Mydailypost #65 Carnival Parade

in blurt-1845409 •  4 months ago 

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Hola estimados amigos de #Blurt, espero que esta bién, hoy les muestro fotografías de Desfile de Carnaval,la cual tuve el gusto de estar presente y pude disfrutar de este evento.

Este carnaval disfruté a millón, en mi cuidad se festejó con mucho entusiasmo ofreciendo muchos eventos como, la elección de la reinas de la cuidad, presentaciones de grupos y el desfile de las comparsas, las cuales estuvieron fenomenales.

Fueron 30 comparsas hubo mucho público, disfrutando con los excelentes trajes, carrosas al ritmo de bandas show, sambas y calipzo. Estos trajes son alusivos a las tradiciones, costumbres y cultura de esta cuidad, habian muchas mariposas, iguanas, flores y animales marinos que nos represenntan como pueblo.

Me encanta los carnavales pues es una festividad muy hermosa donde el brillo, los colores, la alegría y música al ritmo muy movido se contagia y alegra mi ser.

Hello dear friends of #Blurt, I hope you are well, today I show you pictures of Carnival Parade, which I had the pleasure to be present and I could enjoy this event.

This carnival I enjoyed a million, in my city was celebrated with great enthusiasm offering many events such as the election of the queens of the city, presentations of groups and the parade of the comparsas, which were phenomenal.

There were 30 "comparsas" and there was a lot of public, enjoying the excellent costumes, floats to the rhythm of show bands, sambas and calipzo. These costumes are allusive to the traditions, customs and culture of this city, there were many butterflies, iguanas, flowers and marine animals that represent us as a people.

I love the carnivals because it is a very beautiful festivity where the brightness, the colors, the joy and music to the rhythm very moved is contagious and gladdens my being.

Contenido, fotografías y separadores de mi autoría.// Content, photographs and separators of my authorship. @redrose72

Traducido con DeepL//Translated with DeepL

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