilo's worried face and sudden silence, it would have been a normal brotherhood barbecue. When they finished eating, Napo took The things he had to take with him, he said goodbye to everyone and left first, the rest sat down to play dominoes to kill time, an hour 1/2 later Napo called to inform them that he was already at Juan C's apartment, then Rolo gave them the 38 caliber revolvers with the silencers to Juan C and Ñonga, Arturo left first through the door, the lawyer spoke to the two Juanes before they left:

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-Now you two know what you have to do, Juan Rafael, don't leave Juan C alone when he goes to the bathroom!!!, whatever happens, immediately contact me or the others using the disposable phones you bought, hopefully this will end soon and we will have a chance to catch the murderer, go with God.

-Bye Rolo.

It was already night when his friends left, Rolando poured himself a whiskey and walked to his balcony to watch them leave. If they listened to him, followed what was planned and stayed calm, they would catch the refrigerator killer before he caught Juan C. , the lawyer fully trusted in this, when he saw the cars getting lost in traffic he took a second to reflect not only on what Juan Camilo had done with his wife, but also on the consequences that this would entail, -was he willing to kill to a human being to save his friend? - he questioned himself, walking back to the bar to serve himself another scotch, when he finished he had the answer -YES!!!-.

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Very early on Monday morning before leaving for his office, Rolo stopped by his neighbor Mrs. Bentley's apartment to give her his card. The lady herself met him at the door and invited him to have a cup of coffee, making him come in. the room where his parrot Morgan was, after Rolo gave the card to Mrs. Bentley, she told him that she would call him soon to make an appointment.

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The elderly globetrotter told him that in addition to owning the apartment, she had some money saved in the bank, several works of art and some other valuable objects in her apartment that she had collected during her travels around the world, and a large treasure that she kept. jealously in a safe deposit box in a bank, the lawyer took a mental note of everything, and told Mrs. Bentley that they would talk more calmly in her office. When he was saying goodbye, Fabiana, Mrs. Bentley's maid, arrived on her way back to work after taking Sunday off, the woman was very pretty so Rolo, despite his hurry, did not miss the opportunity to compliment her.

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The lawyer left and a long time later when he arrived at his office before getting to work, using his disposable phone, he called his friends, first to Ñonga, he was already on his way to look for Juan C at his apartment, he waited for a a while and then called Juan C, he informed him that Ñonga had already arrived and they were both heading to work, then he called Napo to confirm that everything was fine in Juan C's apartment, in addition to reaffirming to him the importance of his role within his action plan, if things went as Rolo had planned, it was most likely that Napoleon would be in charge of confronting and eliminating the murderer.

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The rest of the week passed without any major news, every day using his disposable phone the lawyer checked that everyone was doing what they had to do, for his part Arturo called him up to 3 times a day to ask if everything was okay? He would have liked to involve Turro much more in the plan, but his jealous wife was a problem that they had to avoid at all costs. On Friday, almost at the end of the afternoon, he received a call from Ñonga, who informed him that he had to help his father at home, it was not something serious but he could not accompany Juan C after work, the lawyer cleared the two last appointments on his agenda and left the office heading to his friends' work.

When he arrived he entered for them, after greeting them secretly, Ñonga handed him his 38 revolver before leaving and saying goodbye at the door, then Rolo and Juan C each in their respective cars went to dinner at the Italian restaurant that they sometimes frequented, Juan C was nervous and avoided arriving home early, even though Napo was there, it was more than understandable, the lawyer thought. When they finished dinner and got into their vehicles, he got ahead of the traffic and arrived first, ignoring the lawyer's instructions. Juan C did not want to. wait for Rolo to arrive at his building to get out of his car and enter the building accompanied.

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The lawyer called him several times but Juan C preferred not to answer. A few minutes later when he entered the door of his apartment he was greeted by Napoleon who was talking on the phone.

-Rolo, calm down, he just entered through the door, he is safe and sound!!!, ok, I'll tell him.

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-Rolo tells you to “go to hell!!!”

-Hahaha, Rolando gets too stressed.

-He's just taking care of you, asshole!!!, just like the rest of us, have you had dinner yet?

-If I had dinner at the Italian restaurant, Rolo accompanied me because Juan Rafael went to help his father, and you are cooking something?

-Tonight I was too lazy to cook, do me a favor, I'm going to the bathroom to take a shower, I was on the intercom a few minutes ago, I called for some food if it arrives while I'm in the bathroom, don't go opening the door alone!!! You let me know and I get out of the shower quickly, remember what the guy recommended to us!!!?

-Yes, Napo, calm down, I'll be watching, don't worry.

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Do these assholes think I'm a little boy? Juan C. asked himself. While Napo entered the bathroom, the redhead took off his jacket and prepared a strawberry daikiri. He needed some alcohol. When he finished his drink, he poured himself another one. to the back balcony, the two dirty cats that Regina fed were not there, the idiot Napo was also putting food on them -that way he would never leave my house!!!-, he said out loud, -ding, dong, ding , dong!!!-, Juan Camilo walks to the front door when he hears the doorbell.

-Who is it? -asks Juan C as he looked through the peephole.

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-Your Chinese food!!!-, They respond from the other side.

Juan Camilo observes through the peephole of the door the bag of Chinese food placed against it and, once again ignoring Rolo's recommendations that he never open the apartment door if he did not have Napoleon by his side, he opened it!!!

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To be continue...

Capitulos Anteriores:
Sospechosos habituales
La partida de poker - las historias
La partida de poker - el blog del asesino serial
El amante de Juan Camilo Salazar
La salida de pesca
Tres 38 y 10 arepas para el almuerzo
Comida china (1)
El plan I
El plan II

Escrito originalmente en Español, traducido al ingles utilizando Google Traslate.

Todas las imágenes de esta publicación son propias, fueron generadas usando las paginas de IA en sus versiónes gratuitas: Leonardo.Ai, Tensor.Art, Picfinder.Ai y Playground.ai

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