Mydailypost #64 Artisanal fishing

in blurt-1845409 •  4 months ago 

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Hola estimados amigos de #Blurt, espero que esta bién, hoy les muestro fotografías de UNA PESCA ARTESANAL,la cual tuve el gusto de estar presente y pude capturar este momento.

El año pasado tuve el gusto,de ir a disfrutar de esta playa ubicadao en el estado Sucre Venezuela, estaba con mis amigos, y estos botes llegaron llenos de pesacado, venian de su faena y tuvieron un buen dia.

Pues pescaron muchos kilos de pescado, cabe destacar que esta población vive de esta actividad económica como lo es la Pesca Artesanal, aproveché y compre muchos kilos, de agua al sarten es una delicia poder deleitarlo asi de fresco, son los beneficos que nos da el mar.

Hello dear friends of #Blurt, I hope you are well, today I show you pictures of an artisanal fishing, which I had the pleasure to be present and I could capture this moment.

Last year I had the pleasure of going to enjoy this beach located in the state of Sucre Venezuela, I was with my friends, and these boats arrived full of fish, they came from their work and had a good day.

They caught many kilos of fish, it should be noted that this population lives from this economic activity such as artisanal fishing, I took advantage and bought many kilos, pan water is a delight to enjoy it so fresh, are the benefits that gives us the sea.

Contenido, fotografías y separadores de mi autoría.// Content, photographs and separators of my authorship. @redrose72

Traducido con DeepL//Translated with DeepL

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