RE: My first ever community post! Posting to Community: Caturday

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My first ever community post! Posting to Community: Caturday

in blurt-187635 •  3 months ago 

The community account (the blurt account with numbers on the end) is added as a 3% beneficiary. Eventually, it's planned to make it possible for the community owners to set their own percentage for their community.

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Can the earning be withdrawn by the community account owner?

Posted from

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

As far as the blockchain is concerned, those blurt-1xxxxx are the same as any other account. So they can power up, power down, transfer funds the same as a normal account. And anyone can create one either on blurtwallet. com, or any other site or tool that lets you create accounts.

When you browse communities, you can see who the admins are. So if you're worried that someone might misuse the funds that go to the community account, you can opt not to post in that community. Or you can open your own community and post in that one.

Good question!