Tuesday Blog: Flower and Foods

in blurt-192372 •  last month 

Hello everyone!

It's Tuesday and my boys didn't have class today. I didn't know the reason why there's no class because their teachers didn't inform us. And since they don't have class I didn't cook rice for our breakfast. What we had were pancake and hot drinks to fill our hungry tummy. After finishing our breakfast, I started doing the laundry. I was supposed to make cabinet today but after I finished with my laundry I felt tired and lazy to do it. I'll do it next day or when I'm in the mood to do so. Anyway for today's blog I will be sharing some random things today.


First is this tiny purple flower that we've seen beside the road where we pass by this afternoon from the bakery. My husband asked me to buy bread for our snack so me and my eldest went to the bakery. We were supposed to buy banana bread but it wasn't avaible that time so we choose the star bread and cheese bread. I also bought Nescafe coffee stick to pair it with the bread that I would eat.


Going home, we go on a different way. This is my second time passing by this road and I could say there are a lot of changes along the way. There are some houses that are newly constructed. I was really shock seeing those changes. I think it's been a year since the last time I've been here. Now another thing that I want to share are the foods that I ate today.



This jackfruit that I used is the green one and I cook it with coconut milk. I added a little amount of turmeric powder on it that's why the color of it is yellow. Have you tried eating this kind of food? If not, I will recommend this as this dish is really delicious. Some would mix dried fish and beans on it. With that kind of cooking, it taste more delicious especially when the coconut milk had absorbed in the jackfruit.



Chicken feet adobo? Maybe some would think this is a weird food but here in the Philippines we eat this. Chicken feet barbecue, chicken feet adobo and many other recipes than can be made out of this. When we we are on tight budget this is what we bought because two kilos would only cost 100 php or $1.71. It's much cheaper than buying the whole chicken meat. We usually cooked chicken feet adobo but sometimes I cook chicken feet tinola ( a kind of soup with lemon grass, ginger and horseradish). Just thinking about tinola, I'm already salivating. I really love its soup and it's perfect when the weather is cold.



Green mango is sour but when it's dip or have a shrimp paste sauce the sourness of it compliments to the saltiness of the shrimp paste. That's the reason why I love this but I only eat it in moderation to avoid stomach acidity.


Royal is my favorite go-to soft adrink. It taste different than the other soft drink that I tried. When I was a child, I could only drink this when I'm sick. My grandma would buy this if we had fever and paired it with a pack of crackers. Funny because before we would be happy when we got sick. We felt that way because it's the only time we could drink the drink that we want. Now that I'm adult I can drink it whenever I want to.



Way back to my younger years I don't really like eating this lady's finger. Why? Whenever I tried eating it, the slimy texture of it after a bite made me want to puke. I don't really like slimy foods before but now this is one of my favorite. Dipping it in toyomansi sauce (kalamansi and soy sauce) with a little chili on it to give a kick on each bite is a wow. It's really delicious.

This will be all for now.

Device usedItel A50
TopicFlower and Food


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