Fishing and rural life

in blurt-188398 •  4 months ago 

Before nightfall, the fishermen gather on the shore. Fishermen are waiting by throwing tempting bait in the barashi. There is no meditation, only vision—when the leaf falls. And then with charisma pull the ship hard. There is a joyful atmosphere in the pond with the shouts of the spectators while catching fish. Such a scene can be seen in the ticketed ponds in various villages of Nandail Upazila of Mymensingh. With the evolution of time, many traditions of rural Bengal are now lost. But the rural tradition of fishing by cutting a ticket with a barashi still exists in Nandail Upazila and surrounding areas

Very popular in the area. About a thousand hobby hunters still carry on this tradition. It is known The scheduled time of throwing Barashi starts after 12:00 PM in the ticketed pond. The hunters took their time and fished continuously until five o'clock the next afternoon. deep

They don't want to end the waiting time to bring the fish from the water. Some see the face of success after a long pursuit. Some cannot raise the ticket price. However, at the end of the day, the hunters raised a wave of satisfaction. Happiness is their success. can be seen On this day of the festival, visitors throng around to watch the hobby fishermen in the pond water. When the fish is stuck in the barashi, more smiles are seen on the faces of the surrounding spectators than the fisherman. Then a flood of joy spread throughout the area. But taking part in the competition is more or less the biggest catch of all


Different species of fish including padi rui, katla and mrigel. Correspondent Nandail, Mymensingh This picture of fishing in rural areas is visible throughout the winter season. And the joy and happiness of children and teenagers to participate in fishing. They enjoy the joy of fishing by splashing their whole bodies in the muddy water.
Local fish such as koi, shing, magur etc. are mostly caught. Besides, there are fish like Tengra, Punti, Khailsa, Shoal, Taki, Boal, Chikra, Bain, Katla, Silver Carp etc. During the rainy season, the fishes of different water bodies, including fisheries, get washed away and take shelter in ponds, canals and low water bodies. Later in the dry season those fish are caught.
কৈ, শিং, মাগুর প্রভৃৃতি দেশি জাতের জিয়ল মাছই ধরা পড়ে বেশি। তাছাড়া টেংরা, পুঁটি, খইলসা, শোল, টাকি, বোয়াল, চিকরা, বাইন, কাতলা, সিলভার কার্প প্রভৃতি মাছ তো রয়েছেই। বর্ষাকালে ফিশারিসহ বিভিন্ন জলমহালের মাছ ভেসে গিয়ে ডোবা-পুকুর, খাল-বিল এবং নিচু জালাভ‚মিতে আশ্রয় নেয়। পরে শুকনো মওসুমে সেইসব মাছ ধরা পড়ে।

Currently, the market of Gramganj has a lot of fish available and the price is much cheaper than other times. Meanwhile, in different upazilas including Chandina of Comilla district, small and big fishes such as Kai, Shing, Magur, Vedi, Baila, Pabda, Prawns are caught in various canals and rivers with small nets and chai (traps). All those fish species are feared to be lost due to non-breeding of fish species. Elderly people of the area said that during the breeding of fish such as Desi Kai, Shing, Magur, Vedi, Baila, Pabda, Prawns etc., the mother fishes take shelter in paddy fields, ponds, drains, canals and ditches to release their eggs. Chandina canal, bill, sink, drain
Now small and big native fish of all species are waiting to grow up. But in the surrounding areas including Chandina, small fishes are often caught and sold in haat-bazaar. In Sarezmin, it was seen that fishing with nets is going on in Shuhilpur area of Chandina Upazila of the district.
Once the fish enters the bamboo trap, it cannot come out. Fishermen from different markets of the upazila buy special traps made of bamboo and keep them in the gaps between rice paddies and small drains, and after five-six hours, different species of fish are caught by lifting the traps from all those places.

In this low income people are able to sell fish for 1 to 150 taka even after eating three meals for their family. A farmer named Anwar said that more fish are caught on days when it rains more. However, small fish species are caught in that fish trap
Fish breeding is in crisis and experts fear the loss of native fish species in the near future. This country is ours with green-green crops. But we did not get this adjective from civil life.
of the village
The natural environment has given us this picture. Bangladesh stands on the chest of the world with its rural characteristics. There are about 68 thousand villages inside this country. Every village has different or distinctive characteristics and the nature of its people is also different. The nature of the village and there প্রকৃতিলালিত পরিবেশই আমাদের এই চিত্র প্রদান করেছে। বাংলাদেশ গ্রামীণ বৈশিষ্ট্য নিয়েই বিশ্বের বুকে দাঁড়িয়েছে।
প্রায় ৬৮ হাজার গ্রাম রয়েছে এদেশের অভ্যন্তরে। প্রতিটি গ্রামের রয়েছে আলাদা বা স্বতন্ত্র বৈশিষ্ট্য এবং সেখানকার মানুষের প্রকৃতিও আলাদা। গ্রামের প্রকৃতি ও সেখানকার
People - rural life is made up of these two. This life is sometimes simple and sometimes complicated in front of us. There are many stories of happiness and sadness.

Village women used to weave nakshikantha as a hobby during the rainy season, but today it has become a profession. Interrelationship of village people: Village houses are surrounded by greenery and almost without walls. So one can easily go to another house through one house.
Because of this, the interrelationship between people is very strong. They reach out to everyone in need and extend a helping hand. Because of this joy and sorrow are not alone there. They all share it equally. This relationship has an important role in the professional space as well.

Natural environment of the village: Most of the villages in Bangladesh are green. Because the hardships of urbanization could not touch the village in any way. So people rush to the village to see green with their eyes full. As the mango-jam-jackfruit orchard stands there; Likewise, the field's green crops wave there in the wind
giving In the words of the poet, the village is thus called a 'nest of shadowy peace.' Truly, when the noise and bustle of the city wears a man down, he goes back to the village for a little bit of life. To get happiness. The nature of the village embraces him with both hands and gives him that peace. People get the means of survival by going near the village.
গ্রামের প্রাকৃতিক পরিবেশ:
বাংলাদেশের বেশিরভাগ গ্রামই সবুজময়। কারণ নগরায়ণের কাঠিন্য কোনােভাবেই গ্রামকে স্পর্শ করতে পারেনি। তাই দু’চোখ ভরে সবুজ দেখতে মানুষ গ্রামে ছুটে যায় । আম-জাম-কাঁঠালের বাগান যেমন সেখানে দাঁড়িয়ে আছে; তেমনি মাঠময় সবুজ ফসল সেখানে হাওয়ায় দোলা
সুখের পরশ পেতে। গ্রামের প্রকৃতি তাকে দু’হাতে জড়িয়ে সেই শান্তির পরশ দেয়। বেঁচে থাকার রসদ পায় মানুষ গ্রামের সান্নিধ্যে গিয়ে।



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  ·  4 months ago  ·  

Very nice post presented to us. He is fishing very nicely in the canal with his friends. I also like fishing like this. In fact, the fun of fishing with friends is different. Thank you very much. For presenting such a nice post.