BLURT 4.1.25
Assalamu Alaikum. How are you all? I hope everyone in my Bangla blog family is well. I am also in good health by the infinite mercy of Allah. I started a new blog wishing good health to all my Bangla blog family. I always try to share good posts. It feels great to be able to share good quality posts. It feels great to be able to share blogs on this platform. I hope you like today's blog.
- আসসালামু আলাইকুম। সবাই কেমন আছেন? আশা করি আমার বাংলা ব্লগ পরিবারের সবাই ভাল আছেন। আমিও আল্লাহর অশেষ রহমতে ভালো সুস্থ আছি। আমার বাংলা ব্লগ পরিবারের সকলের সুস্বাস্থ্য কামনা করে নতুন ব্লগ শুরু করলাম। আমি সবসময় চেষ্টা করে ভালো পোস্টগুলো শেয়ার করার জন্য। ভালো কোয়ালিটির পোস্ট শেয়ার করতে পারলে ভীষণ ভালো লাগে। এ প্লাটফর্মে ব্লগ শেয়ার করতে পেরে ভীষণ ভালো লাগতেছে। আশা করি আজকের ব্লগ আপনাদের ভালো লাগবে।
আজ আমি খুবই সুন্দর একটি খাবারের ফটোগ্রাফি নিয়ে এসেছি। খাবারের ফটোগ্রাফিটি আমার কাছে খুবই চমৎকার লেগেছে। যার কারনে দেখে ফটোগ্রাফি করে নিলাম। মেলায় গেলে খুবই সুন্দর সুন্দর খাবারের ফটোগ্রাফি করা যায়। আমি যখন কিছুদিন আগে একটি মেলা গিয়েছিলাম তখন এই ফটোগ্রাফি করেছি। আমার কাছে বেশ দারুন লেগেছে তাই আজ আপনাদের মাঝে শেয়ার করেছি। আমি আশা করি আপনাদের সবার অনেক বেশি ভালো লাগবে।

Post details
Category | Photography |
Camera | Samsung S23 Ultra |
Post Created | narocky71 |
Location | Bangladesh |
A little about yourself
My name is Nurul Alam Rocky. My Blurt/Steemit I'd narocky71. I am a Bangladeshi citizen. I live in Bangladesh. Along with that, I am a global citizen. I speak Bengali. I express my thoughts in Bengali. I love Bengali. I love photography and painting. I especially like painting with water colors. I also like to travel. Whenever I have time and money, I go out to travel. I especially like to do macro photography. I have been doing photography for many years. But especially macro photography is done more. Currently I love to do art with it. Currently I spend more time learning art. Currently my dream is to be a good photographer, and a good artist. And a very good blogger. If any of you want, please join me on my social media (fi amanillah)
আমার নাম নুরুল আলম রকি। আমার Blurt/Steemit I'd narocky71। আমি বাংলাদেশী নাগরিক । বাংলাদেশে বসবাস করি। তার সাথে সাথে আমি বিশ্বনাগরিক। আমি বাংলা ভাষায় কথা বলি। বাংলা ভাষায় মনের ভাব প্রকাশ করি। আমি বাংলা ভাষাকে ভালবাসি। আমি ফটোগ্রাফি করতে ও ছবি আঁকতে ভালোবাসি। বিশেষ করে জল রং দিয়ে পেইন্টিং করতে পছন্দ করি। এছাড়াও আমি ভ্রমণ করতে পছন্দ করি। যখনই আমার সময় এবং হাতে টাকা থাকে তখন ভ্রমণ করতে বেরিয়ে পড়ি। বিশেষ করে আমি ম্যাক্রো ফটোগ্রাফি করতে পছন্দ করি। আমি অনেক বছর আগ থেকে ফটোগ্রাফি করে থাকি। কিন্তু বিশেষ করে ম্যাক্রো ফটোগ্রাফি বেশি করা হয়। বর্তমানে তার সাথে আর্ট করতে অনেক ভালোবাসি। বর্তমানে আমি বেশি সময় কাটাই আর্ট শিখতে। বর্তমানে আমার স্বপ্ন, আমি একজন ভালো ফটোগ্রাফার, ও একজন ভালো আর্টিস্ট হব। এবং খুবই ভালো ব্লগার হব। আপনারা কেউ চাইলে আমার সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ার আমার সাথে ( ফি আমানিল্লাহ)
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A deep winter night. The moonlight is hidden behind a thick fog. The silence around is occasionally disturbed by the barking of dogs. An old house is located on the outskirts of Dhaka. The house is called 'Blue Door'. Once it was a landlord's mansion, but today it is in a dilapidated state.
As soon as you step inside the house, it seems that time has stopped here. The once magnificent furniture is now covered in a layer of dust. Adiba has come to this house as a new tenant. After completing her studies at the university, she enrolled in journalism.
Adiba's life story was not easy. Her father's premature death, her mother's illness - everything seemed to be an obstacle in her every step of life. Nevertheless, she established herself through a difficult struggle. This time her goal is a big breaking news.
Searching for a secret source
One day, an unknown e-mail suddenly arrives in Adiba's office. It read:
"There is something hidden in the secret chest of the blue door that can change the history of the country."
The email caught Adiba's attention. Although it may be a rumor, Adiba knows that as a journalist, it is her duty to uncover this mystery.
The next day, Adiba looks around every corner of the house. Her curiosity is piqued when she sees an old blue door in a secluded room. There is a strange design carved on the door.
An unexpected guest
In the evening, there is a sudden knock on the door. As soon as the door is opened, a mysterious man stands. His name is Raihan. He says that this house is the property of his ancestors and he wants to know the secret behind the blue door.
Adiba was hesitant at first, but later saw no choice but to seek Raihan's help.
Beyond the Blue Door
The two of them try to open the blue door one night. When they open the door, they find a secret compartment inside. There is a dusty bundle of papers in an old trunk. Some symbolic symbols and a map are drawn on the papers.
They start their journey by following the map. But at every step, they realize that someone is monitoring their movements.
Risk to life
Their search gradually becomes complicated. The things described in the paper in the trunk reveal the secret conspiracy of an influential person in the country. Adiba and Raihan now become the targets of those conspirators.
The story now begins to take an exciting turn. Both of them realize how dangerous this mystery can be for their lives. But they move forward in search of the truth.
Adiba's journey begins with a mysterious e-mail that began on a winter night. The old house 'Blue Door' pulls her into a new world. Her sudden meeting with Raihan and the map found in the secret chamber of the Blue Door join them on a dangerous expedition.
First steps in the dark
As the night deepens, Adiba and Raihan sit down with the secret map. The map does not indicate any ordinary place. There are strange signs and symbolic messages. One sentence catches their attention:
"Where the truth is hidden, death stands there."
Raihan says, "The map is leading us to an old city. My grandfather had some land in this area. Maybe it has something to do with it."
They set off early the next morning. They drive in Raihan's old car and reach a rural area outside Dhaka. The area is deserted, as if time has escaped from here.
The first danger
At the location indicated on the map, they reach an old well. The well is surrounded by bushes, and the design carved on it is very similar to a blue door. Raihan says, "My grandfather used to say that this well never dries up. No one was afraid to touch it. I think there is something hidden inside it."
They reach the well. Suddenly, a group of people emerge from the bushes. They have sharp weapons in their hands. One of them shouts, “What are you doing here? Get out of here!”
Raihan quickly realizes that they are not ordinary robbers. They are the guardians of this secret. But Adiba is not afraid. She says, “We are not doing anything wrong. If there is really something hidden here, everyone has the right to know.”
The men come forward to attack, but at that moment the sound of police sirens is heard. The men run away in fear.
Finding the secret tunnel
As they descend deeper into the well, they see that it leads to a tunnel. Written on the wall of the tunnel are some words in an ancient language:
“Those who want to know the truth, bring light.”
Raihan lights a torch. Deep inside the tunnel, they find an iron box. Upon opening the box, they find a few letters, some pictures, and a video cassette.
The letters tell the story of a conspiracy by an influential businessman. This man has embezzled crores of rupees under the guise of various development projects in the country. The video cassette contains that evidence.
As they return with the letter and the video in hand, Raihan suddenly stops. A strange expression appears on his face. Adiba asks, “What happened?”
Raihan says in a calm voice, “I have no choice but to be sorry. Running after this mystery is not for me. I can’t take this any further.”
Before he can finish speaking, Raihan takes out a pistol from his pocket. He wants to capture Adiba. Adiba is shocked. She realizes that Raihan is actually working for the conspirators.
But Adiba is not the kind of girl to give up so easily. She quickly runs away with the video cassette. Raihan chases after her, but Adiba hides in a bush.
Fight for the truth
Adiba knows that she will have to continue this fight alone. She secretly returns to Dhaka and helps analyze the video cassette.
A deep winter night. The moonlight is hidden behind a thick fog. The silence around is occasionally disturbed by the barking of dogs. An old house is located on the outskirts of Dhaka. The house is called 'Blue Door'. Once it was a landlord's mansion, but today it is in a dilapidated state.
As soon as you step inside the house, it seems that time has stopped here. The once magnificent furniture is now covered in a layer of dust. Adiba has come to this house as a new tenant. After completing her studies at the university, she enrolled in journalism.
Adiba's life story was not easy. Her father's premature death, her mother's illness - everything seemed to be an obstacle in her every step of life. Nevertheless, she established herself through a difficult struggle. This time her goal is a big breaking news.
Searching for a secret source
One day, an unknown e-mail suddenly arrives in Adiba's office. It read:
"There is something hidden in the secret chest of the blue door that can change the history of the country."
The email caught Adiba's attention. Although it may be a rumor, Adiba knows that as a journalist, it is her duty to uncover this mystery.
The next day, Adiba looks around every corner of the house. Her curiosity is piqued when she sees an old blue door in a secluded room. There is a strange design carved on the door.
An unexpected guest
In the evening, there is a sudden knock on the door. As soon as the door is opened, a mysterious man stands. His name is Raihan. He says that this house is the property of his ancestors and he wants to know the secret behind the blue door.
Adiba was hesitant at first, but later saw no choice but to seek Raihan's help.
Beyond the Blue Door
The two of them try to open the blue door one night. When they open the door, they find a secret compartment inside. There is a dusty bundle of papers in an old trunk. Some symbolic symbols and a map are drawn on the papers.
They start their journey by following the map. But at every step, they realize that someone is monitoring their movements.
Risk to life
Their search gradually becomes complicated. The things described in the paper in the trunk reveal the secret conspiracy of an influential person in the country. Adiba and Raihan now become the targets of those conspirators.
The story now begins to take an exciting turn. Both of them realize how dangerous this mystery can be for their lives. But they move forward in search of the truth.
Adiba's journey begins with a mysterious e-mail that began on a winter night. The old house 'Blue Door' pulls her into a new world. Her sudden meeting with Raihan and the map found in the secret chamber of the Blue Door join them on a dangerous expedition.
First steps in the dark
As the night deepens, Adiba and Raihan sit down with the secret map. The map does not indicate any ordinary place. There are strange signs and symbolic messages. One sentence catches their attention:
"Where the truth is hidden, death stands there."
Raihan says, "The map is leading us to an old city. My grandfather had some land in this area. Maybe it has something to do with it."
They set off early the next morning. They drive in Raihan's old car and reach a rural area outside Dhaka. The area is deserted, as if time has escaped from here.
The first danger
At the location indicated on the map, they reach an old well. The well is surrounded by bushes, and the design carved on it is very similar to a blue door. Raihan says, "My grandfather used to say that this well never dries up. No one was afraid to touch it. I think there is something hidden inside it."
They reach the well. Suddenly, a group of people emerge from the bushes. They have sharp weapons in their hands. One of them shouts, “What are you doing here? Get out of here!”
Raihan quickly realizes that they are not ordinary robbers. They are the guardians of this secret. But Adiba is not afraid. She says, “We are not doing anything wrong. If there is really something hidden here, everyone has the right to know.”
The men come forward to attack, but at that moment the sound of police sirens is heard. The men run away in fear.
Finding the secret tunnel
As they descend deeper into the well, they see that it leads to a tunnel. Written on the wall of the tunnel are some words in an ancient language:
“Those who want to know the truth, bring light.”
Raihan lights a torch. Deep inside the tunnel, they find an iron box. Upon opening the box, they find a few letters, some pictures, and a video cassette.
The letters tell the story of a conspiracy by an influential businessman. This man has embezzled crores of rupees under the guise of various development projects in the country. The video cassette contains that evidence.
As they return with the letter and the video in hand, Raihan suddenly stops. A strange expression appears on his face. Adiba asks, “What happened?”
Raihan says in a calm voice, “I have no choice but to be sorry. Running after this mystery is not for me. I can’t take this any further.”
Before he can finish speaking, Raihan takes out a pistol from his pocket. He wants to capture Adiba. Adiba is shocked. She realizes that Raihan is actually working for the conspirators.
But Adiba is not the kind of girl to give up so easily. She quickly runs away with the video cassette. Raihan chases after her, but Adiba hides in a bush.
Fight for the truth
Adiba knows that she will have to continue this fight alone. She secretly returns to Dhaka and helps analyze the video cassette.
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