El Portal [2] (BigVERSO)

in blurt-187636 •  last year 

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El Portal [2]

Lo que parecía en un principio otra noche aburrida en el pueblo de San Casimirito había dado un giro inesperado, de origen desconocido o sobrenatural, el joven jefe de policía Juan Flores exprimía al máximo su moto dirigiéndose rumbo a la casa del alcalde, que estaba en esos momentos bajo ataque!!!, según la información que recibió de Rolando su segundo oficial pidiendo auxilio, estaba por llegar a la casa cuando las llamaradas le indicaron que la cosa había empeorado, al aproximarse vio al Alcalde Zambrano con un rifle de asalto en las manos, junto a su esposa al lado pegando gritos histérica, mientras Rolando los acompañaba también con su arma desenfundada. Juan se detuvo y se bajo de su moto, para preguntar exactamente que Carajos pasaba, pero no fue necesario.

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Desde la casa del alcalde que ardía en llamas, emergían poco a poco unas figuras negras muy grandes de mas de 2 metros, horripilantes, moviéndose muy lentamente en dirección hacia ellos, - Bang, bang, bang!!!- El Alcalde descargo toda la munición de su rifle sobre una de esas cosas, pero parecía que no le hacía el menor daño, Rolando también accionaba su arma sin ningún resultado, Juan desenfundo su glock, apunto al pecho del monstruo que estaba mas próximo a ellos - Bang!!! -, un tiro limpio al pecho de esa cosa, el monstruo trastabillo y retrocedió, Juan entonces apunto como su abuelo le había contado hacia durante sus aventuras en las muchas historias fantásticas que le contaba cuando era un niño, directo a sus cabezas, la notable puntería de Juan fue la diferencia, no falló un solo tiro!!!.

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Luego de recargar un par de veces logro abatir a todo el grupo de monstruos que salieron de la casa del alcalde, pocos segundos después ardían en llamas espontáneamente, el olor desagradable que había notado hace rato cerca de la casa del profesor Thompson ahora era mucho mas intenso y perfectamente reconocible, olía a azufre!!!, Juan levanto su mirada al cielo, se persigno y le dio las gracias a su abuelo, no solo por su entrenamiento de todos estos años, también por las historias que le contaba que el siempre creyó que solo eran cuentos de terror fantásticos que su bisabuelo se inventaba para entretenerlo antes de dormir!!!, pero ahora parecian muy reales!!!, ademas por su arma y sus balas, su bisabuelo Ruperto, las había preparado, tanto el arma como la munición estaban santificadas, a el le pareció siempre una tontería que se «santificaran» su arma y sus balas ¿ que diferencia podría tener?, bueno ahora entendía porque era necesario hacerlo..

-¿Pero que Demonios pasa aquí Juan, que son esas cosas ?-, preguntaba imperativo el Alcalde.

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-Precisamente eso Alcalde, estoy seguro que son algún tipo de Demonios, entes venido de un lugar oscuro o quizás del mismísimo averno, debemos alertar al pueblo, evacuar a todos los que podamos y ponerlos a salvo señor Alcalde.

-¿Porque Carajos mi arma no le hizo ni un rasguño a esas cosas y la tuya si?.

-No tengo tiempo de explicárselo ahora señor.

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-Si no es ahora entonces será nunca Juan!!!, yo mejor me largo de este pueblo antes de que una de esas cosas me atrape a mi o a mi esposa, sálvese quien pueda!!!.

A Juan no le extrañaba para nada la actitud del ilustre Alcalde de San Casimirito, cobarde y correlón, cuando Zambrano ya montado en su camioneta le ordeno a su ahijado que los acompañara para huir con ellos, este se rehuso, habia que ayudar a la gente del pueblo, era policía y ese era su deber no podía solo huir y dejarlos a su suerte!!!.

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-Siempre has sido un idiota ahijado, esas cosas no son un juego, esta noche no hay tiempo para ser un héroe, solo para salvarse y los mas listos huyen pero sobreviven.

Le soltó el alcalde a Rolando a la cara antes arrancar su camioneta y marcharse a toda velocidad marcando las llantas sobre el asfalto!!!, para ese momento ademas de la casa del alcalde, de manera aleatoria algunas casas comenzaron a arder y mas de esos demonios emergían de las llamas buscando mas victimas.

-¿Que hacemos Jefe?.

-El único que nos puede ayudar en este entuerto es mi abuelo Ruperto, el sabrá bien que hacer para combatir a esas cosas, pero también debemos alertar a la gente, ponerlas sobre aviso, tu ve hacia el sur y avisa a todos los que puedas por el camino, llévalos a la iglesia, si todas las historias de mi abuelo son ciertas esas cosas no podrán pisar suelo consagrado.

-¿Y usted que hará jefe?.

-Tomare el rumbo norte, tratare de llevar a los mas que pueda hasta el cementerio.

Ambos policías se despidieron con un abrazo, pero antes de montar en sus motos, Juan le entrego su glock y los 3 cargadores que le restaban a su 2 do.

-Rolando ve a la comisaría, toma mi escopeta y el revolver que guardo en mi locker, ademas de la munición en mi casillero, solo las balas en mi locker funcionaran contra esos monstruos, el resto de la munición sera inútil.

-¿Pero puedo usar su munición en mi arma jefe?.

-No se exactamente como funciona esto, supongo que la munición santificada si funcionara con un arma normal, pero la diferencia es que el arma santificada aumenta el poder y el efecto de la munición santificada sobre los demonios, son un dupla, juegan en llave, o al menos eso es lo que recuerdo de las historias que me contaba mi abuelo, mejor ir a la seguro, no es mucha la munición que tengo en mi locker úsalas con mis armas.

-Entendido jefe, suerte!!!.

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Juan partío primero, mientras lo cubría Rolando con algunos disparos, para luego encender su moto y tomar el sentido contrario, Juan condujo con audacia esquivando los demonios que le salían al paso, deteniéndose en cada casa que le fue posible avisando lo que estaba sucediendo, la mayoría escépticos no le hicieron caso como casi siempre sucede en estos casos, prefirieron resguardarse con sus familias, armándose para defender sus casas, a pesar de las recomendaciones de su jefe de policía, solo unos pocos atendieron su llamado, montaron en sus vehículos y lo siguieron rumbo al cementerio, para ese momento al menos una cuarta de las casas del pequeño pueblo ardía en llamas, y mas de esas cosas iban apoderándose de las calles, atacando las casas y a sus pobladores.

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Unos minutos después cuando están por llegar al cementerio, Juan lideraba el grupo con su moto seguido por algunos vehículos, tal vez unas 40-50 personas venían con el, contando, hombres, mujeres, ancianos y niños, al ver el portón del cementerio abierto de par en par se preocupo, ¿quizás se equivocaba y ya habían entrado los demonios?, pero no, apenas cruzaron la entrada, el portón se cerro detrás de ellos, el mismo viejo Ruperto su bisabuelo lo cerraba con un enorme candado. Juan baja de su moto y le indicaba a los que lo acompañaban que conduzcan sus vehiculos hasta la casa de su abuelo en medio del cementerio.

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-¿Donde Carajos te habías metido Juan?, tengo rato esperándote, ya acabe con una docena de esas cosas que se acercaron a mi cementerio.

-¿Que son esas cosas abuelo?.

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-Ya sabes lo que son, Demonios!!!, de alguna forma atravesaron de otro plano a este, jamas habia visto tal cosa en mis muchos años en el negocio, al menos no en estas cifras.

-¿Nunca fueron cuentos de terror para hacerme dormir cierto abuelo ?.

-No mi nieto, fueron cuentos para prepararte, y por lo que veo siempre escuchaste, ¿y tus armas?.

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-Mi glock se la di a Rolando para que se defendiera de esas cosas mientras ayudaba a las personas.

-Como viste no fallan las balas santificadas contra esas cosas, ¿ahora entiendes porque santifique tus armas y tu munición?.

-Si abuelo, ¿nunca se te ocurrió decirme que todo esto era real?.

-Hace un par de años cuando decidiste convertirte en policía pensé que tal vez ese era tu camino y no ser un cazador como yo!!!.

-Vaya abuelo, tenemos otro problema estamos indefensos, no solo le di mi glock a Rolando, el resto de mis armas están en la comisaria en el otro extremo del pueblo!!!.

-Jejeje, no te preocupes por eso Juan, ¿con quien crees que estas hablando?!!!.
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The Portal [2]

What seemed at first like another boring night in the town of San Casimirito had taken an unexpected turn, of unknown or supernatural origin, the young police chief Juan Flores was making the most of his motorcycle heading towards the mayor's house, which was in those moments under attack!!!, according to the information he received from Rolando, his second officer asking for help, he was about to arrive at the house when the flames told him that things had gotten worse. As he approached, he saw Mayor Zambrano with an assault rifle in his hand. hands, with his wife at his side screaming hysterically, while Rolando also accompanied them with his weapon drawn. Juan stopped and got off his motorcycle to ask exactly what the hell was going on, but it wasn't necessary.

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From the mayor's house that was burning in flames, very large black figures of more than 2 meters, terrifying, emerged little by little, moving very slowly in the direction of them, - Bang, bang, bang!!! - The Mayor unloaded all the He put his rifle's ammunition on one of those things, but it seemed like it didn't do the slightest damage. Rolando also fired his weapon without any result. Juan unholstered his glock and aimed it at the chest of the monster that was closest to them - Bang!!! -, a clean shot to the chest of that thing, the monster stumbled and retreated, Juan then pointed out as his grandfather had told him about during his adventures in the many fantastic stories he told him when he was a child, straight to their heads, the remarkable Juan's aim was the difference, he did not miss a single shot!!!.

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After reloading a couple of times, he managed to defeat the entire group of monsters that came out of the mayor's house. A few seconds later they spontaneously burst into flames. The unpleasant smell that he had noticed a while ago near Professor Thompson's house was now much stronger. intense and perfectly recognizable, it smelled of sulfur!!! Juan raised his gaze to the sky, crossed himself and thanked his grandfather, not only for his training over all these years, but also for the stories he told him that he always He thought they were just fantastic horror stories that his great-grandfather made up to entertain him before going to sleep!!!, but now they seemed very real!!!, also because of his gun and his bullets, his great-grandfather Ruperto had prepared them, both the gun Since the ammunition was sanctified, it always seemed silly to him that his weapon and bullets were "sanctified." What difference could it make? Well, now he understood why it was necessary to do so.

-But what the hell is going on here, Juan, what are those things?-, the Mayor asked imperatively.

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-Precisely that, Mayor, I am sure that they are some type of Demons, entities coming from a dark place or perhaps from hell itself, we must alert the town, evacuate everyone we can and put them to safety, Mr. Mayor.

-Why the hell did my weapon not make a single scratch on those things and yours did?

-I don't have time to explain it to you now, sir.

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-If it's not now then it will never be Juan!!!, I better get out of this town before one of those things catches me or my wife, every man for himself!!!

Juan was not at all surprised by the attitude of the illustrious Mayor of San Casimirito, cowardly and runaway, when Zambrano, already mounted in his truck, ordered his godson to accompany them to flee with them, he refused, he had to help the people. of the town, he was a police officer and that was his duty, he couldn't just run away and leave them to their fate!!!

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-You have always been an idiot godson, those things are not a game, tonight there is no time to be a hero, only to save yourself and the smartest flee but survive.

The mayor threw Rolando in the face before starting his truck and driving away at full speed marking the tires on the asphalt!!!, at that moment in addition to the mayor's house, randomly some houses began to burn and more of those Demons emerged from the flames looking for more victims.

-What do we do Chief?

-The only one who can help us in this mess is my grandfather Ruperto, he will know well what to do to combat these things, but we must also alert people, put them on notice, you go south and warn everyone you can. On the way, take them to church, if all my grandfather's stories are true, those things will not be able to set foot on consecrated ground.

-And what will you do, boss?

-I will head north, I will try to take as many as I can to the cemetery.

Both police officers said goodbye with a hug, but before getting on their motorcycles, Juan gave him his glock and the 3 magazines that remained on his 2nd.

-Rolando go to the police station, take my shotgun and the revolver that I keep in my locker, in addition to the ammunition in my locker, only the bullets in my locker will work against those monsters, the rest of the ammunition will be useless.

-But can I use your ammunition in my boss weapon?

-I don't know exactly how this works, I suppose that the sanctified ammunition would work with a normal weapon, but the difference is that the sanctified weapon increases the power and the effect of the sanctified ammunition on the demons, they are a duo, they play in key, or at least that's what I remember from the stories my grandfather told me, it's better to play it safe, there isn't much ammunition I have in my locker, use it with my weapons.

-Understand boss, good luck!!!.

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Juan left first, while Rolando covered him with some shots, and then turned on his motorcycle and went in the opposite direction, Juan drove boldly, avoiding the demons that came his way, stopping at every house that was possible, warning what was happening, The majority of skeptics did not pay attention to him, as almost always happens in these cases, they preferred to take shelter with their families, arming themselves to defend their homes. Despite the recommendations of their police chief, only a few heeded his call, got into their vehicles and They followed him towards the cemetery, by that time at least a quarter of the houses in the small town were burning in flames, and more of those things were taking over the streets, attacking the houses and their residents.

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A few minutes later when they were about to arrive at the cemetery, Juan was leading the group with his motorcycle followed by some vehicles, perhaps 40-50 people came with him, counting men, women, the elderly and children, upon seeing the open cemetery gate. He was worried, maybe he was wrong and the demons had already entered? But no, as soon as they crossed the entrance, the east gate closed behind them, old Ruperto, his great-grandfather, closed it with a huge padlock. Juan gets off his motorcycle and told those accompanying him to drive their vehicles to his grandfather's house in the middle of the cemetery.

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-Where the hell have you been Juan? I've been waiting for you for a while, I've already finished off a dozen of those things that came to my cemetery.

-What are those things, Grandpa?

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-You know what they are, Damn!!!, somehow they crossed from another plane to this one, I had never seen such a thing in my many years in the business, at least not in these figures.

-Were there never horror stories to make me sleep, certain grandfather?

-No my grandson, they were stories to prepare you, and from what I see you always listened, and your weapons?

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-I gave my glock to Rolando so that he could defend himself from those things while helping people.

-As you saw, sanctified bullets do not fail against those things. Now do you understand why I sanctified your weapons and your ammunition?

-Yes, grandfather, did it never occur to you to tell me that all this was real?

-A couple of years ago when you decided to become a police officer I thought that maybe that was your path and not be a hunter like me!!!

-Wow, grandfather, we have another problem, we are defenseless, not only did I give my glock to Rolando, the rest of my weapons are in the police station at the other end of town!!!

-Hehehe, don't worry about that Juan, who do you think you're talking to?!!!

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To be continue...

Escrito originalmente en Español, traducido con Google Traslate.

Todas las imágenes son propias, fueron creadas usando las paginas de IA: Picfinder.ai y Leonardo.ai

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  ·  last year  ·  

Ayayayyyy se pone bueno esto jejeje. Nada que cuentos sino la pura realidad, imagino la cara de Juan al ver lo que estaba pasando. Seguiré atenta a la próxima vuelta de esta historia.
Mi abrazo de siempre, Gran Amigo.

  ·  last year  ·  

Saludos mi DulceDama, disculpa la demora es que hoy se me dio por leer los comentarios hasta eso evito para no gastar datos, ya que cada vez que abro un relato mio o de otros carga imágenes y todo lo demas.

Un abrazo, saludos a tu esposo y a los peques!!!