A good Business Idea..?

in blurt-1845409 •  last month 

Hi there! Welcome back! Who doesn't like earning a little extra pocket money, especially when you're doing something you enjoy!? Today, I'd like to show you something you can try even if you're a kid (like me haha). It'll be worth it!


This is an idea I'm preparing for selling at an event called "Anarchapulco", so here's how it started:

There's this old man that would walk down the Acapulco beach who sells these hats. (Since Acapulco is pretty sunny even in winter, so a hat would get used very often). I bought five hats from him at a discount which was probably his best sell of the day... Then, I got to work! 😁

Yep, I committed myself to embroider each and every one of these hats with the logo of the famous event. I bought them in December, so these bad boys took me about a month. (Doing one a week of course), since one hat would take me round-about five hours.

First, I embroidered a white outline by following markings I made with a pen prior
Then, I added black on the inside for a little pop!

The final Product

For the last final touch, I added the signature stripes around the logo onto the hat with colors.

I'm usually not the type of person who likes taking selfies, but I'll do it this once to show off my final hat! 😆


A little math...

The vendors' original price for one hat was 200 pesos, but we haggled down to 150. (I paid $750 for the five hats). Now, that I've embroidered every one of them, this costed me materials, my time & I think these hats would have high demand due to the sun and as a souvenir for being at the Anarchapulco event (which is quite popular now).

So, I priced four of them at 700 pesos and one of them at 1000, which would be $3800 pesos in total. That is a 3050 peso profit, or 148 us dollars.

Also, these hats were some of the first things I ever actually embroidered, besides embroidering faces onto my crochet dolls & animals, so this was a fun, new learning experience! :)

What do you think? I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe, got some ideas from it!
Thank you, dankeschön and gracias. 😊❤️


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