The feeling of playing in the studio.

in blurt-188398 •  4 days ago 

Assalamualaikum how are you all blurt spaceCommunity I am @hossain4152 from Bangladesh.


So without further ado let's share today's post.

goes without saying. And these crops. After cutting it, it is brought in a buffalo cart. And I was a child. When we had ghosts. At that time I loved to ride in the elephant carriage. Still love but like before and those days are over.I miss those days so much. Actually when this rice season comes in our village. Then I no longer stay at home, but only ride in the mosquito car. And father is only looking for me. And throw away the wealth of that buffalo.They come to our village and harvest so much rice that they don't need to do any more work this year. So they come to our village every year. And after suffering so much. After deworming and And when my father.Then we used to go to the house where many boys kept for father in the field. So it was very nice. And sometimes I used to eat rice with my father. Actually, I don't understand how field rice has a different taste.Those who have eaten in the field understand that the food in the field is different. Actually, I like to eat with my father in the field. I can't explain to you. In fact, the moments are really good when you remember them.In fact, when the paddy is full of mud, everyone forgets about the hardships. And they have a smile on their face that a simple farmer will understand. And I hung out with my friends for a long time. And I went to see a lot of friends. Then what else can I say? he is me From here to there to here this way takes me. Actually those moments are very nice. And I went to see a lot of friends. Then what else can I say? he is me From here to there to here this way takes me. Actually those moments are very nice. It didn't seem like going with a friend even if the feet were muddy. It's actually very funny if you're not afraid of a friend. when Enjoyed such a nice one. But I can't tell you. I really like it because I haven't seen it with my friends. You can see the side picture. Taking pictures of rice from very close. Now only a few are small.So now everyone is taking care well. If you don't do it well, their rice will not be good. And if the rice is not good. Our rice will not be good either. If the halsal is not good, our rice will not be good either. In fact, these days are not to be forgotten.And whatever you want to be, wherever you look, the field is full of rice. And without further ado. Let's share it with you. Tomorrow I will be back with a new post.All the books were not put inside the bag. Then leaves home to go to school. Be away from home My friends are walking from that neighborhood. Then I stand for them again in the face of our saku. After standing for a while they left. We are friends and girlfriends from school together Goes to walk and talk. It is very nice to go to school after going. In fact, I don't have fun anywhere like school. After going to school, I read all the madam's classes. But we are one Actually that discount. He loves us very much and laughs with us very much. In fact, even after we left school. I will never talk about that sir and I will never forget it. Because whether our class reads or not And that sir is very funny with us. And names the boys. If someone misbehaves in class. Sir named him immediately. Thus ends the tiffin. Then tiffin And that sir is very funny with us. And names the boys. If someone misbehaves in class. Sir named himIt didn't seem like going with a friend even if the feet were muddy. It's actually very funny if you're not afraid of a friend. when Enjoyed such a nice one. But I can't tell you. I really like it because I haven't seen it with my friends. You can see the side picture. Taking pictures of rice from very close. Now only a few are small.So now everyone is taking care well. If you don't do it well, their rice will not be good. And if the rice is not good. Our rice will not be good either. If the halsal is not good, our rice will not be good either. In fact, these days are not to be forgotten.And whatever you want to be, wherever you look, the field is full of rice. And without further ado. Wake up in the morning and finish eating and drinking. I came to you. I didn't sleep well at night.Anyway let's stop talking. Let's share today's post with you. I came from school. I was having a lot of fun at school with my friends.Come home and take a bath. After eating and drinking. Faka with the mobile in hand. I was going suddenly. I see a friend by the pool.In front of our house. The friend told me when he was going to the store. Let's eat something from that shop. I said ok then let's go.You can see in the picture above that my friend and I took the picture together. After going to the store. I asked my friend what to eat. Friend said eat what you like. I said Oma or not.What is the matter of eating so much? Saying I was working so eat today. I said ok then. You play a stick, I eat a stick. Then the friend took two lakhs and went towards the opening. Then the friend says that here.I said ok then it won't be. I said why take it off. The friend said how big the paddy is growing. Does that disease feel like mog? So let's see. After saying this, the friend said. My father said. I see the ghost today.Friend will say it again. That's why I went again with my friend. Actually, not if you talk about friends. It was two o'clock one night. I called my friend. The cow is very sick. You have to go to the doctor to get medicine in that neighborhood. The friend left the house and came to our house. In fact, friendship is always there in times of danger. found next to them. In fact, these days are never to be forgotten. In fact, he is a very good hearted person.In fact, we grew up playing together since childhood. So whenever I call He still came. So he said to me that he said today let's turn from our treasure house.So I went with a friend. In fact, a friend is taking me to protect him. And he is going to chat with his girlfriend. In fact, friends think there is 30 bighas of land. Which very few people have in our village. come on All land will be in his name. So almost everything is taken care of by friends. So it sometimes takes me. In fact, friends are alone. As if they have many ponds.So all those friends take care of feeding these ponds alone. In fact, if one father has one son. All work should fall on his shoulders. How difficult it is to be a son of one father. A son of a father knows that.In fact, life is very difficult. Which can be understood if one father has one son. In fact, friends, it's a lot of work. And friend, what are you doing? In fact some time with a friend is so beautiful seeing a green field full of crops. How is the mind?Actually you can see. Me and my friend took that picture together.The friend is standing next to his wife. And I said then you stand and take a selfie together. If friends are fine, then I said this immediately You can see it. My friend and I are standing together taking a beautiful selfie. And then we had many boys far away. They look at us and say are you crazy or are you taking selfies inside the field.I don't say bro I work on a platform. The pictures have to be posted there. Then they understand. Then they don't say anything. Actually, I wandered for a long time in my friend's house.A little later, I went and sat by their pond. After sitting down, we did not smoke the cigarette together. In fact, if you have a friend, you should have a friend who can be called whenever you need him. Such a friend, whatever All battles like the Battle of Badr will be won if one has a faithful friend like Hazrat Abu Bakr Radiyallah Tayala Anha. Actually I love my friends very much. What I can't express in words. They really are In fact, to see the fear of a friend. As you can see, the fields in our village are full of crops. Everywhere you look, there are only crops and crops. Actually these crops. It looks more beautiful when you get home.WhichLet's share it with you. Tomorrow I will be back with a new post.poisoning. When you eat a lot But these beds are very painful.



সকালে আব্বু ঘুম থেকে ডেকে দিয়েছিল। কারণ আজকে জুম্মার দিন তাই। আব্বু ডেকে দিয়ে বলেছিল তাড়াতাড়ি উঠে ফরজের নামাজ টা পড়ে নে। আমি একটু লেট করে ঘুম থেকে উঠছিলাম। ঘুম থেকে উঠে ভালো হবে ফ্রেশ হয়ে ওযু করে চলে আসি। ওযু করে আসার পর আমার টেবিলের উপর টুপি ছিল টুপিটা মাথায় দিয়ে যায় নামাজটা বিছিয়ে ফজরের নামাজের জন্য প্রস্তুতি হলাম। এবং ফজরের নামাজটা পড়ে নিলাম বাড়িতেই কারণ আমার একটু লেট হয়ে গেছিল ঘুম থেকে উঠতে। ফজরের নামাজটা শেষ করে নিয়ে যায় নামাজটা গুছিয়ে রেখে দিলাম যেখানে ছিল সেখানে। তারপরে আমার ক্লাসের পড়াটা পড়ছে থাকলাম। কিছু সময় আমার ক্লাসের পরোটা পড়ে নিলাম। ক্লাসের পড়াটা পড়া শেষ করে আমি দাঁত ব্রাশ করছিলাম না। আমি দাঁত ব্রাশ করতে করতে ফাঁকা এদিকে গেলাম। ফাকার দিকে যাওয়ার পর দাঁত ব্রাশ করছিলাম আর তো হাঁটাহাঁটি ব্যায়াম করছিলাম। আসলে সকালে ঘুম থেকে উঠতে খুবই ভালো লাগে। তাই আমি নিয়মিত সকালে ঘুম থেকে উঠি। পড়তে মন চায় না সকালে তাও আব্বু ঢেকে দেয়। তারপরে ভাইয়াকে ডাকতে গেলাম বাড়িতে ভাইয়া বলছিল আমাকে প্রতিদিন সকালে ডেকে দিবে। তারপরে ভাইয়ের সাথে কিছু সময় হাটাহাটি করি এদিক ওদিক হাট হাটির পর তারপরে আমি বাড়িতে এসে দাঁতটা ব্রাশ শেষ করে ভালো করে মুখ পরিষ্কার করে দেয়নি তারপরে ভাইয়া বাড়িতে চলে যায় তারপর আমি আমাদের বাড়িতে চলে আসি। আসলে সকালে খুব ঘুম পাচ্ছিলো। তাই আবার হাত মুখ ধুয়ে এসে আবার ঘুম দিলাম ঘুম দেয়ার পর সে মোবাইলটা তুলে দেখি সাড়ে আটটা বেজে গেছে। ঘুম থেকে ওঠার পর ভাত খেতে গেলাম। ভাত খেতে পারলাম না তাই হালকা করে নাস্তা করলাম দোকানে থেকে কিছু কিনে নিয়ে তারপরে বাড়িতে চলে গেলাম বাড়িতে আসার পর ভাইয়াকে বললাম মাঠে ঘাস কাটতে যেতে হবে না ভাইয়া বললে হ্যাঁ যেতে হবে তো না গেলে গরুর খাওয়াবো কি এই বলে আমি আর ভাইয়া মিলে সেই কথাগুলো আমি বাড়িতে চলে আসি বাড়িতে আসার পর আমি বাড়িতে প্যান্টটা পরে নেই তাড়াতাড়ি। যেখানে ঘাস কাটবো।সেখানে অনেকটা পানি এবং চেই বলে এক ধরনের ঘাস আছে। সেখানে প্যান না পড়ে গেলে সব হাত-পা কেটে যায় তাই সবাই প্যান্ট পড়ে যায় সেখানে ঘাস কাটতে গেলে। তাই তাড়াতাড়ি প্যান্টটা পরে নিয়ে কিছু সময় মোবাইল টিপছিলাম মোবাইল টিপতে খুবই ভালো লাগছিল সকালে তাই কিছু সময় মোবাইল টিপছিলাম। মোবাইল টিপতে টিপতে আমার আর খেয়াল নেই যে ঘাস কাটতে যেতে হবে। আমাকে ভাইয়া ডাকে এত দেরি আছে কেন তাড়াতাড়ি চলে আয় এই বলে মোবাইলটা আমি তাড়াতাড়ি থুয়ে। আমি হাইসুটা ভালোভাবে ভালো বালো দিয়ে নেয় এবং বস্তাটা গুছিয়ে নি তারপর আমি চলে যায় ভাইয়ের সাথে মাঠে যাস কাটতেই। তারপর একটা জায়গা দেখে আসি যেখানে অনেক মাছ ধরছিল ভাই আমাকে বলছিল ঢেলা মেরে মাছ আছে কিনা আমি আবার ঢেলা মারছিলাম মাছ আছে কিনা। পরে দেখি সেখানে অনেক মাছ মারছে ভাইয়াকে বলি আগে চলো ঘাস কেটে নিয়ে আনি তারপরে না হয় মাছ ধরা যাবে এই বলে আমি আর ভাইয়া ঘাস কাটতে চলে গেলাম যাওয়ার পর অনেকক্ষণ ধরে ঘাস কাটছিলাম এবং আমরা দেখলাম ভেরিতে কুসুর হয়েছে আমি আর ভাইয়া মিলে দুইটা কুসুর কেটে খেয়ে ফেললাম এবং এই বলে চলে গেলাম বাড়িতে ঘাস কাটতে কাটতে মাথার ভেতরে তো আগুন ধরে যায় যে আমার মাথায় অনেক বড় বড় চুল তাই ঘাস নিয়ে আনতে কিছু না হলেও তিন থেকে চার কিলো পথ অতি কম করে বাড়িতে আসতে হয় তাই অনেকটা কষ্ট হয়ে যায়। বাড়িতে আসার পর সেই ঘাসগুলো ভালোভাবে চুড়িয়ে ফেলাম। গাছগুলো ভালোভাবে জুড়িয়ে ফেলার পর তারপরে আমি আরো বিচালি চূড়িয়ে নেয়। বিশ্বলী চুরানো শেষ করে ঘাস গুলো ভালোভাবে মিশিয়ে নি এবং হাস বটি সহ সব মিলে যেখানে গরুর ঘাসগুলো রাখা হয় সেখানে থুয়ে এলাম। তারপরে ঘাসগুলো বসতে করে ফেললাম ঘাস গুলো বস্তায় পরিয়ে ফেললাম তারপর ভাইয়ের বাসায় গেলাম বাসায় যাওয়ার পর ভাইয়াকে বললাম যে মাছ ধরতে যাবা নাকি। আমি বললাম নেট নেট নাই তাহলে থাক মাছ ধরতে কাল গেলে হবে না কালকে নেট জোগাড় করে রাখবো। এবারে ভাইয়া বলে ঠিক আছে তাহলে কালকে গেলে হবে না কারণ আজকে তো আবার জুম্মার দিন মাছ ধরতে গেলে নামাজ পড়া হবে না নে এগুলো বাড়িতে এসে আমি গরুর গা টা তুলে দেই ভালোভাবে শ্যাম্পু দিয়ে এবং নান্দাগুলো ধুয়ে দি তারপর গরু গোবর গুলো ধুয়ে দি। তারপর সেগুলো পরিষ্কার করে দে ভালোভাবে যেন কোন ময়লা মাটি না থাকে। আর আমি তারপর ভালোভাবে গোসল করিনি তারপর গোসল করার পর নামাজের জন্য প্রস্তুতি গ্রহণ করি। আজকে নামাজ পড়তে যেতে হবে জুম্মার নামাজ। আমি এসে লুঙ্গিটা পরে এবং জুব্বাটা পড়ে নামাজের যাওয়ার জন্য প্রস্তুতি নেই এবং নামাজে ও চলে যায়। তারপরে নামাজে যাওয়ার পর কিছু সময় সানি খুতবা শূনি এবং সুন্নাহ গুলো পড়ে নি। তারপরে ফরজ নামাজটা পড়ে নি ন তারপরে আবার সুন্নতটা পড়ে নিও তারপরে বাড়িতে চলে আসি। বাড়িতে আসার হালকা করে খাওয়া দাওয়া শেষ করে নি।



And when my father.Then we used to go to the house where many boys kept for father in the field. So it was very nice. And sometimes I used to eat rice with my father. Actually, I don't understand how field rice has a different taste.Those who have eaten in the field understand that the food in the field is different. Actually, I like to eat with my father in the field. I can't explain to you. In fact, the moments are really good when you remember them.In fact, when the paddy is full of mud, everyone forgets about the hardships. And they have a smile on their face that a simple farmer will understand. And I hung out with my friends for a long time. And I went to see a lot of friends. Then what else can I say? he is me From here to there to here this way takes me. Actually those moments are very nice. It didn't seem like going with a friend even if the feet were muddy. It's actually very funny if you're not afraid of a friend. when Enjoyed such a nice one. But I can't tell you. I really like it because I haven't seen it with my friends. You can see the side picture. Taking pictures of rice from very close. Now only a few are small.So now everyone is taking care well. If you don't do it well, their rice will not be good. And if the rice is not good. Our rice will not be good either. If the halsal is not good, our rice will not be good either. In fact, these days are not to be forgotten.And whatever you want to be, wherever you look, the field is full of rice. And without further ado. Let's share it with you. Tomorrow I will be back with a new post.All the books were not put inside the bag. Then leaves home to go to school. Be away from home My friends are walking from that neighborhood. Then I stand for them again in the face of our saku. After standing for a while they left. We are friends and girlfriends from school together Goes to walk and talk. It is very nice to go to school after going. In fact, I don't have fun anywhere like school. After going to school, I read all the madam's classes. But we are one Actually that discount. He loves us very much and laughs with us very much. In fact, even after we left school. I will never talk about that sir and I will never forget it. Because whether our class reads or not And that sir is very funny with us. And names the boys. If someone misbehaves in class. Sir named him immediately. Thus ends the tiffin. Then tiffin And that sir is very funny with us. And names the boys. If someone misbehaves in class. Sir named him immediately. Thus ends the tiffin. Then tiffin Singara goes to the store with friends to eat. Because we have a man in the school bazaar who cooks Singara every day. In fact, those people like to eat Singara very much. And to eat singara with friends It falls inside the mouth. I have been engaged since that day. Friends with whom pallapalli never want to eat hot singara. And after eating Singara. We went inside the school. Friends meet after coming to school The guy makes the gate great. The gatekeeper one brother locked the gate as soon as we arrived. Because if we were a little longer we would have to stay out of Git. Anyway, I went inside the gate. After arriving a little later the man who gave us the hour comes We end the class with great joy. A little later our game teacher came. Who among you can swim well? You can name the one that swims. A friend from our class. Say I am San Sit inside, I will call you. Then a little later the game teacher came and called him. Then the number of them who can swim will give a competition. Send some of them home. That sir says you are bad There is a pond. That kind of deep water. Named those who swim. They practiced swimming at that swimming pool. And the friend from our class who gave the name. us It is good to come because let the name of our village shine. This is how our class ends. Then we give holiday hours. Then we headed home. When you go home to chat with your friends After changing the school dress, I was immediately very hungry. After taking a bath. I gave some grass to the cow. Then I had a good breakfast. In fact, today is a very busy day. bud I said ok kaku you come from home with the car. I'm getting ready. Actually after I came from school. Today I am very tight even inside so many guavas. I just came to you Girls were being vaccinated in our school. So why did the school leave the morning? And I also came among you. In fact, that is our test ahead. A little more reading pressure. Even through these We have an।

❤️‍🩹Myself introduce❤️‍🩹

My name is Hussain. District Meherpur Thana Gangni Union Sixteen Taka.My village name is Jugirgofa. I live in a small village. I like this I have grown up in this small village since childhood. I am a student.And I like playing football very much. I came from school.Afternoon goes to Filt. All big and small together in the field with boots It's great to practice.Every day I come home from school with my boots and go to play.I also like to travel a lot. So many places I have traveled.I intend to visit many more places.And I like to take pictures so I like photography sometimes.I love waking up in the morning and going for a run in the winter.Every morning during the winter I r. A cuckoo next to my house. If it doesn't go that day I do those exercises alone with attention.He likes to go jogging in the morning. And I like foggy mornings very much.

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  ·  3 days ago  ·  

Your presentation is very beautiful.