Happy New Year

in blurt-188398 •  2 months ago 

Assalamu Alaikum/Hello
Friends of my blurt space Community
I'm @tammanna from Bangladesh

How are your friends? Hope everyone is well and I am well too. Alhamdulillah, by your kindness and the infinite mercy of Allah, I am back with a new post, so let's start without delay.


It's a great pleasure to write this post again today because today is Happy New Year. We want to welcome the new year and we are leaving the old year behind and entering a new one. This day is very fun and joyful, and as we celebrate the Thirty-First Night, many of us have picnics at night or spend the day at various festivals. But as soon as midnight strikes, a new year awaits us, which is the year 2025. We have left the old year behind and entered the new year. We have left behind all the sorrows and hardships or the mistakes we have made in our lives. We will try to make our new life beautiful and try to move forward to improve our lives and try to correct the mistakes we have and try to keep people or families company and try to see them happy and try to be by their side ourselves to see them happy.


And of course, we have to look to Allah because if we do not pray and fast, Allah will never bring us success in life. We must pray on time and we must think about fasting and fasting. We must do all these good things and of course, there is a lot of joy hidden in celebrating the day with the family, which I believe is hidden joy. I enjoy spending time with my family and also on special days we spend the day together by hanging out or having a good meal at home or by going out or eating and drinking at an outside restaurant or outside where winter pitha is being cooked. Also, there are chances that fairs will be celebrated in several places now and we will spend some time at those places. I will try to make him happy by going to the park. Everyone has the right to happiness so we will try to celebrate the day by taking advantage of our time and travelling to different places. I hope all my friends will try to celebrate the day by doing such things as me and we will celebrate the new year in a new way. I hope everyone will like my post and like me, they will also celebrate their day in a new way. I am ending this post with a message of Happy New Year to everyone in advance, may Allah Hafez bless you.

Deviceoppo 11 pro
Thanks everyone for reading my post



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