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Hola estimados amigos de #Blurt, espero que esta bién, hoy les muestro fotografias de Flores e incepto.
Cada día veo florecer mis plantas silvestres, todos los dias vienen las mariposas a posar sobre ellas, pero en esta ocasión una Mantis Religiosa poso sobre las flores y hojas de mis plantas.
Me fascina esta planta es hermosa fácil de cultivar y requiere pocos cuidados, florece mucho y lo mejor que vienen mariposas y otros inceptos para así ver ese espectaculo de nuestra naturaleza.
Hello dear friends of #Blurt, I hope you are well, today I show you pictures of Flowers and incepto.
Every day I see my wild plants bloom, every day butterflies come to land on them, but this time a Mantis Religiosa landed on the flowers and leaves of my plants.
This plant fascinates me, it is beautiful, easy to grow and requires little care, it blooms a lot and the best thing is that butterflies and other insects come to see this spectacle of our nature.
Traducido con DeepL//Translated with DeepL
Dear @redrose72, your content was selected manually by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a curation from BeBlurt 🎉
They are beautiful photos! I love the quality of the image, and that you were able to capture this mantis.