Photography on yummy crispy muri and muri mill in our village

in blurt-1831602 •  4 months ago 


Hello all my blurt community friends and Have a wonderful day and yesterday i went to visit of muri mill in our village. Actually there are a one muri mill in our village. From there,our whole village people collect muri . Becides muri mill owners sell this muri wholesale of big customers. At times i go to visit of our village muri mill. Because I get heat heat muri from there. Really so crispy crunchy Muri and really healthy snacks. Muri include more benefits and you can eat this muri . The day before i went there and took some clicks of muri mill. Becides when muri mill owners was breaking rice and collecting muri . At that moment i captured some images and i hope everyone will enjoy this moments. Let's see



Photographer @simaroy

Camera: Redmi note 10 pro max
Regards @simaroy

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