Many people think of an uncertain life when they hear the word expatriate. For the happiness of the whole family, people who leave their country, family and familiar environment and move to a far country have dreams, so there are stories of facing difficult reality.
Dreaming and preparing to go abroad
The dream of expatriation arises in many people's minds, especially in the hope of a better life. Some migrate abroad for higher education, some for job, and some for business. Many times people want to go abroad due to the pressure of family and society, and sometimes in the hope of better income. But there is a lot of preparation to be done before going abroad—visas, tickets, employment papers, language skills, etc.
Feelings of the first day abroad
The first few days after arriving abroad are very difficult for expats. New country, new environment, unfamiliar people—everything feels unfamiliar. Many have language problems, the taste of food is also different. It is normal to feel lonely, because there is a lack of familiar faces. But with time everyone tries to adapt to the new environment.
Working life of expatriates
Expats spend most of their time working. They work as construction workers, shopkeepers, domestic workers, drivers, restaurant workers or corporate employees in various countries in the Middle East, Europe or America. Many work 10-12 hours a day, sometimes overtime. While some find well-paying jobs, most expats make ends meet in hardship.
Loneliness and family tension
The biggest hardship for expatriates is being away from family. The pain of parent's illness, child's growing up or not being able to attend a family function causes them emotional distress. Especially during festivals, when everyone is rejoicing together, expats try to join in the fun remotely through video calls.
Cultural differences and adaptation
It is not easy to retain one's native culture while going abroad. Work environment, human behavior and social norms are all different. Expatriates gradually adapt to the new culture, but do not forget their own language and traditions. Many have formed different Bengali organizations while living abroad, so that they can retain their culture.
Fulfillment of dreams and economic development
The main goal of expatriates secure future of themselves and their families by earning money. Many people save hard money to build a house in the country, start a business or provide a better life for their family. But not everyone is successful. Many are victims of fraud, some return home sick.
Contribution of diaspora
Expatriates play a major role country economy. The remittances sent by them help in the economic growth of the country. The government also takes various steps for the welfare of the expatriates, though many times not all get the right benefits.
last word
Expatriate life is as much a struggle as it is a dream come true. Through hardships, loneliness, toil—they fight to bring smiles to the faces of their families. Society and the state should be more caring towards expatriates, so that they can live a safe and dignified life.
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