My One Day Story

in blurt-1845409 •  2 months ago 

Hello everyone, I hope you are well.

The weather is starting to change. Take care of your health.
Today is the same as usual. I went to exercise with my wife in the morning. We exercised for 1-2 hours during this period.
In the morning, since I went to exercise outside

Or exercising outdoors

• Jogging

• Giving alms to monks

• Buying gifts for relatives

• Feeding stray dogs

Morning activities "are giving" and being stingy

When we arrived home, my wife made breakfast for me and my daughter. Today's breakfast was coffee and pastries bought from a breakfast shop. On the dining table were pastries, coffee, and steamed buns. My daughter really likes steamed buns, especially pork buns. She usually eats them with iced Thai tea, but today my daughter had a cough, so I suggested that she drink hot Thai tea.

And in my daughter's bowl of food was Mama noodles. At that time, she was already dressed in her school uniform. I was worried that if she ate Mama noodles, the soup might splash on her school uniform. So I grabbed a towel to cover her school uniform. The weather is changing these days. My wife, daughter, and I are all coughing at home. My wife has been boiling herbal water for us to drink in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. It's local herbs: ginger, galangal, lemongrass, basil leaves, onions, and senna leaves to reduce coughing.

When it was time for my daughter to go to school, I rode my motorbike to send her there.
After sending my daughter to school, I came back to have breakfast. When I arrived, my wife had already cleaned the table. There was no food on the table. So I walked into the kitchen because I knew she had to put it on the kitchen counter. I brought breakfast back to the dining table in front of the house again. The reason my wife brought the food to the kitchen was because I went to send my daughter to school.
If I didn't put the food away, pets would come to disturb me, chickens. They would come to eat the food. If no one was around, they would eat all the food.
My wife probably had to do other things. She wasn't around.
So she put it away neatly on the kitchen counter.

After eating, I walked to the garden to take the cows to eat grass. Today, I tried to let the cows eat grass freely in the oil palm garden.
On the way, I stopped at the cow pen with a bucket of animal manure and I mixed it with fertilizer. I mixed the animal manure with fertilizer, mixed it well and used it to put on the vegetables I planted in front of the house.
I gradually added the animal manure and fertilizer to my vegetables that I planted. Please wait and see if the ones I planted will grow or wither.
The mint plant is now full of the basket. I added a little fertilizer but didn't dare to add too much because the last time I added too much, it caused the mint leaves and the mint plant to wither and eventually rot.
The bottle gourd plant, grown from seeds, is now sprouting and has many leaves and is about to become a vine that will grow and cling to other plants.
Before this, I expanded the plant to plant near the pier. I was also waiting to see if the bottle gourd plant that I expanded would survive because the last time I planted vegetables in that area, it was flooded and my vegetables were under water.

It's time to go see the cows again. I lead them to the house area and bring them to drink water and eat grass in this area today. I keep the cows in the house area because the grass next to the house has started to grow and there is some young grass in this area.

I walked back to this area. It was a lotus pond. The water was not deep. Before, I tried planting rice. The rice grew. But it didn't grow well because I was just experimenting by sowing rice husks. Then I switched to planting white lotus. Now, the white lotus has expanded to fill the pond. I took pictures with my mobile phone. When I finished taking pictures, I looked at them. It looks natural. This angle is nice for sitting and relaxing.

Today, I have to end it here. I wish all my friends happiness, prosperity, progress, and may all your dreams come true. Thank you.

@prapanthSamsung Galaxy A4315:00 น

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