Diatribas de las Blokchain (HIVE)

in blurt-187636 •  10 months ago 



Buenos días a todos,

El día de hoy varios amigos me escribieron, por un caso particular, la discusión que se lleva hace un mes aproximadamente en la plataforma HIVE acerca de la piscina de recompensas, yo no tenía idea de que me estaban consultando, básicamente no hago vida en esta plataforma hace mucho tiempo, digamos que por ser testigo en Blurt muchos me ven ahora como perro con sarna, Sin embargo, eso no es parte de la temática de este POST.

En HIVE, discuten hace un mes la posibilidad de eliminar la piscina de recompensas. Lo cual ha incendiado los ánimos, los curadores de contenido, ¿los creadores de contenido antes esta posibilidad se pregunta cómo harán para ganar dinero ahora? Si bien es cierto que puede ser una decisión complicada, debo suponer o imaginar que ya esto lo deben tener en consideración las grandes ballenas, después de haber desarrollado tantas Dapps, algunos planes deben estar elaborando para que la plataforma siga en pie y los usuarios no salgan en estampida. Esto es algo que no se ustedes, sería como cambiar una Blockhain a un modo Worpress.

Otro punto importante, es que en muchas de las publicaciones que pude leer, se habla que esta decisión en parte tiene que ver con el uso de la IA (no me crean a mí, solo repito lo que pude leer en algunas publicaciones) algunos autores alegan que esto no es dañino, que los creadores de contenido pueden usarlo libremente. ¿Pero hasta qué punto la IA es contenido original? es solo un plagio de múltiples website? ¿es solo un parafraseo? Lo cierto es que pueden existir demandas colectivas si se demuestra que el contenido usado para las publicaciones generas por IA son un plagio. Este es uno de los riesgos a los cuales se exponen las plataformas donde se genera contenido. ¿Qué opinan ustedes de esto?

BLURT 2024

Ahora, como he mencionado, no hago vida en HIVE, pero si BLURT, entonces lo cual me lleva a mi siguiente reflexión: ¿si HIVE elimina el fondo de recompensas, que pasa con esos usuarios que posiblemente no les gusta esta decisión? La respuesta es simple, muchos buscarán nuevas opciones o recurrirán a las ya conocidas STEEM, BLURT…… ¿Entonces qué hará BLURT para poder ser la mejor opción a la hora de elegir?

@megadrive es el momento de hacer más campañas de marketing para BLURT, hacerlo más conocido y hablar de estos nuevos cambios con miras a 2024. Esta campaña debe ir desde los curadores hasta los testigos, promoción activa en redes sociales.

Es importante recalcar que ya se viene realizando un trabajo enorme para actualizar la plataforma, no solo en sus DAPPS, sino en su Infraestructura, el desarrollo de nuevos HF, mejorar su economía y esto nos prepara para un mejor escenario.

Este 2024 sea por las decisiones de otra plataforma o porque es el momento de impulsar Blurt, el desarrollo es necesario, y sobre todo es importante que podamos atraer muchos más usuarios.

Algunas de las publicaciones que leí para enterarme de las posibles decisiones:




Fuera de contexto / Out of context

SODOM - Caligula , is what is playing as I write this post. As a general rule I choose first the song I will use while writing. This way I can connect with my inner self so I can drain all those thoughts that torment me.

Te invito a votar por @freakeao como Witness



Good morning everyone,

Today several friends wrote me, for a particular case, the discussion that takes about a month ago on the HIVE platform about the bounty pool, I had no idea that they were consulting me, basically I do not make life on this platform for a long time, let's say that by being a witness in Blurt many now see me as a dog with mange, However, that is not part of the subject of this POST.

At HIVE, they discuss a month ago the possibility of eliminating the bounty pool. Which has inflamed tempers, content curators, content creators before this possibility wonder how they will make money now? While it may be a complicated decision, I have to assume or imagine that this must already be taken into consideration by the big whales, after having developed so many Dapps, some plans must be in the works to keep the platform going and keep users from stampeding. This is something I don't know about you, it would be like changing a Blockhain to a Worpress mode.

Another important point is that in many of the publications I have read, it is said that this decision is partly related to the use of AI (don't believe me, I am just repeating what I have read in some publications), some authors claim that this is not harmful, that content creators can use it freely, but to what extent is AI original content? is it just plagiarism from multiple websites? is it just paraphrasing? What is certain is that there may be class action lawsuits if the content used for AI-generated publications is proven to be plagiarized. This is one of the risks to which the platforms where content is generated are exposed. What do you think about this?

BLURT 2024

Now, as I mentioned, I don't do life on HIVE, but I do BLURT, so that brings me to my next thought: if HIVE eliminates the bounty fund, what happens to those users who may not like this decision? The answer is simple, many will look for new options or resort to the already known STEEM, BLURT...... So what will BLURT do to be able to be the best option when it comes to choice?

@megadrive it is time to do more marketing campaign for BLURT, make it more known and talk about these new changes looking forward to 2024. This campaign should go from curators to witnesses, active promotion on social networks.

It is important to emphasize that a huge work is already being done to update the platform, not only in its DAPPS, but in its Infrastructure, the development of new HF, improve its economy and this prepares us for a better scenario.

This 2024 be it because of the decisions of another platform or because it is time to push Blurt, development is necessary, and above all it is important that we can attract many more users.

Some of the publications I read




Te invito a votar por @freakeao como Witness

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  ·  10 months ago  ·   (edited)

Most people from Hive are moving to inLeo.

No downvotes there … Update: Nope.

I think Blurt should advertise on inLEO… there are no downvotes and I noticed that lots of new Bloggers on inleo earn almost nothing.

But you also earn from Referrals: https://inleo.io/signup?referral=offgridlife


  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Of course, this can happen, that many users are looking for a new home, but where are the big whales? most of the people who look for this type of platforms is because they want to monetize their content and in the case of emerging countries, they even live from these platforms. The day will dawn and we will see, but one thing is for sure, it is an opportune moment to emphasize the importance of the development that is being promoted in Blurt.

  ·  10 months ago  ·   (edited)

I see tons of people from Nigeria and Venezuela on inLeo.io … they would love to learn about Blurt.

Every single Hive whale has delegated most of their Hive Power to Holozing.com … acidyo project.

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

A little clarification: this is Hive, so yes, you can donwvote 🤣


I'd be curious to know how many threads and posts are created every day. Do you know if dalz or anyone else has released an analysis of inLeo?

WOOPS … yeah just noticed that today. Oh well. There goes that idea. Won’t bother with that.

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

is the norm, it is expected, there is downvote. Besides, something interesting is that Leo, has been one of the best communities or has been able to monetize not only at a monetary level but also in terms of contribution in DAPPS:

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Your post has been voted by @habloespanolweb3 Keep creating this wonderful content!

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  ·  10 months ago  ·  

They want an impeccable content so users use AI to deliver what they want so now it was one straw that broke the camel's back, an implosion due to their rolling rules if not outright hate for many reasons that they can find. It is interesting about what will happen to that anti-social social media.

  ·  10 months ago  ·  


Hi @freakeao, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.

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