
Hristo el Búlgaro [11]
Pese a estar cansado por haber cabalgado durante casi todo el día el joven Zayev Ivanov lideraba el grupo mostrando el camino, mas atrás venían sobre sus monturas los 5 soldados de Hristo, Lucius, Morat, Loan, Emil y Vasil galopando a todo lo que daban sus monturas mientras llevaban de las bridas sus caballos de repuesto, mas atrás tratando de no perderles el paso venia Hristo sobre su caballo de guerra, era grande y fuerte como su jinete, pero no tan rápido como los corceles mas pequeños y ágiles, el grupo ya había cruzado por el poblado y tomaban el camino de tierra que bordeaba el bosque, Zayev Ivanov iba emocionado no solo por ir al frente, jamas se imagino que cabalgaría liderando una carga con su héroe el hombre oso!!!, Hristo se habia ganado el respeto y admiración de todos los que lo conocieron durante sus años de servicio como guerrero al mando primero del viejo Sanjaco Lord Petar y de ahora su desquiciado hijo Lord Stefan, el muchacho no sabía de política, ni conspiraciones, pero no hubiera cambiado su lugar con nadie!!!, en batalla Hristo no solo era respetado por su capacidad de lucha y su don innato para liderar, si no que también cuidaba de sus hombres como si fueran sus hermanos de sangre, su tropa casi siempre lograba regresar entera al castillo y cuando sufrían alguna baja eran muy pocas, el muchacho iba pendiente del frente pero a cada rato volteaba para ver a que distancia venían sus compañeros, la acción no le tomaba mas que unos pocos segundos, por eso su sorpresa fue mayúscula cuando volvio su mirada al frente y se encontró con aquel hombre parado a mitad del camino que hace tan solo unos segundos no estaba allí!!!, como si hubiera aparecido de la nada, Zayev Ivanov no aligera la marcha, le grita a viva voz para que se aparte -Fuera, fuera!!!-, pero el hombre no parece inmutarse, lleva a su caballo con una mano y con la otra sostiene las bridas de su relevo, confundido voltea buscando alguna indicación, Lucius que viene mas próximo a el le grita -Pásale por encima, si quiere morir pisoteado por unos caballos lo complaceremos!!!-, el muchacho ya lo tiene encima, jamas había matado a un hombre, mucho menos atropellado a uno con su montura.
Pero su caballo no logro ni tocarlo, ni si quiera vio cuando se movió, lo único que sintió fue el dolor cuando su caballo se fue de bruces y el pese a su pericia sobre los equinos rodo por el camino de tierra dándose un buen golpe, su montura yacía en el suelo muerto con un corte profundo a la altura del cuello, el hombre seguía parado allí y ni si quiera habia desenvainado la espada que llevaba en la cintura, Zayev Ivanov se reincorporo de un salto saco su espada e embistió a aquel hombre mas con furia que con las técnicas y los buenos consejos con que el viejo Borka lo habia entrenado los últimos meses, levanto su espada y al grito de -Mataste a mi ca...!!!-, no pudo completar la frase, la aventura que habia iniciado aquella madrugada en el castillo terminaba pronto para el joven, que caía al suelo con un corte profundo en su cuello al igual que su caballo, la espada de acero damasquino de Vladic seguía en su funda, Lucius soltó las bridas de su repuesto para desenvainar su espada y ataco, cuando esta encima del hombre se inclina para cortarlo a la mitad, Vladic atrapa su mano deteniendo la acción del corte, aprieta sin soltarlo el caballo sigue su camino y Lucius cae de su montura con el hombre dislocado, cuando logra ponerse de pie sufre la misma suerte de Zayev Ivanov, Vladic usando sus garras que controlaba a voluntad, se extendian de sus dedo como unos largos y afilados puñales, el Vampiro es un maestro de la muerte, el cuerpo de Lucius cae y su cabeza justo al lado!!!.
Hristo que venia atrás observando lo sucedido espolea a su montura para alcanzar el frente, -Una rueda, una rueda !!!!-, les grita al resto de sus hombres que caian como moscas para que no siguieran atacando uno por uno a aquel demonio, el hombre oso supo que no se enfrentaban a un hombre normal, pronto estaría con ellos, Emil y Vasil por la derecha, Loan y Morat por la izquierda, aun sobre sus monturas, los primeros sacan sus arcos para disparar y matar al enemigo, Loan con una lanza y Morat con su espada cargan desde su costado para forzar a aquel domonio a moverse y facilitarles el blanco a sus amigos, pero aquel hombre era mas rápido que cualquier cosa que hubieran visto, mas rápido que Hristo!!!.
-Carne de cañón!!!-, gritaba la vampiro en el bosque sin poder intervenir aunque la sangre le hervía al ver a su amado señor en problemas, no por los soldados que tenia ya al frente, si no por el gigante hombre oso que ya lo habia alcanzado!!!.
Las flechas fueron disparadas pero no hacen blanco, Loan trata de atravesarlo con su lanza, pero Vladic esquiva la afilada punta de metal y le propina un golpe en el pecho tan fuerte que el lancero sale disparado de su montura en dirección contraria varios metros atrás, Loan no se levanta, tiene el esternón roto y varias costillas, morirá en pocos minutos con un profundo dolor, ahogado en su propia sangre!!!, ya Hristo esta con sus hombres, previendo que lo esquivara en el último segundo antes de asestarle el golpe con su hacha de doble filo, en la misma acción gira levemente a su caballo en la dirección a donde cree se moverá el vampiro!!!, -Clink!!!!-, las chispas saltan cuando el metal de la hoja del hacha del hombre oso choca con el fino acero damasquino!!!, Mirna en el bosque se lleva las manos a la cabeza, de no haber desenvainado a tiempo su señor hubiera perdido la suya!!!, el poderoso brazo de Hristo que sostiene su hacha tiembla ante el choque, jamas en todos los años que llevaba sosteniéndola había pasado algo igual, -desmonten!!!-, les grita a sus hombres, los caballos no eran ya una ventaja al perder el impulso del galope, el hombre oso sabe que esta en problemas, ese ataque nunca habia fallado, cientos de cabezas y cuerpos cercenados a la mitad en todos estos años de innumerables batallas eran su prueba, la demonio que habia cortado hace tan solo un día atrás también probo el filo de su hacha con su técnica depurada, pero este rival era distinto!!!, Vladic también se toma un segundo, ya habia matado a algúnos cazadores de vampiros y también a otros vampiros con mas años que el, pero la excitación de aquel momento no era comparable, sería una dulce muerte terminar su andadura sobre el mundo como un no muerto por el filo de el hacha empuñada por el hombre oso.
Hristo the Bulgarian [11]
Despite being tired from having ridden for almost the entire day, the young Zayev Ivanov led the group showing the way, further behind came on their mounts the 5 soldiers of Hristo, Lucius, Morat, Loan, Emil and Vasil galloping at all they could. their mounts while they carried their spare horses by the bridle, further behind, trying not to lose pace, came Hristo on his war horse, he was big and strong like his rider, but not as fast as the smaller and more agile steeds, the group They had already crossed the town and were taking the dirt road that bordered the forest. Zayev Ivanov was excited not only to go to the front, he never imagined that he would ride leading a charge with his hero the bear man!!! Hristo had won the respect and admiration of all who knew him during his years of service as a warrior under the command first of old Sanjaco Lord Petar and now his deranged son Lord Stefan, the boy did not know about politics or conspiracies, but he would not have changed his place with no one!!!, in battle Hristo was not only respected for his fighting ability and his innate gift to lead, but he also took care of his men as if they were his blood brothers, his troop almost always managed to return whole to the castle and when they suffered any casualties they were very few, the boy kept an eye on the front but every so often he turned to see how far away his companions were coming, the action did not take him more than a few seconds, that's why his surprise was huge when he turned his gaze. in front and he found that man standing in the middle of the road who just a few seconds ago was not there!!!, as if he had appeared out of nowhere, Zayev Ivanov does not speed up his pace, he shouts at him loudly to move away -Out, out!!!-, but the man does not seem to be fazed, he leads his horse with one hand and with the other he holds the bridle of his replacement, confused he turns around looking for some indication, Lucius who comes closer to him shouts - Go over him, if he wants to die trampled by horses we will oblige him!!! -, the boy is already on top of him, he had never killed a man, much less run over one with his mount.
But his horse couldn't even touch him, he didn't even see when he moved, the only thing he felt was the pain when his horse fell on its face and despite his expertise on horses, he rolled down the dirt road, giving himself a good blow. His mount was lying dead on the ground with a deep cut at neck level. The man was still standing there and had not even unsheathed the sword he was carrying at his waist. Zayev Ivanov jumped back up, took out his sword and charged at him. man more with fury than with the techniques and good advice with which old Borka had trained him in recent months, he raised his sword and shouting -You killed my Hor...!!!-, he could not complete the sentence, the adventure that What had started that early morning in the castle ended soon for the young man, who fell to the ground with a deep cut on his neck like his horse, Vladic's Damascene steel sword was still in its sheath, Lucius released the bridle of his spare to He draws his sword and attacks. When he is on top of the man, he leans down to cut him in half. Vladic catches his hand, stopping the action of the cut. standing up he suffers the same fate as Zayev Ivanov, Vladic using his claws that he controlled at will, they extended from his fingers like long, sharp daggers, the Vampire is a master of death, Lucius' body falls and his head right next to it!!!.
Hristo, who was coming behind observing what happened, spurs his mount to reach the front, -One wheel, one wheel!!!! -, he shouts to the rest of his men who were falling like flies so that they would not continue attacking that demon one by one, the bear man knew that they were not facing a normal man, he would soon be with them, Emil and Vasil on the right, Loan and Morat on the left, still on their mounts, the first draw their bows to shoot and kill the enemy, Loan with a spear and Morat with his sword charge from his side to force that demond to move and make it easier for his friends to target him, but that man is faster than anything they had seen, faster than Hristo.

-Cannon fodder!!!-, the vampire shouted in the forest without being able to intervene although her blood boiled when she saw her beloved lord in trouble, not because of the soldiers she already had in front, but because of the giant bear-man who I had already achieved it!!!
The arrows were fired but they did not hit, Loan tries to pierce him with his spear, but Vladic dodges the sharp metal tip and delivers a blow to his chest so hard that the spearman is thrown from his mount in the opposite direction several meters back, Loan does not get up, his sternum is broken and several ribs are broken, he will die in a few minutes with deep pain, drowned in his own blood!!! Hristo is already with his men, anticipating that he will dodge him at the last second before hitting him. blow with his double-edged axe, in the same action he slightly turns his horse in the direction where he thinks the vampire will move!!!, -Clink!!!!-, sparks fly when the metal of the ax blade of the bear man collides with the fine Damascene steel!!!, Mirna in the forest puts her hands to her head, if she had not unsheathed her master in time she would have lost his!!!, Hristo's powerful arm holding his axe He trembles before the crash, never in all the years that he had been holding it had anything like this happened, "dismount!!!" he shouts to his men, the horses were no longer an advantage when he lost the momentum of the gallop, the bear man knows that He is in trouble, that attack had never failed, hundreds of heads and bodies cut in half in all these years of countless battles were his test, the demon that he had cut just a day ago also tested the edge of his axe with his refined technique, but this rival was different!!! Vladic also takes a second, he had already killed some vampire hunters and also other vampires older than him, but the excitement of that moment was not comparable, it would be a sweet death will end his journey on the world as an undead by the edge of the ax wielded by the werebear.
To be continue...
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