My daily life.

in blurt-1845409 •  last month 

How are you all, friends? I hope you are all doing well. With all your blessings and the infinite mercy of the great creator, I am also doing well.


I woke up very early this morning. Then I took paste in my brush. Then after some time, I took some beautiful pictures of flowers. I took today's pictures very carefully and spent a lot of time. Then I took my bicycle out for school.


Since today is Thursday and there is a school meeting, school is closed a little early today. So I went for a walk near Dudhmukha Tower and walked back from Dudhmukha Nasari. And I waited for a while for my friends. After my friends arrived, we talked for a while and took some pictures. At first everyone was there to take pictures, but gradually everyone left. Then I also left. Then while walking around the market, I remembered that I was supposed to buy two threads. Then I went to the shop and bought the threads and set out for home.


Today, after taking a bath in the afternoon, I took a nap for some time. Then I got ready for Dagonbhuyan. I went to Dagonbhuyan and sat in the shop for a while waiting for the electricity to come. Then after the electricity came, I did some art for a while. Which was not completed. Then I left the shop and went to Ataturk's playground. I took some beautiful pictures there.


The sky this evening was very beautiful. There was very light rain, the sky was beautiful and cloudy. I took some very beautiful pictures of this evening sky for you.

Today I had a very good day. Thank you everyone, this was my wonderful diary today. Everyone will be fine. Pray for me. Thank you everyone. My sincere love and congratulations to everyone.

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