El anillo / The ring (Esp-Eng)

in blurt-1831602 •  8 months ago 

Mauro se notaba preocupado. Se acostaba temprano cada noche buscando descansar pero al día siguiente despertaba extenuado y sin energías. No lograba comprenderlo.

Portafolio en mano salió directo a la oficina. Allí lo esperaba su secretaria con nuevas instrucciones. Se sentó en el cómodo sillón y apenas se recostó se quedó dormido.


De pronto abrió los ojos sobresaltado, aquellas imágenes nuevamente...

No lograba comprenderlas. No solía ver nada en la tv; ni siquiera leía historias de gladiadores. En su vida solo había espacio para el trabajo. Pero ahí estaban repitiéndose a cada momento. Eran tan reales...


El día transcurrió con normalidad. Cada vez más éxitos corporativos, lo que representaba lo más importante para él: dinero. Cerró la puerta despidiéndose de todos y manejó directo al apartamento.

Una ducha caliente, cena preparada por la empleada y directo a la cama. Como de costumbre puso encima de la mesita de noche su pesado anillo. Resultaba molesto para un descanso placentero como el que necesitaba.


Apagó la luz y cerró los ojos...

De vuelta al Coliseo. En medio de la arena descalzo y con su espada ceñida a la cintura estaba él, aclamado por miles de personas.


El sonido de los cuernos anunció que comenzaba el combate. Esta vez fue una batalla sangrienta en la que terminó herido pero nuevamente ganador.

La alarma lo despertó de su sueño profundo. Se sentó en la cama casi sin fuerzas mientras colocaba como de costumbre su anillo. Intentó ponerse de pie para emprender un nuevo día pero un dolor insoportable lo hizo tambalear.


Miró a su costado y una enorme mancha de sangre le hizo comprender todo. Estaba herido.



Mauro looked worried. He went to bed early every night looking to rest but the next day he woke up exhausted and without energy. I couldn't understand it.

Portfolio in hand he went straight to the office. His secretary was waiting for him there with new instructions. He sat in the comfortable chair and as soon as he lay down he fell asleep.


Suddenly he opened his eyes, startled, those images again...

I couldn't understand them. I didn't use to watch anything on TV; I didn't even read gladiator stories. In his life there was only room for work. But there they were repeating themselves every moment. They were so real...


The day passed normally. More and more corporate successes, which represented the most important thing for him: money. He closed the door saying goodbye to everyone and drove straight to the apartment.

A hot shower, dinner prepared by the maid and straight to bed. As usual, he placed his heavy ring on the nightstand. It was annoying for a pleasant rest like the one I needed.


He turned off the light and closed his eyes...

Back to the Colosseum. In the middle of the sand barefoot and with his sword belted around his waist he was acclaimed by thousands of people.


The sound of horns announced that the fight was beginning. This time it was a bloody battle in which he ended up wounded but again the winner.

The alarm woke him from his deep sleep. He sat on the bed almost without strength while he placed his ring as usual. He tried to stand up to start a new day but an unbearable pain made him stagger.


He looked at his side and a huge stain of blood made him understand everything. He was hurt.

#relato original atribuido a LadySweet.
Imágenes propias creadas con CreArt app. (Cómo bien muestra la marca de agua)
#original story attributed to LadySweet. Own images created with CreArt app. (How well it shows the watermark)

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  ·  8 months ago  ·  


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