RE: Not the best of days...

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Not the best of days...

in blurt-1845409 •  3 months ago 

Oh my dear, it's ok to let it out. I too do that, irrespective of anyone reading it or not. I just feel better letting it out from within and sometimes I feel more comfortable doing that with unknown people rather then known ones.
All days are not same, there are times when nothing happens and yet we feel at the lowest point, I guess it's also the toxicity of the environment that plays on us.
You take care and I am hoping that the Sunday vibes will rejuvenate you and make you feel better.
For me in such times my game changer is a beach walk.

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  ·  3 months ago  ·  

Oh my dear, it's ok to let it out. I too do that, irrespective of anyone reading it or not. I just feel better letting it out from within and sometimes I feel more comfortable doing that with unknown people rather then known ones.

Thank you so much for your kind words sweetie! I really do appreciate that! It is so hard sometimes to just keep everything in... as you no doubt can relate!

All days are not same, there are times when nothing happens and yet we feel at the lowest point, I guess it's also the toxicity of the environment that plays on us.

Yes indeed! Sometimes I don't even understand why I feel the way I do... but ignoring it is impossible.

For me in such times my game changer is a beach walk.

Nature is ALWAYS a win, right?!

I should have done that yesterday, but nonetheless, I sat with my thoughts instead and I suppose sometimes - even when it hurts... that is still a good thing! I do feel better today and coming to find comments like yours have played an important role in that, so thank you for being there - be it from afar... it still made a difference!

I hope you have a beautiful Sunday!

It's ok, to take your time and dwell into it till the time you feel you are now prepared to get out of it.

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

Too true! and thank you again xxx