La niñera [3] (Halloween Story)

in blurt-187636 •  8 months ago 


Capitulos Anteriores:

La niñera [3]

Los ruidos continuaron acechando por todos los lados de la casa, las ventanas, las puertas, los gemelos asustados por la película y la intrusión se atrincheran como polluelos alrededor de la valiente niñera, Katy ya sabía lo que estaba pasando, les pregunto a los gemelos, -¿ donde guarda su Papa los palos de golf ?-, los chicos la guiaron hasta el closet del primer piso, ella tomo el hierro 7, armo también a Dylan y a Joshua pero fue precavida y a pesar de sus quejas solo les paso las raquetas de tenis de la señora Borrows, una rato después los ruidos cesaron, a niñera le hizo señas a los niños de que guardaran silencio y la siguieran hasta la puerta principal, Katy esperaba a que sonara el timbre, la espera fue corta, -ding,dong, ding, dong!!!-, Katy abre la puerta y da la orden.

-Ataquen mis valientes!!!-, los gemelos saltan sobre el intruso, el pobre joven en la puerta es demolido a raquetazos.

-Ya déjenlo niños, ya paren que me lo van a matar!!!.

-¿Quien es este bobo Katy?-, preguntan los gemelos.

-El atontado de mi novio.

Katy ayuda a Jimmy a ponerse de pie, lo metió a la casa y lo llevo hasta la cocina, luego saco algo de hielo y con un trapo le hizo unas compresas para que se las colocara sobre los moretones, aprovecho de sacar las pizzas del horno, las puso sobre la mesa para que se enfriaran, le aviso a Jimmy que iría a ver que estaban haciendo el par de diablitos, que si quería se comiera un slice de pizza o dos, pero que dejara espacio para comer mas tarde viendo la tele juntos, Katy se marcho, dejando a Jimmy solo en la cocina, el chico empezó a comer la pizza, estaba bastante adolorido, ademas de avergonzado y muy nervioso.

Jimmy no tenía la menor idea de porque aquella preciosa niña, de ojos azules tan claros como el cielo y con esos rizos dorados como el sol se habia fijado en el, un par de días atrás en la tarde, en el pequeño centro comercial del pueblo de Magnolias pasaba el tiempo sin hacer mayor cosa junto a su mejor amigo Tyrone, cuando la vieron pasar, Jimmy no era tan feo, pero era excesivamente tímido con las chicas, así que no se atrevió a decirle nada, en cambio Ty mucho mas avispado si que le dijo un piropo a la bonita rubia cuando paso junto a ellos, Katy entonces se detuvo en seco, camino de vuelta hacia ellos, ya al frente los observo de arriba a abajo a ambos como si los estudiara minuciosamente, ¿buscando algún defecto, o tal vez algo distintivo?, Ty saco pecho, Jimmy en cambio se agazapo apenado detrás de su amigo, entonces la niñera señalo al mas tímido con el dedo, -tu el de allá atrás, ¿quieres comerte un helado conmigo?-.

Mientras Jimmy se comía su helado con aquella princesa rubia de cuento de hadas, la chica aprovecho de invitarlo a que la visitara la noche de Halloween, en la casa donde estaría cuidando algún niño, ya que era niñera, ahora dos días después Jimmy se encontraba atrapado en aquella casa, con la chica de su sueños sin tener la menor idea de que hacer, el gran plan de Tyrone había sido un total fracaso, la idea de su mejor amigo era simple, llegar a la casa de los Borrows asustar un buen rato a Katy, tratando de forzar las ventanas y puertas de la casa pero sin que ella lo viera, luego de un buen rato Katy estaría ya lo suficientemente asustada, entonces solo tocaba era esperar unos minutos y tocar el timbre de la puerta principal de la casa!!!, apenas abriera la puerta, la niñera se lanzaría a sus brazos buscando su protección ya que estaría muy asustada!!!, bueno no había funcionado para nada el plan de Ty!!!. Cuando Katy llega a la sala, el televisor seguía encendido pero los niños no estaban allí, -Dylan, Joshua ¿ donde están?-. Katy los llamo, pero solo obtuvo por respuestas sus risas y una lluvia de envolturas de golosinas desde el segundo piso, asomados desde arriba devoraban su botín de guerra.

-Bajen ya la pizza esta lista, luego que cenen se pueden comer todos los dulces que quieran!!!.

-Noooooo!!!, comeremos nuestros dulces ahora!!!-, le gritaron de vuelta el par de infantes.

El vinculo de confraternidad ante el peligro que los había unido minutos antes parecía haberse roto, los diablillos volvieron al modo rebelde que llevaba haciendo estragos en la paciencia de Katy toda la noche.

-Bajen a comer y terminemos de ver la película todos juntos!!!.

-Ve la película con tu novio feo!!!-, le gritaron mientras le sacaban la lengua y le tiraban mas envolturas vacias.

-Ya me tiene harta, no me hagan subir, o se van a arrepentir.

Los niños lo tomaron como una amenaza, levantaron los dulces que le restaban y corrieron a la protección de su cuarto encerrándose. Katy mira la hora, ya eran las 10 de la noche, todavía tenía tiempo, volvió a la cocina a buscar a su novio, se encontro a Jimmy dormido sobre los restos de pizza, el muy idiota se había comido una entera y parte de la otra, Katy no sabía que cuando Jimmy se ponía nervioso le daba mucha hambre y esta noche estaba súper nervioso pensando en como hacer para llegar a segunda base con Katy, la situación no era mucho inconveniente, Katy tenía que adelantar su trabajo, tomo a Jimmy por los brazos y lo arrastro como pudo hasta el pasillo, lo recostó de la pared justo a lado de la puerta que daba acceso al sótano de los Borrows. -ding, dong, ding, dong!!!-, el timbre de la puerta volvió a sonar!!!.

-¿Y ahora quien demonios sera?, mal rayo me parta!!!, nada me sale bien esta noche!!!-, dice algo mas que molesta la bella niñera Katy Phelps mientras caminaba hacia la puerta.


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The babysitter [3]

The noises continued to haunt all sides of the house, the windows, the doors, the twins scared by the movie and the intrusion barricaded themselves like chicks around the brave nanny, Katy already knew what was happening, she asked the twins -Where does your dad keep his golf clubs?-, the boys guided her to the closet on the first floor, she took the 7 iron, she also set up Dylan and Joshua but she was cautious and despite their complaints she only gave them the rackets. Mrs. Borrows' tennis shoes, a while later the noises stopped, the nanny motioned to the children to keep quiet and follow her to the front door, Katy waited for the doorbell to ring, the wait was short, -ding, dong, ding, dong!!!-, Katy opens the door and gives the order.

-Attack my brave ones!!!-, the twins jump on the intruder, the poor young man at the door is demolished with racquets.

-Leave it, kids, stop it, they're going to kill me!!!

-Who is this fool Katy?-, the twins ask.

-My stupid boyfriend.

Katy helps Jimmy stand up, she took him into the house and took him to the kitchen, then she took out some ice and with a cloth she made some compresses for him to put on the bruises, she took the opportunity to take the pizzas out of the oven , he put them on the table to cool, he told Jimmy that he would go see what the couple of devils were doing, that if he wanted he could eat a slice of pizza or two, but that he would leave room to eat later while watching TV. together, Katy left, leaving Jimmy alone in the kitchen, the boy began to eat the pizza, he was quite sore, as well as embarrassed and very nervous.

Jimmy had no idea why that beautiful girl, with blue eyes as clear as the sky and those curls as golden as the sun, had noticed him, a couple of days ago in the afternoon, in the small shopping center in town. from Magnolias was spending time without doing much with her best friend Tyrone, when they saw her passing, Jimmy was not that ugly, but he was excessively shy with girls, so he did not dare to say anything to him, on the other hand Ty was much smarter He did say a compliment to the pretty blonde when she passed by them, Katy then stopped short, walked back towards them, already in front she looked at both of them from top to bottom as if studying them thoroughly, looking for any flaws? Or maybe something distinctive? Ty stuck out his chest. Jimmy, on the other hand, crouched sadly behind his friend, then the babysitter pointed her finger at the shyest one, -You back there, do you want to eat an ice cream with me?-.

While Jimmy was eating his ice cream with that blonde fairy tale princess, the girl took the opportunity to invite him to visit her on Halloween night, in the house where she would be taking care of a child, since she was a babysitter, now two days later Jimmy was trapped in that house, with the girl of his dreams without having the slightest idea of ​​what to do, Tyrone's great plan had been a total failure, his best friend's idea was simple, arriving at the Borrows' house to scare a good Katy for a while, trying to force the windows and doors of the house but without her seeing it, after a while Katy would be scared enough, so all she had to do was wait a few minutes and ring the bell on the main door of the house. house!!!, as soon as he opened the door, the babysitter would throw himself into his arms seeking his protection since she would be very scared!!!, well Ty's plan had not worked at all!!!. When Katy arrives in the living room, the television was still on but the children were not there, "Dylan, Joshua, where are they?" Katy called them, but all she got in response was their laughter and a shower of candy wrappers from the second floor, peering down from above, devouring their spoils of war.


-Come down the pizza it's ready, after you have dinner you can eat all the candy you want!!!

-Noooooo!!!, we eating the candy now!!!-, the pair of infants shouted back.

The bond of brotherhood in the face of danger that had united them minutes before seemed to have been broken, the imps returned to the rebellious mode that had been wreaking havoc on Katy's patience all night.

-Come down to eat and let's all finish watching the movie together!!!

-Watch the movie with your ugly boyfriend!!!- they yelled at him while they stuck out their tongues and threw more empty wrappers at him.

-I'm already fed up, don't make me come up, or you'll regret it.

The children took it as a threat, picked up the remaining candy and ran to the protection of their room, locking themselves. Katy looks at the time, it was already 10 at night, she still had time, she went back to the kitchen to look for her boyfriend, she found Jimmy asleep on the remains of pizza, the idiot had eaten a whole one and part of it another, Katy didn't know that when Jimmy got nervous he got very hungry and tonight he was super nervous thinking about how to get to second base with Katy, the situation wasn't much inconvenience, Katy had to get ahead with her work, she took Jimmy by his arms and dragged him as best he could to the hallway, he leaned him against the wall right next to the door that gave access to the Borrows' basement. -ding, dong, ding, dong!!!-, the doorbell rang again!!!.

-And now who the hell will it be? Damn, nothing is going well for me tonight!!!-, says something else that bothers the beautiful nanny Katy Phelps as she walked towards the door.

to be continue...

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  ·  8 months ago  ·   (edited)

Great story and Artwork … can’t wait to see who’s at the door ? 👻 👹 🎃 🧛‍♂️

Who will it be ????

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Thank you very much, the next chapter will be published tonight, I will try to close the story if I have time on Halloween night. Sometimes you get good images on AI pages

Awesome. Shared with 500 Million people on Twitter /

Get ready for some new Traffic. #halloween #stories #blurt #art

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Thanks a lot for support and sharing my work in X

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  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Thanks for support, vote for @nalexandre/witness done !!!

Sigo dudando de la niñera... Y ahora la puerta sonando, ¿quién estará allí?

Sigo lista para la próxima entrega. Un abrazote para ti, mi Gran Amigo.