Why you may like to incorporate bitter leaf wood ash into your herbal Pharmacy.

in blurt-188398 •  6 months ago 

Bitter leaf is a herb grown either for commercial or domestic purposes. I Mnkong Emmanuel Saah grow bitter in my garden here in Cameroon as a stable food, and due to it's medicinal component, I use it as vegetable and as a source of fiber for a healthy living. Medically bitter leaf is wealthy in proteins, vitamins and minerals. And because of the nearness of the supplements particularly vitamin B-Carotene, it controls the blend of female sexual orientation hormones. This enables ladies to remain youthful and sound for a more drawn out of time.

Apart from using it as a vegetable and sauce, one can dry and burn a large quantity of the herb to produce wood ash of bitter leaf which can be used to prevent and cure a wide range of diseases. Bitter leaf wood ash is used to cure fungal infections with the regular intake of the powder, with water. And this powder derived from burning bitter leaf into ash can also be used;
-to increase milk production in lactating mothers

  • to improve appetite
  • in treating skin infections such as ringworm
  • in treating, curing cough, itching and rashes
  • in detoxifying the whole body
  • in treating Hepatitis B
  • in toning up the liver and the kidney,
  • in providing instant relief from fatigue
  • in curing intestinal parasitic infections
  • for the contraction of the uterus during labor. And is a potent herb for STD. And it also cures toothache. And is also used in the pharmaceutical medicines as anti-helminths, laxative and as a fertility herb.
    The herb/ ash helps to build up the immune system. It is a useful herb for treating the problem of memory loss. It is helpful in curing Insomnia. Bitter leaf is an excellent herbal treatment for combatting cancer. It doesn't allow cancer to spread to different organs of the body. And is also an effective cure for stomach ache and indigestion. An early morning bitter leaf juice can help cure pile, and it leaf juice are effective for the treatment of malaria. The concoction prepared from the leaves is an excellent herbal remedy for treating skin ailments like Eczema and rashes.
    And woman can drink a glass of bitter leaf juice at the end of their menstrual flow to say byebye to menstrual pain
    I really enjoy the effectiveness of this God given herb. And would like everyone in the Blurt space Community to try it. And
    also share it to friends, as it might just safe a life



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