Different types of bird photography.

in blurt-188398 •  last month 

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I'm @tuhin002 from Bangladesh.


The birds you can see here are Tia birds. Tia birds are very beautiful among different types of birds, I like this bird very much because they are meant to be pets at home. It was lovely to see them chirping in between. Because I saw it, I did photography among you.As beautiful as the birds are, it was very sad to see them caged because they want to fly freely in the sky but it is very bad that they are caged. It is their life to ride under the open sky as per their own mind.


Different types of pigeons are seen in our country at different times but there are some pigeons among different types at different times which are very rare to see in our country. And these pigeons are as beautiful as they look, but they are very expensive. And these pigeons are naturally petted by keeping more in the cagePigeons are very different types and they have feathers on their heads. I like them all so I shared them with you. I hope you like these pigeons.


There are birds in different ponds in the world and each bird looks different, Arisha is another very beautiful bird, but pigeon bird and these birds are seen in abundance in our area and even in urban areas, these birds are kept in cages. They sell these birds at a very high price.There are many of these birds in fact, but it is wrong to keep them in cages because they will go out in the open sky, it is really a pity that they have been deprived of their life.

I am Abul Bashar Khairul Alam Tuhin. I was born on 11 April 1995. My home is Meherpur District, Gangni Police Station, Jugir Gofa Village. i am married Currently I have a son. I completed my graduation from Rajshahi New Government Degree College. My best wishes and congratulations to you. I have shared my own identity with you in a short form. Everyone pray for me. I wish you all the best.



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  ·  last month  ·  

So wonderful birds. These type of birds i like a lot.