Life abroad is a dream come true on the one hand and a boundless struggle on the other Thousands of people leave their country to migrate abroad in the hope of improving their lives a little providing happiness and comfort to their families or aiming for a good career But this path is not easy because there are not only dreams but also difficult demands of reality The first step of going abroad is the most difficult The language barrier adapting to the new environment finding accommodation and creating job opportunities are all big challenges for a new expatriate Those who go abroad for higher education have to worry about meeting tuition fees and living expenses in addition to their education On the other hand those who go abroad for labor or employment it becomes difficult to understand the new workplace environment and the type of work.
The biggest sacrifice of expatriates is that many who are far from their families leave their wives children or parents behind which is very difficult mentally Especially during festivals when everyone wants to be with their families in their happy moments they are deprived of that happiness due to distance They do not see their children grow up and are not able to be close to their parents These hardships cannot be compensated with anything Many people think that living abroad means a comfortable life, but the reality is completely different Especially for those who work in the working class in the Middle East, Europe or America everyday life is very difficult They have to work from morning to night, sometimes overtime for extra income adverse weather conditions exploitation by employers and job uncertainty These are all part of expatriate life Yet they work day and night to bring smiles to their families faces.
However after all life abroad is a blessing for many Many people reach the peak of success through their hard work Some build big businesses some get good jobs after completing their education and some return home and start something new with the experience and money they have gained while abroad They also play an important role in the country's economy It is sad but true that many times relatives in the country consider the life of expatriates to be luxurious but many do not understand how difficult it is for them to go through every day When they return home relatives often expect financial help but forget about their struggles Life abroad is a unique mix of giving up dreams and struggling It not only gives many people the opportunity to change their fate but also puts them through difficult mental and physical tests Expatriates enrich the country's economy by sending their hard-earned money home Therefore we should have respect and sympathy for them because they are working tirelessly not only for themselves but also for their families and even for the country.