Las recetas de la abuela/The recipes of the grandmother. (Esp/Eng)

in blurt-1831602 •  last year 

Renata era una niña de ocho años, "traviesa y pícara," palabras de su abuela. Adoraba visitar su casa cada domingo. Siempre algún dulce elaborado por sus ancianas manos, algún caramelo comprado con sus ahorros y algún libro de la librería de la esquina, firmado y dedicado: "Para Renata, mi solecito."

Ella la mimaba y peinaba su cabello en dos hermosas trenzas adornadas con margaritas amarillas. Le obsequiaba alguna prenda tejida por ella y le enseñaba cuanto podía sobre las personas y la vida.

Renata was an eight-year-old girl, "naughty and mischievous," in the words of her grandmother. She loved visiting her house every Sunday. Always some sweet made by her old hands, some candy bought with her savings and some book from the corner bookstore, signed and dedicated: "For Renata, my little sun."

She pampered her and combed her hair into two beautiful braids adorned with yellow daisies. She gave him a piece of clothing she had knitted and taught her everything she could about people and life.


Todo en su hogar era perfecto, excepto aquella sopa que le servía, acompañada de un pedazo de pan. Renata no entendía por qué a la abuela le gustaba tanto su sopa de gallina, por más que esta le explicara que era sustanciosa y altamente nutritiva y que además calentaba no solo el cuerpo sino el alma.

Ella la miraba con cara de: "otra vez lo mismo" y se la tomaba rápidamente deseando pasar al ansiado postre. La abuela tenía una mano exquisita para los dulces.

-¿Por qué no haces un libro de postres, abuela? Lo venderías genial. -Le dijo Renata un día.

Everything in his home was perfect, except for that soup that he served him, accompanied by a piece of bread. Renata did not understand why her grandmother liked her chicken soup so much, even though she explained that it was hearty and highly nutritious and that it also warmed not only the body but the soul.

She looked at it with a face like: "the same thing again" and drank it quickly, wanting to move on to the long-awaited dessert. Grandma had an exquisite hand for sweets.

-Why don't you make a dessert book, grandma? You would sell it great. -Renata told him one day.


La abuela solo sonrió y le dijo:

-Lo estoy escribiendo de mi puño y letra hace algún tiempo, únicamente para ti. Contiene tus dulces preferidos, paso a paso, y hasta mis secretillos, esos que nunca le he confesado a nadie. ¿Cuánto estás dispuesta a pagar por él?-

Renata quedó pensativa. Sus pequeños y vivarachos ojos la miraban fijamente. Rompió el silencio y en los oídos de la abuela resonaron sus tiernas palabras:

-Podría ofrecerte los ahorros que papá y mamá me han dado, pero ese dinero se gastaría. Por eso creo que mi mejor pago sería darte todo mi cariño y elaborar cada uno de tus postres a lo largo de mi vida.-

La abuela sonrió con lágrimas en los ojos y se abrazaron fuertemente.

The grandmother just smiled and said:

-I have been writing it in my own handwriting for some time, solely for you. It contains your favorite sweets, step by step, and even my little secrets, those that I have never confessed to anyone. How much are you willing to pay for it?

Renata was thoughtful. His small, lively eyes stared at her. He broke the silence and his tender words echoed in the grandmother's ears:

-I could offer you the savings that mom and dad have given me, but that money would be spent. That's why I think my best payment would be to give you all my love and make each of your desserts throughout my life.-

Grandma smiled with tears in her eyes and they hugged each other tightly.


Diez años después Renata regresó a casa de la abuela un domingo, como de costumbre pero ella ya no estaba. Los años no habían pasado en vano y ahora en cada rincón se notaba su ausencia.

Su padre le había pedido que lo acompañara para recoger sus cosas, ahora su legado.

Había mucho por extrañar, desde su recibimiento en forma de abrazo, las margaritas del jarrón recién cortadas esperando adornar sus largas trenzas, la cocina apagada...

Pero lo que más Renata echó de menos fue la sopa, este plato que cada domingo le sobraba y hasta aburría, más hoy le faltaba.

Ten years later Renata returned to her grandmother's house one Sunday, as usual, but she was no longer there. The years had not passed in vain and now their absence was noticeable in every corner.

His father had asked him to accompany him to collect his things, now his legacy.

There was a lot to miss, from her welcome in the form of a hug, the freshly cut daisies in the vase waiting to adorn her long braids, the unlit kitchen...

But what Renata missed the most was the soup, this dish that was left over and even boring every Sunday, but today she was missing it.


Con una profunda tristeza cruzó el umbral del cuarto, abrió la gaveta donde siempre supo que la abuela guardaba su libro de recetas y lo sostuvo releyendo su dedicatoria.

Estaba segura de que más que pertenecerle lo merecía, porque amó y cuidó a su abuela con todo su corazón hasta su último aliento de vida. Había pagado por él, como le prometió a sus ocho años; era todo suyo.

Empaquetó algunas cosas junto a su padre y marcharon a casa sabiendo que ella aún vivía en sus corazones y recuerdo, ahí tenía su lugar especial.

Hoy Renata tiene su propia familia, dos hermosos hijos y una pequeña nieta a quien mima y ama como un día lo hizo su abuela. Hoy es ella la que cada domingo recibe su visita con margaritas recién cortadas y sopa caliente acompañada de pan.

Hoy vive con la certeza de que un día no estará, pero su recuerdo y su legado quedarán para siempre en aquellos que ama.


With deep sadness she crossed the threshold of the room, opened the drawer where she always knew her grandmother kept her recipe book, and held it, rereading her dedication.

She was sure that she deserved it more than belonging to him, because she loved and cared for her grandmother with all her heart until her last breath of life. He had paid for it, as he promised when he was eight years old; It was all his.

She packed some things with her father and they went home knowing that she still lived in their hearts and memories, she had her special place there.

Today Renata has her own family, two beautiful children and a little granddaughter whom she pampers and loves as her grandmother once did. Today she is the one who receives her visit every Sunday with freshly cut margaritas and hot soup accompanied by bread.

Today he lives with the certainty that one day he will be gone, but his memory and his legacy will remain forever in those he loves.

(The end)


#Relato propio atribuido a LadySweet, escrito en memoria de esas abuelas que hoy solo están en nuestro corazón y recuerdos.

Own story attributed to LadySweet, written in memory of those grandmothers who today are only in our hearts and memories.

Todas las imágenes son propias, editadas en y utilizadas para complementar la historia.

All images are my own, edited in and used to complement the story.

El texto fue traducido gracias al traductor de Google. Perdonen que la traducción no sea perfecta, mi objetivo es poder llevar mi contenido a más amigos en #blurt.

The text was translated thanks to Google translator. Sorry that the translation is not perfect, my goal is to be able to bring my content to more friends on #blurt.

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