Good hearted people know how to love more

in blurt-188398 •  4 months ago 

After a while, Sauci calls Lai and asks how Fang is now. Lai says that Fang is fine now and Lai is going to tell Sauci that her brother still loves her but before that Sauci tells her that I don't want Fang to get hurt because of me, so I'm leaving this city and moving to another city.


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And when Fang finds out, he quickly takes a car to stop Sauci and then stops Sauci's car and kisses her on the road and sees Lai from a distance. Seeing this, Lai is very hurt. Now he has started loving Sauci. Then it is seen that Fang pretends to be sick to keep Sauci with him. So Sauci takes Fang to his house. After a while, Jian comes there, Fang convinces Jian that he loves Sauci very much and can never leave her. So Jian gets angry and leaves from there.


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And then he meets Fang's stepmother and gives her all the evidence of Fang's amnesia. The next day, Fang took Sauchi's hand in front of everyone in the office and took her to the office. Poor Sauchi blushed with shame. Meanwhile, Lai felt sad when she saw Sauchi and Fang together. And a little later, when Sauchi came to meet him, Lai proposed to Sauchi and Sauchi didn't know what to say to Lai because she only considered Lai as a friend.
She loves Fang but if she doesn't do it directly, Lai will feel hurt so she doesn't tell Lai anything. She decides in her heart that she will ignore the two brothers from now on.

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  ·  4 months ago  ·  

এইভাবে পোস্ট করলে কম ভোট পাবেন। সর্বনিম্ন পাঁচটা ছবি ব্যবহার করবেন এবং যতটা বেশি সম্ভব হয় ততটা বেশি লিখবেন। যত বেশি লিখবেন তত বেশি ভোট পাবেন।

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

ঠিক বলেছেন

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

আসলে ভাইয়া বিষয়টা আমি জানতাম না, ইনশাল্লাহ অবশ্যই সেভাবেই লেখার চেষ্টা করব। আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ বিষয়টা সম্পর্কে আমাকে অবগত করার জন্য।