Gato Aventura [1] (BigVERSO)

in blurt-187635 •  10 months ago 


Ratas de cementerio

El Tuerto como se le conocía y era nombrado desde que perdiera su ojo en una furiosa pelea de la cual ya no le gustaba hablar!!!, era un gato callejero negro, grande y buen peleador, también muy peligroso que no le tenía miedo a la noche ni a sus terrores como el mismo se ufanaba, su único defecto según el mismo contaba en algunos bares para gatos que frecuentaba era su incansable lucha por encontrar el amor verdadero!!!, el resto de gatos se reían a sus espaldas sabían que el Tuerto era en realidad un truhán que cambiaba de gata una semana si y la otra también. Esta búsqueda sin fin del amor por parte de el Tuerto habia hecho que uniera fuerzas con un pequeño gato de pelo azul llamado Matías, otro gato trotamundos de ciudad caótica, tan pequeño que parecía un bebe gato, armado con un carcaj de flechas mágicas y un arco recorría las calles de la ciudad por las noches repartiendo amor con sus flechas, cuando el Tuerto se entero de su súper poder lo secuestro y lo hizo su prisionero para que le facilitara su tarea de conquistar gatas por toda la ciudad.


Quizás fue el hecho de que los dos estuvieran solos y desvalidos lo que permitió que la relación de carcelero prisionero que tenían se transformara en poco tiempo en una buena amistad, se mudaron juntos a vivir en un lindo apartamento en el centro de la ciudad, bueno en realidad solo tenían acceso al balcón posterior de un apartamento en el tercer piso de un bonito edificio, allí llegaban el Tuerto y Matías a dormir sus borracheras como los vampiros poco antes de que saliera el sol, pero tuvieron suerte, si bien la humana que vivía en dicho apartamento no los adopto abriéndoles las puertas de su casa, se apiado de ellos y les ponía algo de leche y croquetas para gatos cuando se asomaba y los veía a ambos durmiendo a pierna suelta en el balcón de su apartamento.


Pero de la noche a la mañana la mujer desaparecio, el Tuerto y Matías no la volvieron a ver por varios meses, solo al hombre humano que vivía en el apartamento que no los alimentaba y tampoco les abría la puerta para que pasaran, como el Tuerto y Matías solo iban allí a dormir la borrachera no extrañaron mucho el plato de comida extra, hasta hace unos pocos días que una rubia muy linda tan pequeña que parecía una niña tomo el puesto de la otra mujer y aunque no vivía allí todos los días cuando pasaba la noche y dormía en el apartamento les daba su plato de leche y unas croquetas por las mañanas antes de marcharse.


El Tuerto y Matías luego de hacerse amigos habían llegado a un acuerdo, "una flecha por semana", Matías se comprometió a ensartar con una de sus flechas a la gata que eligiera el Tuerto pero solo una vez por semana, las flechas mágicas que necesitaba para ayudar a que surigiera el amor entre los perros, gatos y demas animales de la ciudad, fueran mascotas viviendo en sus casas o callejeros no crecían en los arboles!!!, habia que ahorrar, el Tuerto acepto el trato -una era mejor que ninguna!!!-, maullo.


El Tuerto antes de perder su ojo siempre le había ido bien en el amor, tenía buena suerte con las gatas!!!, era un gato bastante grande, fuerte y que tenia sus buenas mañas con las felinas, como ademas sabia pelear nunca le falto comida eso atraía tanto a las gatas callejeras como a las finas que vivían en una casa, el Tuerto nunca tuvo distinción entre unas y otras, aunque prefería a las de casa por estar mejor alimentadas, mas cuidadas y por tanto con un mas lindo pelaje!!. Pero su suerte en el amor cambio drasticamente luego del desafortunado incidente en donde perdió su ojo, quedo mas feo eso por un lado y por el otro ninguna gata de la ciudad se creía la historia de como habia perdido su ojo, el tuerto tuvo problemas de confianza y desde entonces dejo de contar esa historia cansado de oir los maullidos de burlas de las gatas que intentaba conquistar.


-¿Unos mini tigres, a quien quieres engañar gato feo?, jajajaja!!!-, le maullaban las gatas en respuestas.

Pero a cada cochino le llega su sábado!!!, o en este caso gato!!!, el Tuerto se enamoro de una linda gata llamada Roselyn y la gata de el sin necesidad de que Matías le disparara una de sus flechas encantadas, cuando pasaron 2 semanas consecutivas y el Tuerto no le pidió a Matías que flechara a otra gata!!!, supo el pequeño gato azul que aquel enamoramiento de su amigo iba en serio, habia sentado cabeza de una vez por todas, Matías y el Tuerto seguían durmiendo en su balcón casi todos los días, algunas noches el Tuerto traía a Roselyn con el y otros se quedaba en casa de su novia, Roselyn era una gata muy bonita y fina, que vivía en una preciosa casa en el Barrio de los P. El Tuerto no tuvo problemas con eso, solo que esta vez evito contarle a Roselyn la historia de como perdió su ojo y obviamente se las ingeniaba para no pasar cerca del jardín en el patio trasero de la casa donde vivían ese par de asesinos enanos!!!.


Eran tiempos buenos para el Tuerto gracias a su nuevo amor, pero la felicidad no duraría para siempre, cosas oscuras y terribles se ocultan en la noche, misteriosos terrores salían a cazar!!!, si ciudad Caótica no era un lugar seguro para los humanos pueden estar seguros que tampoco lo era para los gatos!!!. Retozando en su balcón cuando el sol comenzó a ocultarse Matías y el Tuerto se despidieron, el pequeño gato azul tomo su carcaj de flechas y salió a repartir amor por un lado mientras que el Tuerto se iba por el otro para buscar a su gata, luego de pasar un rato con Roselyn en su casa la invito a un bar gatuno de mala muerte que quedaba en un oscuro callejón de la ciudad, donde la leche era agria pero con buena música, el Tuerto no tenía dinero pero si crédito en el bar gracias a que le habia salvado la vida al barcat del lugar en una oportunidad, luego de bailar y tomarse unos cuantos drinks con su gata, Roselyn le dijo que tenía hambre, si la preciosa y pequeña rubia que ahora dormía de vez en cuando en su apartamento pasaba la noche allí en la mañana tendría leche y croquetas para Roselyn, pero eso seria hasta la mañana y su gata tenía hambre ahora.


El Tuerto y Roselyn salieron del bar a buscar algo que comer, el gato callejero quería agasajarla y no solo llevarla a cualquier bote de basura, pensó en pasar por un restaurante chino que frecuentaba, allí la comida era muy buena y a pesar de lo que decían las malas lenguas, los chinos no mataban gatos para preparar sus platos, pero luego recordó que el chef, un enorme gordo que se encargaba de la cocina habia muerto y desde entonces la calidad de la comida se habia ido a pique!!!, fue entonces que al Tuerto se le ocurrió la terrible idea de ir hasta el cementerio de la ciudad a cazar una rata para su gata.


Allí eran gordas y lentas, fue una mala decisión, el Tuerto tenía varias semanas que no habia pasado por allí y desconocía que se dirigía a una trampa mortal!!!. Luego de atravesar media ciudad montados sobre el techo un pequeño taxi de color rojo y negro que consiguieron por el camino, saltaron cuando estuvieron lo mas cerca del cementerio, la noche era fría y tenebrosa, cuando saltaron sobre el muro para entrar el ululuar de una lechuza anunciaba que la hora del lobo habia tomado posesión de la noche, Roselyn una gata fina de casa estaba algo asustada, pero acompañada por su valiente gato Tuerto se aventuro adentrándose en aquel oscuro y tenebroso cementerio.


-No hay nada que temer, andas conmigo!!!-, le maullo el Tuerto, que equivocado estaba.

El Tuerto y Roselyn se encontraban agazapados detrás de una lapida esperando que apareciera una presa para cazarla cuando la luna se asomo tímida en el cielo detrás de unos nubarrones tan negros como el Tuerto, entonces vieron a una rata grande y gorda, luego otra y otra mas, el Tuerto no habia visto jamas tantas ratas juntas, pero valiente salto al ruedo para hacerles frente, correrían asustadas y el atraparía facilmente a la mas lenta, -MeeeooWW!!!-, maullo el Tuerto casi como un rugido para hacerlas correr.


Pero las ratas no retrocedieron supo en ese momento el gato callejero que el no era el cazador si no la presa, el Tuerto no sabia de donde salían tantas ratas ¿de de debajo de la tierra, de las lapidas?, -MeeeooooWW!!!-, Roselyn maulla desesperada a sus espaldas cuando es atrapada por el ejercito de ratas, la gata no sabia pelear, pero su novio si, el Tuerto pego un salto descomunal para ir en su ayuda, repartiendo zarpazos a diestra y siniestra con sus afiladas garras las ratas caian como moscas.


-Meooow!!!- Roselyn maullaba desesperada mientras era arrastrada por el cementerio por las ratas, el Tuerto se abría paso peleando para llegar hasta ella pero eran demasiadas, de un momento a otro los maullidos de Roselyn se apagaron, el Tuerto la perdió de vista, e igual como aparecieron las ratas desaparecieron, el gato tuerto persiguio a una pero se escabullo por un pequeño agujero en la tierra al lado de una lapida, cuando busco con su único ojo a su alrededor ya no quedaba una sola rata en todo el cementerio, el gato callejero lamentaba la hora en que decidió venir al camposanto, habia perdido a Roselyn su gran amor por culpa de unas malditas ratas de cementerio.




***** ***** ***** VERSION ENGLISH ***** ***** *****


cemetery rats

One-eyed as he was known and was named after he lost his eye in a furious fight that he no longer liked to talk about!!!, he was a black stray cat, large and a good fighter, also very dangerous that he was not afraid of. the night nor his terrors as he himself boasted, his only defect according to himself in some cat bars that he frequented was his tireless fight to find true love!!!, the rest of the cats laughed behind his back, they knew that One-Eyed was actually a scoundrel who changed cats every other week. This endless search for love on the part of One-Eye had caused him to join forces with a small blue-haired cat named Matías, another globe-trotting cat from a chaotic city, so small that he looked like a baby cat, armed with a quiver of magic arrows and a Arco walked the streets of the city at night spreading love with his arrows. When One-Eyed found out about his super power, he kidnapped him and made him his prisoner to facilitate his task of conquering cats throughout the city.


Perhaps it was the fact that the two were alone and helpless that allowed the prisoner-jailer relationship they had to transform in a short time into a good friendship, they moved together to live in a nice apartment in the center of the city, Well, in reality they only had access to the back balcony of an apartment on the third floor of a beautiful building, where One-Eyed and Matías came to sleep off their drunken binges like vampires shortly before the sun rose, but they were lucky, although the human who lived in said apartment, did not adopt them by opening the doors of his house for them, he took pity on them and gave them some milk and cat food when he looked out and saw them both sleeping soundly on the balcony of his apartment.


Put The woman disappeared overnight, One-Eyed and Matías did not see her again for several months, only the human man who lived in the apartment who did not feed them and did not open the door for them to enter, like One-Eyed and Matías. They only went there to sleep off their drunkenness, they didn't miss the extra plate of food much, until a few days ago when a very pretty blonde so small that she looked like a child took the other woman's place and although she didn't live there every day when the night and slept in the apartment, gave them their bowl of milk and some croquettes in the morning before leaving.


After becoming friends, One-eyed and Matías had reached an agreement, "one arrow per week", Matías promised to string one of his arrows into the cat that El Tuerto chose, but only once a week, the magic arrows he needed. to help love arise between the dogs, cats and other animals of the city, whether they were pets living in their homes or strays, they did not grow on the trees!!!, it was necessary to save, One-Eyed accepted the deal - one was better than none!!!-, I meow.


Before losing his eye, One-Eyed had always done well in love, he had good luck with cats!!!, he was a fairly big, strong cat who had his way with felines. Since he also knew how to fight, he never lacked food, which attracted both the street cats and the fine ones that lived in a house. One-Eyed never had a distinction between the one and the other, although he preferred the house cats because they were better fed, more cared for and therefore with a prettier coat!!. But his luck in love changed drastically after the unfortunate incident where he lost his eye, that was uglier on the one hand and on the other, no cat in the city believed the story of how he had lost his eye, the one-eyed man had problems with trust and since then I stopped telling that story, tired of hearing the mocking meows of the cats I was trying to conquer.


-Some mini tigers, who are you trying to fool, ugly cat? Hahaha!!!-, the cats meowed in response.

But every pig gets his Saturday!!!, or in this case cat!!!, One-Eyed fell in love with a pretty cat named Roselyn and his cat without the need for Matías to shoot him one of his enchanted arrows, when 2 consecutive weeks passed and One-Eyed did not ask Matías to shoot another cat!!!, the little blue cat knew that his friend's crush was serious, he had settled down once and for all, Matías and One-Eyed continued sleeping on his balcony almost every day, some nights El Tuerto brought Roselyn with him and other nights he stayed at his girlfriend's house, Roselyn was a very pretty and fine cat, who lived in a beautiful house in the Barrio de los P. El Tuerto had no problems with that, only this time he avoided telling Roselyn the story of how he lost his eye and obviously managed not to pass by the garden in the backyard of the house where those pair of dwarf murderers lived!!!.


They were good times for One-Eye thanks to his new love, but happiness would not last forever, dark and terrible things were hidden in the night, mysterious terrors came out to hunt!!!, if Chaotic City was not a safe place for humans You can be sure it wasn't for cats either!!! Playing on their balcony when the sun began to set Matías and One-Eyed said goodbye, the little blue cat took his quiver of arrows and went out to spread love on one side while One-Eyed went on the other to look for his cat, then After spending some time with Roselyn at his house, he invited her to a seedy cat bar that was in a dark alley in the city, where the milk was sour but with good music. El Tuerto had no money but he did have credit at the bar, thanks. because he had saved the life of the local barcat on one occasion, after dancing and having a few drinks with her cat, Roselyn told him that she was hungry, if the beautiful little blonde who now slept from time to time in her apartment She spent the night there in the morning she would have milk and croquettes for Roselyn, but that would be until the morning and her cat was hungry now.


El Tuerto and Roselyn left the bar to look for something to eat, the stray cat wanted to entertain her and not just take her to any trash can, he thought of stopping by a Chinese restaurant that he frequented, there the food was very good and despite what they said bad tongues, the Chinese did not kill cats to prepare their dishes, but then he remembered that the chef, a huge fat man who was in charge of the kitchen had died and since then the quality of the food had gone downhill!!!, it was Then One-Eyed had the terrible idea of ​​going to the city cemetery to hunt a rat for his cat.


There they were fat and slow, it was a bad decision, One-Eyed had not been there for several weeks and he didn't know that he was heading into a death trap!!! After crossing half the city riding on the roof of a small red and black taxi that they found along the way, they jumped when they were closest to the cemetery. The night was cold and dark, when they jumped over the wall to hear the hoot of a owl announced that the hour of the wolf had taken possession of the night, Roselyn, a fine house cat, was a little scared, but accompanied by her brave cat One-Eyed, she ventured into that dark and gloomy cemetery.


-There was nothing to fear, you're with me!!!- One-Eyed meowed at him, how wrong he was.

One-eyed and Roselyn were crouching behind a tombstone waiting for prey to appear so they could hunt it when the moon peeked timidly in the sky behind clouds as black as the One-eyed, then they saw a big, fat rat, then another and another. But, One-Eyed had never seen so many rats together, but he bravely jumped into the ring to face them, they would run scared and he would easily catch the slowest one, -MeeeooWW!!!-, One-Eyed meowed almost like a roar to make them run.


But the rats did not retreat, at that moment the stray cat knew that he was not the hunter but the prey, One-Eyed did not know where so many rats came from, from under the ground, from the tombstones? -MeeeooooWW!!! -, Roselyn meows desperately behind his back when she is caught by the army of rats, the cat did not know how to fight, but her boyfriend did, One-Eyed made a huge leap to go to her aid, dealing blows left and right with his sharp claws. The rats fell like flies.


-Meooow!!!- Roselyn meowed desperately as she was dragged through the cemetery by the rats, One-Eyed fought his way to get to her but there were too many of them, from one moment to the next Roselyn's meows died down, One-Eyed lost her forever. sight, and just as the rats appeared they disappeared, the one-eyed cat chased one but it snuck through a small hole in the ground next to a tombstone, when it searched around with its only eye there was not a single rat left in the entire place. cemetery, the stray cat regretted the time he decided to come to the cemetery, he had lost Roselyn, his great love, because of some damn cemetery rats.


To be continue...

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