in blurt-1845409 •  2 months ago 

Hello everyone,
It's been a while since I posted, but I'm here now.
I haven't really posted the past few days, but while not posting, I was getting my phone full with all type of activity photos, nature photos, etc. So today, I'm going to be sharing with y'all mostly in photos, how my days looked like last week.


Last week, I didn't really get enough time to do many other stuff other than school activities, because I go to school from Tuesday to Saturdays from morning to evening. So when I come back from school, I'm usually very exhausted, and so I need to do some minor stuff and rest in preparation for the next day.

So what I did every day last week while working to school was, I captured some nature photos such as sunrise (mostly sunrise 🌄)

And at times, I also snap some fruit if I see one that is ripe. Even though it is very rare for me to find, given the fact that we are experiencing the dry season right now, which makes some fresh and ripe fruits hard to find. How ever, when I was going to school on Wednesday, I passed by my aunt's house to get some of my stuff. And fortunately for me, the guava tree that I didn't expect to have any fruit on it, had bared a very fat and fresh guava.

As soon as I saw it, I couldn't resist so I immediately had the first bite of it which felt so good lol...

It was only after I had chewed up the first bite, that I remembered that I had to wash the guava before eating. But what could I have done ??? The deed was already done.

So I jumped down of the tree, and continued my journey to school. When I finally reached school classes started.

As for school, I won't bore y'all with all the theories of it, but let's get to the practical and interesting parts. So on Tuesday, I didn't really have any practical thing to do in school, so most of it was just about theoretically stuff, which pushes us to Wednesday where the real deal begins

On Wednesday, we had some Chemistry practicals in the lab 🧫🧪

This practical session was I and my classmates first Chemistry practicals of the school academic year, so we were really excited to be in the Chemistry lab.

During this time in the lab, we didn't really do something too beautiful, because we were still being thought by our instructor how to use some equipments.

Our Chemistry lab is not really the best, but at least it serves us well.

During the practical session, we were taught how to;

  • Use a Pipette and how to Pipette
  • Use the Burette
  • Use the Clamp and Stand,
  • And some few other things

The liquid we used for th practicals was H2O (Water) only, since it was our first time and we were still trying to get used to the equipments.

After Chemistry Practicals

After the Chemistry practicals, I headed back to class and had a little theory of another subject (Computer Science), which ended up with us in the computer lab.

When we got to the computer lab, the electric power had some issues, so we had to wait till it comes back. So all the machines were completely off.

After some time, we regained electricity and started working on our exercises given to us by our instructor.

That was that for Wednesday

Remember I said above, that I'm not really going to bore you with all the theoretical things in school. So the next interesting day of practicals was, Friday. This time we had a physics practicals.

In the Physics lab, we did about three different experiments. But one of the most interesting ones for me was, getting the diameter and thickness of an object using a Micro Screw Gauge. So in our Lab manual, we were asked to measure the diameter of some equipments such as;

  • A test tube
  • A round ball
  • A thermometer etc.

And the thickness of;

  • The lab table
  • A ledger 📒 etc.

I really enjoyed the Physics practicals time together with my mates

The next practical day that was supposed to come after Friday is Saturday, but unfortunately, our practical class was cancelled. But how ever, I have something for you 🙂


Even though the practice class was cancelled, I saw a rare thing happening on the balcony of my class.

After sitting and studying inside the class for a very long time, I went outside to stand on the balcony and get some fresh air. After standing there for about two minutes, I looked at my right and saw to flies mating lol 😂

At first, I took the picture behind a bit, because I knew if I go closer, they might fly away, which will mean I disturbed their awesome moment together. So I had to zoom in and capture another one which will have a more closer view.

The two flies marked my last school day of the week, which was really amazing!!!

Without forgetting, the last and most faithful Day...


Sunday the best day amongst all as usual. Church Service went well, I enjoyed the music I produced by my self through the gift God has given to me, and I enjoyed that people enjoyed my music too...!

The sermon of Sunday was about Laziness, which I believe transformed me a lot. "There's no way I have two legs and two hands, but yet I cry of hunger". That was the highest thing I caught in the sermon.

After church service, one of my elder sisters in church specifically in the choir, came and grabbed me and went outside so that we can take some pics together...

I know right,,, she's so short 😂 and I even called her my elder sister, but yet I look bigger than her 😂

She is such an amazing soul and very kind and loving in person ❤️... She always makes me do styles I don't think will work for me especially because of my height. She had to force this one on me 😅

After all the pictures, we then separated and went to our various homes. When I got home, I immediately changed into a more free dressing, and felt like taking some selfies with little sis ❤️

That is that for my week, and hope you enjoyed reading each and every part of this post

Have A Blast 🎉

Peace 🕊️

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