Las aventuras de Adamaris [1]

in blurt-187636 •  last year 

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Secretaria, escritora, taxista y detective

«Ada Mays la sensual, inteligente y aguerrida secretaria del detective privado Cork Mars, discutia furiosa con la coqueta enfermera que en vez de verificar la presión de su jefe que todavía se encontraba tirado en una cama inconsciente en la unidad de terapia intensiva de la clinica donde se recuperaba de su operación, pretendió darle un baño de esponja!!!. Ada Mays estaba cansada de espantar rivales, la detective encubierta de asuntos internos de la policía Jules Hoper no fallaba un día en la clinica, la cantanta pelirroja culpable del incidente donde salio gravemente herido su jefe tampoco dejaba de visitarlo y la bella e insistente doctora que se hacia cargo de su convalecencia tambien estaba interesada en el guapo detective Cork Mars!!!, ahora con la enfermera se sumaba otra mas a la lista!!!, Ada Mays estaba considerando seriamente trasladar a su jefe a otro centro medico, donde se asegurase que fuese atendido por un doctor y no darle la dirección a mas nadie....», Adamaris dejaba de teclear, esta vez no por un vernaculo grito de su jefe el detective Corcho Marcano, o un ladrido de su perro Backup, o el repicar de su telefono, paro por ella misma, sufría una severo caso de bloqueo de escritor!!!.

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Con su jefe aun recluido en la clinica, fuera de peligro pero aun convalenciente por su operación, culpa del disparo que recibio la noche del asalto al restaurante Piel Canela por parte de la peligrosa «Banda Musical», Adamaris no tenia buenas ideas para continuar con su novela de detectives «Las Aventuras de la secretaria Ada Mays», ella tomba las disparatadas aventuras y sin sabores de los casos que investigaba su jefe Corcho Marcano y las traslada a sus historias, y cuando no estaba trabajando en un caso persiguiendo a algun infiel, hablar con el y escuchar su día a día detrás del volante del Rojo y Negro cuando convertido en El Águila taxeaba por las peligrosas calles de ciudad Caótica la nutrian y le daban buenas ideas, pero con su jefe fuera de combate la escritora no tenia mucho que escribir, este era el tercer capitulo consecutivo que Ada Mays se peleaba con alguna mujer que procuraba el cariño de su amado jefe Cork Mars!!!.

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Adamaris apago el computador, se levanto y fue a despertar a Backup que dormia en el sofá, el perro ya estaba de vuelta y gracias a Dios totalmente recuperado de su fractura, también culpa de una mal intensionada patada por parte de uno de los maleantes la noche del asalto al restaurante Piel Canela. La secretaria seguia asistiendo a la oficina de su jefe a trabajar a diario, cuidaba del fuerte ubicado sobre la tienda del turco Rahib, para aprovechar el Wifi gratis y su delicioso café turco que tambien se robaba, escribia toda la mañana, al mediodia salia abordo del Rojo y Negro, pasaba comprando algo delicioso de comer para que su jefe no se muriera de hambre comiendo sopas desabridas y gelatinas sin azucar en la clinica donde estaba recluido, algunos días pasaba buscando a doña Concha la madre de su jefe para dejarla cuidando a su hijo en la clinica, luego regresaba a la oficina y salia a taxear en el Rojo y Negro, eso si hasta temprano, luego del espeluznante encuentro con un monstruo en la carretera semanas atrás no le gustaba rodar sola por las calles de Caótica durante la noche.

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Pero con la recuperación de Backup se quedaba un rato mas en las tardes en la oficina antes de salir a trabajar detrás del volante, acompañada por el perro, armada con un cucharón de plata y un spray de gas pimienta que habia comprado recientemente, hacian que la taxista se sintiese mucho mas segura por las noches y trabajara hasta mas tarde, luego de jugar un rato con Backup le puso la correa para llevarlo a pasear a un pequeño parque cercano, para que hiciera sus necesidades y no saliera con sorpresas durante el laburo!!!, cuando la secretaria y el perro estaban ya listos -ding, dong, ding, dong!!!-, el timbre de la puerta los soprende, Adamaris le dice al perro que se quede quieto mientras va abrir, detrás de la puerta se encuentra con un buen amigo de la casa, su complice en los robos de los termos del delicioso café turco de Rahib y también el encargado de pasarle las claves del Wifi de la tienda cada vez que Rahib la cambiaba, pero el joven no venia solo a su lado estaba una jovencita, Adamaris calcula que no debía tener mas de 16 o 17 años, con la carita triste y signos inequivocos de haber llorado un buen rato.

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-Buenas tardes Mario, pasen-, el joven y la chica trasponen la puerta.

-Buenas tardes Adamaris, ¿ el detective Marcano ya le dieron de alta ?.

-Todavía sigue en la clinica, esta bien pero necesita descansar para recuperarse totalmente, no es un muchacho aunque el piense lo contrario.

-Vaya que mala pata!!!.

-¿Pero que paso, para que necesitan al detective ?.

-Aquí mi prima que tiene un pequeño problema, y como le habia comentado que sobre la tienda del turco Rahib funcionaba la oficina de un detective privado que era un buen amigo casi que me suplico que la trajiera, disculpa la molestia Adamaris, vamonos Melisa

Pero la joven Melisa Marquez no dió un paso atras siguiendo a su primo, salto al frente y pidio a viva voz ayuda!!!.

-Ayudeme por favor, mi perro Chispas esta perdido y estoy desesperada!!!.

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-Lo siento mucho corazón, pero el detective no esta y la verdad que nosotros no buscamos perros perdidos-, dijo Adamaris para salir del paso mientras tomaba su cartera y llamaba a Backup para salir.

-Woof, woof!!!.

-Tengo dinero, no es mucho pero puedo pagar!!!.

La joven empezo a sacar algunos billetes pequeños de sus bolsillos, mientras los juntaba y contaba, Adamaris pudo ver su cara de desesperación, ahora sabía la secretaria por que el rostro de la chica mostraba las señales de haber llorado mucho, cuando Melisa termino de contar le ofrece 54$ a Adamaris por su ayuda, la taxista veía a la pobre chica suplicando, sabía que que esa tarde/noche haria mucho mas dinero detrás del volante del rojo y negro, así que su sentido común le hizo dudar en tomar el caso.

-Woof, woof!!!-, Adamaris voltea a ver Backup que le saca la lengua y la ve con sus ojos saltones facilitandole tomar una decsión.

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-Guarda tu dinero corazón, pasemos a la oficina de mi jefe para que me cuentes todos los detalles, Mario toma ese termo y baja a traer café!!!.


-Ese que tienes al lado.

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-¿Este?-, Adamaris asiente con la cabeza, Mario sale de la oficina mientras ella conduce a la joven Melisa hasta la oficina privada de su jefe.

La secretaria, escritora y taxista no iba a dejar a su suerte tirada a una pobre chica que habia perdido a su perro, así no hubiera dinero en ello, si algo habia aprendido de su jefe en todos estos años cubriendole las espaldas era que un detective privado tambien debia tener un buen corazón!!!, la detective Adamaris tomaba su primer caso.

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The Adventures of Adamaris [1]

Secretary, writer, taxi driver and detective

«Ada Mays, the sensual, intelligent and brave secretary of the private detective Cork Mars, argued furiously with the flirtatious nurse who, instead of checking the pressure of her boss, who was still lying unconscious on a bed in the intensive care unit of the clinic where he was recovering from his operation, he tried to give him a sponge bath!!! Ada Mays was tired of scaring away rivals, the undercover police internal affairs detective Jules Hoper never missed a day at the clinic, the red-haired singer guilty of the incident where her boss was seriously injured didn't stop visiting him either, and the beautiful and insistent doctor who was in charge of her convalescence, she was also interested in the handsome detective Cork Mars!!!, now with the nurse another one was added to the list!!!, Ada Mays was seriously considering transferring her boss to another medical center, where he make sure that he was attended to by a doctor and not give the address to anyone else...", Adamaris stopped typing, this time not because of a vernacular shout from his boss, detective Corcho Marcano, or a bark from his dog Backup, or the ringing of her phone, she stopped by herself, she was suffering from a severe case of writer's block!!!.

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With his boss still confined in the clinic, out of danger but still recovering from his operation, due to the shooting he received the night of the attack on the Piel Canela restaurant by the dangerous "Banda Musical", Adamaris did not have good ideas to continue with her detective novel "The Adventures of Secretary Ada Mays", she takes the crazy and flavorless adventures of the cases that her boss Corcho Marcano was investigating and transfers them to her stories, and when she was not working on a case she was chasing some unfaithful , talking to him and listening to his day-to-day life behind the wheel of the Rojo y Negro when, having become The Eagle, he was taxiing through the dangerous streets of Chaotic City, they nourished her and gave her good ideas, but with her boss out of combat, the writer didn't have much What to write, this was the third consecutive chapter that Ada Mays fought with a woman who sought the affection of her beloved boss Cork Mars!!!.

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Adamaris turned off the computer, got up and went to wake up Backup who was sleeping on the couch, the dog was already back and thank God completely recovered from his fracture, also the fault of a badly intended kick by one of the thugs. night of the assault on the Piel Canela restaurant. The secretary continued to go to her boss's office to work daily, she took care of the fort located above the Turkish Rahib's shop, to take advantage of the free Wi-Fi and his delicious Turkish coffee that she also stole, she wrote all morning, at noon she left on board Red and Black, he would go around buying something delicious to eat so that his boss wouldn't starve to death eating tasteless soups and sugarless jellies in the clinic where he was confined. Some days he would spend looking for Doña Concha, his boss's mother, to leave her taking care of his boss. her son at the clinic, then she returned to the office and went out to taxi in the Red and Black, even early, after the terrifying encounter with a monster on the road weeks ago, she didn't like riding alone through the streets of Caótica during the evening.
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But with Backup's recovery, she stayed a little longer in the afternoons in the office before going out to work behind the wheel, accompanied by the dog, armed with a silver ladle and a pepper spray spray that she had recently purchased, making her The taxi driver felt much safer at night and would work until later. After playing with Backup for a while, she put a leash on him to take him for a walk to a small nearby park, so that he could do his business and not have any surprises during work. !!!, when the secretary and the dog were ready -ding, dong, ding, dong!!!-, the doorbell surprises them, Adamaris tells the dog to stay still while he goes to open it, behind the At the door he meets a good friend of the house, his accomplice in the theft of the thermoses of Rahib's delicious Turkish coffee and also the person in charge of giving him the passwords for the store's Wi-Fi every time Rahib changed it, but the young man did not come. Only next to him was a young girl, Adamaris estimates that she could not have been more than 16 or 17 years old, with a sad face and unmistakable signs of having cried for a long time.

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-Good afternoon Mario, come in-, the young man and the girl go through the door.

-Good afternoon Adamaris, has Detective Marcano been discharged yet?

-He is still in the clinic, he is fine but he needs to rest to fully recover, he is not a boy even if he thinks otherwise.

-Wow, what a bad step!!!

-But what happened, why do they need the detective?

-Here is my cousin who has a small problem, and since I had told her that the office of a private detective who was a good friend operated over Rahib's Turkish store, she almost begged me to bring her, sorry for the inconvenience Adamaris, let's go Melisa

But the young Melisa Marquez did not take a step back, following her cousin, she jumped forward and loudly asked for help!!!

-Please help me, my dog ​​Chispas is lost and I'm desperate!!!

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-I'm very sorry, but the detective is not here and the truth is that we do not look for lost dogs-, Adamaris said to get out of the way while he took his wallet and called Backup to leave.

-Woof, woof!!!

-I have money, it's not much but I can pay!!!

The young woman began to take out some small bills from her pockets, while she gathered them and counted, Adamaris could see her desperate face, the secretary now knew why the girl's face showed signs of having cried a lot, when Melisa finished counting. She offers $54 to Adamaris for her help, the taxi driver saw the poor girl begging, she knew that that afternoon/night she would make a lot more money behind the wheel of the red and black, so her common sense made her hesitate to take the case.

-Woof, woof!!!-, Adamaris turns to see Backup who sticks out his tongue and sees her with his bulging eyes making it easier for him to make a decision.

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-Save your money sweetheart, let's go to my boss's office so you can tell me all the details, Mario takes the thermos and goes down to get coffee!!!


-The one you have next to you.

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-This one?-, Adamaris nods his head, Mario leaves the office while she leads the young Melisa to her boss's private office.

The secretary, writer and taxi driver was not going to leave a poor girl who had lost her dog to her fate, even if there was no money in it. If there was one thing she had learned from her boss in all these years covering their backs, it was that a detective Private must also have a good heart!!!, Detective Adamaris took her first case.

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To be continue...

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