One of the problem that our place is facing these days is the constant loss of electricity. I have been observing the past few days and there's no day that the electricity won't be gone. In other days the electricity would be gone for few hours only but this time it is said that it will be gone until tomorrow. The electricity was gone at 6 in the morning. It's very early. My kids hadn't gone to school yet so when they had their breakfast the room was a little dark. The whole day I spent it outside the house. I was grazing the goats and I only went inside to do other chores like cooking, washing the plates and arranging some things. In cooking we're using firewood so it isn't a problem when there's no electricity.
This afternoon around 5 PM I decided to went to the nearest grocery store to buy some essentials like candle, mosquito repellent and soap for washing and bathing. Since there's no electricity tonight so I bought a pack of candle which consist of 4 candles. Though it already can light the night, still there's a part of the house that can't be lighted. The mosquitos love to stay on dark places so I never forget to include mosquito repellent. This is to prevent us being bitten by mosquitos. The brand that I wanted isn't available in the store so I chose another brand that didn't have strong odor. Baygon is a popular mosquito repellent but this has a strong odor so I didn't buy it instead I used the other brand present in the store. After buying the needed things I went home.
While I was walking I was munching this grease peanut. This brand of grease peanut is my favorite since I was young. The only difference now is the amount of peanut each pack has. It's too little but the taste is still the same. I really love this peanut. Though I also love the salted peanut sold mostly on street but it's very rare to see it in my area. Mostly I saw it on the next barangays.
When night came we lighted two candles. One on the inside of the house and the other one is on the kitchen. Using candle to light our night bring back old memories. We're living in the countryside and that time there was no electricity. What we've used is lamp with kerosene. In my other grandma we've used florescent lamp but we're using battery which is charged through sunlight. When charging the battery we still need to carry it to the nearest charging station. If I remember it right it took a day or two before we could get it.
For tonight's dinner I cook Japanese ramen noodles. This what I choose to prepare because it's easy to cook. When there is no electricity it's very hard to move around the kitchen so an easy dish is what I need to prepare. This maybe a simple dish but it could already made us very full.
At the time of writing this blog, my phone's battery is around 26%. So I apologized if I couldn't visit some post after publishing this but rest assured that I will be visiting some post once the electricity is restored. For now I have to save this remaining battery.
Thank you and greetings to everyone,