Historias de miedo para Gatos (BigVERSO)

in blurt-187635 •  10 months ago 



Aunque escribo muchas historias de ficción sobre gatos para nadie es un secreto que no me llevo bien con ellos en la vida real, simplemente me detestan. Cuando visito la casa de algún amigo y tiene un gato que se cree el dueño de la casa se que tendré problemas, luego de tratar varios trucos para tratar de apaciguarlos encontré que la mejor manera de deshacerme de ellos por un buen rato y me dejen hacer mi visita en paz es asustarlos contándoles una aterradora historia de miedo para gatos!!!...


Ratas de cementerio

La valiente gata Matilda estaba metida en un gran predicamento, corría por su vida despavorida entre las lapidas y tumbas del viejo cementerio central de ciudad Caótica tratando de regresar desesperadamente a su casa, iba muy agitada, o mejor dicho asustada!!!!, esquivaba a sus enemigos con destreza y no dudaba en usar sus afiladas garras soltando uno que otro zarpazo para despejar el camino y seguir adelante si alguna de aquellas demoniacas ratas que la perseguían lograba alcanzarla.


Cuando vio su casa acelero un poco mas el paso dando finalmente un enorme brinco usando las fuerza de sus poderosas patas traseras para alcanzar la abertura en la puerta que el viejo Emiliano, el cuidador del cementerio y su humano protector le habia construido hace unos años para que entrara y saliera de la casa cuando quisiera sin necesidad de que ella tuviera que rasgar la madera y ronronear para que se la abriera. Una vez dentro se apresuro a bloquear la abertura empujando la pesada caja de herramientas que usaba el viejo Emiliano en sus tareas que solia colocar siempre al lado de la puerta, apenas obstruyo el paso primero pudo escuchar del otro lado los chirridos de las ratas agolpándose afuera en la puerta y luego sentir la fuerza de sus empujones tratando de mover la caja de herramientas parar entrar a la casa, la gata supo que esas ratas demoniacas no actuaban normalmente, parecian guiadas por un ser maligno, por primera vez en su vida Matilda estaba aterrada!!!.


Tres noches atrás...

La valiente gata Matilda regresaba a su casa luego de tomarse unos buenos tragos de leche agría y ronronear con un gato callejero en un bar para gatos no muy lejos del cementerio central de ciudad Caótica, cuando llego al muro que separaba al camposanto de la ciudad dio un gran salto, parada desde lo alto observo por unos segundos sus dominios antes de seguir su camino hasta su casa que se encontraba en el medio del mismo.


A cualquiera se le hubiera helado la sangre ante tal escena, las tenebrosas lapidas, las sombras que simulaban figuras grotescas de monstruos en aquella oscura noche sin luna, los rugidos del viento entre las ramas de los árboles, el ulular de una lechuza que anunciaba inequívocamente la llegada de la hora del lobo, todos los elementos de una perfecta escena introductoria para una buena película de miedo de fantasmas o demonios de la noche.


Pero para Matilda aquella escena era cuestión de todos los días, habia crecido en aquel cementerio desde pequeña cuando el viejo Emiliano la rescato de la caja de zapatos en donde la habían abandonado a las puertas del camposanto, así que no existía ruido, sombras tenebrosas, noches sin luna, oscuridad o fantasmas que la pudiesen asustar!!!, y en esos años gracias a la capacidad extra sensorial que poseen algunos gatos privilegiados de ver mas allá de nuestro plano, Matilda habia podido ver con sus bellos ojos de gata a un espectro deambular por aquel oscuro y tenebroso cementerio mas de una vez.


Matilda pego otro buen salto desde lo alto del muro hasta el suelo y comenzó a caminar rumbo a su casa, el viejo Emiliano seguro ya se encontraría dormido, el sábado y el domingo eran los días de mayor actividad en el cementerio cuando los humanos aprovechaban el asueto del fin de semana para venir a visitar a sus muertos, el camposanto se llenaba de gente, a Matilda le gustaban los fines de semana, era una gata grande y buena moza, siempre le daban algún aperitivo o golosina los visitantes, la gata tan solo habia avanzando unos metros cuando escucha un chirridos a su espalda, ¿ratones o ratas?!!!, sin verlas su experiencia y buen oído le indico que eran las mas grandes, tenía días que no cazaba una, se dio la vuelta y fue por un snack antes de acostarse, pero Matilda se llevo una sorpresa, no era tan solo un par de ratas como pensó en un principio, era un grupo grande, saltaban desde lo alto del muro y al caer al suelo seguían en fila india a alguien que las guiaba, ¿que estaba pasando? se pregunta Matilda, tenía que averiguarlo, no era raro ver ratas en el cementerio, ella misma una vez con la ayuda de uno de sus galanes dio con un nido, acabaron con media docena y otra media huyo para siempre de su cementerio, pero estas no parecian ser solo una familia normal de ratas.


Luego de perseguirlas por un rato las ratas desaparecieron en el medio del cementerio, solo podía ser gracias a una guarida, las muy astutas saben cavar y construir sus madrigueras, el viejo Emiliano una vez acabo con otro nido de ratas que habia invadido una tumba y el féretro que reposaba en el, lograron perforar un hoyo en un costado del ataúd e hicieron un festín con las carnes putrefactas del cadáver, en esa oportunidad Matilda no fue de mucha ayuda, estaba muy pequeña para vencer a una rata, luego de buscar por un buen rato la entrada de la madriguera se tuvo que regresar a su casa sin dar con ella, debían tener una y muy grande las condenadas ratas pudo contar mas de 20, quizás un poco mas.


Cuando despertó en la mañana la caja de herramientas del viejo Emiliano no estaba al lado de la puerta ya habia salido a dar su ronda y a reparar lo que se tuviera que reparar, encontro su plato de leche y otro con croquetas luego de comer a gusto retozo un buen rato antes de salir al mediodía a dar una vuelta, como todos los sábados el cementerio estaba repleto de gente visitando las tumbas de sus muertos, Matilda devoraba un dulce que le regalo una anciana que visitaba la tumba de su ser querido cada sábado cuando vio a un grupo mas pequeño de ratas corriendo por su cementerio dio un brinco y fue tras ellas pero nuevamente desaparecieron en medio del cementerio, y no pudo encontrar la entrada de su madriguera.


Matilda estuvo muy alerta el resto del día y en la noche monto guardia sobre un muro al lado de su casa desde donde tenía una buena visual de todo el camposanto, detecto a un par de grupos de ratas pero cada vez que fue tras ellas las astutas ratas desaparecían, algo muy raro estaba pasando en sus dominios!!!, no era normal que hubiera tantas ratas y mas raro aun que no pudiera dar con ellas, quizás no solo tenían una entrada a su gran madriguera si no varias, el domingo se volvió a llenar el cementerio de gente y otra vez como el día anterior Matilda pudo observar a varios grupos de ratas entrando y desapareciendo!!!. Esa noche cuando regreso a su casa supo que no era la única que habia notado a las ratas, el viejo Emiliano alistaba algunas trampas y una buena cantidad de veneno para ratas, el lunes por la mañana salieron el viejo cuidador y su gata a colocar las trampas y poner el veneno por todo el cementerio, ese día las ratas no entraron al cementerio o al menos Matilda no vio a ninguna!!!.


Esa misma noche el viejo Emiliano se despidió de Matilda dejándola a cargo con la misión de cuidar el fuerte hasta que el regresara, el lunes era su noche libre, salía del cementerio e iba a jugar domino y beber ron con otros humanos tan viejos como el, algunas veces Matilda fue con el, pero esa noche tenía trabajo que hacer, luego de que se marcho su humano, la gata se apostó en el techo de su casa para hacer guardia, Matilda haciendo uso de su privilegiada visión nocturna vigilaba la noche y el cementerio, el viento rugía entre los arboles, la luna se oculto detrás de unos nubarrones cuando escucho a lo lejos -Clack, clack, clak!!!-, las trampas habían hecho su trabajo salto desde el techo y fue a dar un vistazo en dirección de donde provino el sonido, cuando llego ni una sola rata habia caído en las trampas, aunque estas estaban cerradas alguien muy inteligente las habia accionado, las ratas no eran tan inteligentes, iba a regresar a su casa para continuar con su vigilia cuando vio a un pequeño ratón blanco en lo alto de una lapida que la observaba retadoramente.


Matilda acepto el reto y fue por el pero cuando estuvo a un palmo de la lapida salieron!!!, de debajo de la tierra, de detrás de las tumbas, desde los troncos de los arboles, prácticamente de todos lados, no eran 20, ni 30, era un mar de ratas!!!, Matilda estaba rodeada, la gata valiente no tuvo tiempo de contarlas ni tampoco considero enfrentarlas su instinto de conservación le indico que tenía una sola opción... huir!!!.


Varias horas después cuando el viejo Emiliano abría la puerta de su casa se encontro con su caja de herramientas volteada sobre el suelo y todas sus cosas desparramadas por el piso, ¿ que habría pasado ?, Matilda no era tan descuidada, llamo a su gata pero esta no respondió a su llamado, -¿quizás salió a divertirse?-, se cuestiono el viejo, estaba cansado y algo ebrio así que se acostó a dormir, por la mañana recogería las herramientas y buscaría a su gata, pero luego de varios días Matilde no apareció, a veces solia irse de farra pero siempre regresaba luego de un par de días. Ya habia pasado una semana, cuando el viejo Emiliano hacia una de sus acostumbradas rondas nocturnas por el cementerio entonces escucho unos maullidos a lo lejos cerca del muro exterior quizás era Matilda!!!, se movió lo mas rápido que le permitieron sus años, al llegar al sitio solo pudo ver a un gato negro muy grande al que le faltaba un ojo luchar a muerte con varias ratas.


El gato no estaba tratando de huir si no de abrirse paso para ir detrás de los maullidos que el viejo habia oído, pero de un momento a otro los maullidos se apagaron y con ellos todas las ratas desaparecieron, el viejo Emiliano vio al gato tuerto adentrase aun mas en el cementerio persiguiendo a una de las ratas hasta perderlo de vista, el viejo cuidador supo entonces que tenía un serio problema, debía hacer algo pronto si aquel enorme gato negro tampoco pudo con ellas, su gata Matilda no debió tener ninguna oportunidad contra aquellas malditas ratas que habían invadido su cementerio.





Although I write a lot of fictional stories about cats for no one, it's no secret that I don't get along with them in real life, they just hate me. When I visit a friend's house and they have a cat that thinks it's the owner of the house, I know I'll have problems. After trying several tricks to try to appease them, I found the best way to get rid of them for a while and let me do my thing. My visit in peace is to scare them by telling them a terrifying scary story for cats!!!...

*** *** *** *** *** VERSION ENGLISH *** *** *** *** ***


cemetery rats

The brave cat Matilda was in a great predicament, she was running through her life in terror among the headstones and tombs of the old central cemetery of Chaotic City desperately trying to return to her house, she was very agitated, or rather scared!!!!, she was dodging her enemies with skill and did not hesitate to use her sharp claws, unleashing the occasional blow of her paw to clear the way and move forward if any of those demonic rats that were chasing her managed to reach her.


When he saw his house, he accelerated his pace a little more, finally making a huge jump, using the strength of his powerful hind legs to reach the opening in the door that old Emiliano, the caretaker of the cemetery and his human protector, had built for him a few years ago. to enter and leave the house whenever he wanted without her having to tear the wood and purr to get it to open. Once inside, he hurried to block the opening by pushing the heavy tool box that old Emiliano used in his tasks, which he always used to place next to the door. As soon as he blocked the passage, he could hear on the other side the squeaks of the rats crowding outside. at the door and then feeling the force of their pushes trying to move the tool box to enter the house, the cat knew that those demonic rats were not acting normally, they seemed guided by an evil being, for the first time in her life Matilda was terrified!!!.


Three nights ago...

The brave cat Matilda was returning home after having a few good drinks of sour milk and purring with a stray cat in a cat bar not far from the central cemetery of Chaotic City, when she reached the wall that separated the cemetery from the city. a great jump, standing from above I observe his domains for a few seconds before to continue on his way to his house, which was in the middle of it.


Anyone's blood would have run cold before such a scene, the dark tombstones, the shadows that simulated grotesque figures of monsters in that dark moonless night, the roaring of the wind between the branches of the trees, the hoot of an owl that unequivocally announced the arrival of the hour of the wolf, all the elements of a perfect introductory scene for a good scary movie about ghosts or demons of the night.


But for Matilda that scene was an everyday occurrence, she had grown up in that cemetery since she was little when Old Emiliano rescued her from the shoe box where they had abandoned her at the gates of the cemetery, so there was no noise, dark shadows, moonless nights, darkness or ghosts that could scare her!!!, and in those years, thank you Due to the extra sensory capacity that some privileged cats possess to see beyond our plane, Matilda had been able to see with her beautiful cat eyes a ghost wandering through that dark and gloomy cemetery more than once.


Matilda took another good jump from the top of the wall to the ground and began to walk towards her house, old Emiliano would surely be asleep by now, Saturday and Sunday were the busiest days in the cemetery when humans took advantage of the weekend off to come visit their dead, the cemetery was filled with people, Matilda liked weekends, she was a big, good-looking cat, the visitors always gave her some snack or treat, the cat was so He had only advanced a few meters when he heard a squeaking noise behind him, mice or rats?!!! Without seeing them, his experience and good hearing told him that they were the biggest, he had not hunted one for days, he turned around and went for a snack before going to bed, but Matilda got a surprise, it wasn't just a couple of rats as she thought at first, it was a large group, they jumped from the top of the wall and when they fell to the ground they followed someone in single file who was guiding them, what was happening? Matilda wonders, she had to find out, it was not unusual to see rats in the cemetery, she herself once, with the help of one of her beaus, found a nest, they killed half a dozen and another half fled her cemetery forever, but these They didn't seem to be just a normal family of rats.


After chasing them for a while the rats disappeared in the middle of the cemetery, it could only be thanks to a lair, the very clever ones know how to dig and build their burrows, old Emiliano once ended up with another nest of rats that had invaded a grave and the coffin that was resting in it, they managed to drill a hole in the side of the coffin and made a feast with the putrefied flesh of the corpse. On that occasion Matilda was not of much help, she was too small to defeat a rat, after searching for For a long time at the entrance to the burrow he had to return to his house without finding it, they must have had one and very large damned rats, he could count more than 20, maybe a little more.


When she woke up in the morning, old Emiliano's toolbox was not next to the door. He had already gone out to do his rounds and to repair what needed to be repaired. He found his plate of milk and another with croquettes after eating to his heart's content, and having fun. for a long time before going out at noon for a walk, as every Saturday the cemetery was full of people visiting the graves of their dead, Matilda devoured a sweet that was given to her by an old woman who visited the grave of her loved one every Saturday when He saw a smaller group of rats running through his cemetery, he jumped up and went after them, but they disappeared again in the middle of the cemetery, and he couldn't find the entrance to their burrow.


Matilda was very alert the rest of the day and at night she stood guard on a wall next to her house from where she had a good view of the entire cemetery. She detected a couple of groups of rats but every time she went after them the clever ones rats were disappearing, something very strange was happening in their domain!!!, it was not normal that there were so many rats and even more strange that I could not find them, perhaps they not only had one entrance to their large burrow but several, on Sunday they The cemetery filled with people again and again, like the day before, Matilda was able to observe several groups of rats entering and disappearing!!! That night when she returned home she knew that she was not the only one who had noticed the rats, old Emiliano was preparing some traps and a good amount of rat poison, on Monday morning the old caretaker and his cat went out to place the traps and put poison throughout the cemetery, that day the rats did not enter the cemetery or at least Matilda did not see any!!!.


That same night, old Emiliano said goodbye to Matilda, leaving her in charge with the mission of taking care of the fort until he returned. Monday was his night off. He left the cemetery and went to play dominoes and drink rum with other humans as old as him. Sometimes Matilda went with him, but that night she had work to do, after her human left, the cat was posted on the roof of her house to stand guard. Matilda, using her privileged night vision, watched the night and the cemetery, the wind roared through the trees, the moon hid behind some clouds when he heard in the distance -Clack, clack, clak!!!-, the traps had done their job, he jumped from the roof and went to take a look in the direction from which the sound came, when he arrived not a single rat had fallen into the traps, although they were closed someone very intelligent had activated them, the rats were not that intelligent, he was going to return to his house to continue his vigil when She saw a small white mouse on top of a tombstone looking at her defiantly.


Matilda accepted the challenge and went for it, but when she was a foot away from the tombstone they came out!!!, from under the ground, from behind the graves, from the trunks of the trees, practically from everywhere, there were not 20 of them, Not even 30, it was a sea of ​​rats!!! Matilda was surrounded, the brave cat did not have time to count them nor did she consider facing them, her self-preservation instinct told her that she had only one option... run!!!.


Several hours later, when old Emiliano opened the door of his house, he found his toolbox turned over on the floor and all his things scattered on the floor. What would have happened? Matilda was not so careless, she called her cat but She didn't respond to his call - maybe she went out to have fun? - the old man asked himself, he was tired and a little drunk so he went to sleep, in the morning he would pick up the tools and look for his cat, but after several days Matilde didn't show up, sometimes she used to go out partying but she always came back after a couple of days. A week had already passed, when old Emiliano was making one of his usual nightly rounds through the cemetery, then he heard some meows in the distance near the outer wall. Maybe it was Matilda!!! He moved as fast as his years allowed him, when Arriving at the site he could only see a very large black cat that was missing an eye fighting to the death with several rats.


The cat was not trying to flee but to make its way to go after the meows that the old man had heard, but from one moment to the next the meows went out and with them all the rats disappeared, the old Emiliano saw the one-eyed cat enter even more in the cemetery chasing one of the rats until he lost sight of it, the old caretaker knew then that he had a serious problem, he had to do something soon if that huge black cat couldn't handle them either, his cat Matilda shouldn't have had any chance against those damned rats that had invaded their cemetery.



Ha excepción del banner de «historias de miedo para gatos», el cual edite usando una foto vieja de una gata asustada protegiendo a su cachorro que colecte en mi muro de twitter hace años, el resto de las imágenes de esta publicación son propias y fueron generadas usando las versiones gratuitas de las paginas de IA: Leonardo.ai, Tensort.art, Picfinder.ai y Playground.com

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