Today I am here to share a very important post with you. I've noticed that it's really bad now that everyone in our community annoys others by mentioning them unnecessarily. Since this topic has been banned by blurt team, we all have to follow these instructions from now on. I humbly request all members of blurtspace community to post as per instructions otherwise your id may be blacklisted.
I have shared the full text of Blurt team with you through screenshots, you should read it carefully and proceed accordingly.
Big thanks to @saboin of blurt team he helped us by making 300000 blurt delegation to improve our community. Hope he will always be by our side for the betterment of our community.
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I hope all users in our community have been informed by today's post. Don't mention anyone on the blurt team.
This rule should be followed by all members of our community because it is a very good rule.