Exam preparation is very important. As the annual examination of our school will be held from 4th December, it is a bit important for me to prepare the students during this time. Since I have several students in my private school, I have taken various initiatives to get them good results.
We all know that the topics that the school teachers discuss with the students are very important in the few days before the exam. Since these topics are very important, teachers try to teach students the topics beforehand. It seems to me that if we want to improve the students, then we need to look a little better at the day before this exam.
For this reason, I am trying to make the students a little more focused to improve their exam results and improve their study quality. That's why I look at the readings of the day from their ledgers. And taking pictures of them so that next time I can teach them well.
They really their best to have good grades, a goodluck to everyone. ☺
Thank you brother for sharing a beautiful post with us