[ESP-ENG] Concurso: Escribe un post | Contest: Write a post

in blurt-1820385 •  10 months ago 

@habloespanolweb3 (2).gif

Portada realizada en Canva por el equipo de Hablo Español!
Cover made in Canva by the Hablo Español! team.

Spanish version:

¡Hola, creativo escritor o creador de contenido!

Se que hemos estado un poco inactivos, entre actividades diarias. Pero, no te preocupes, hoy vamos a compensarte. Porque tenemos un concurso interesante, genial, y super fantástico que te encantara.

Consiste en: Crear un post en tu Blog en Blurt Blog.

Tema: ¿Qué haz comprado con Blurt?

Queremos que nos cuentes sobre compras con nuestra crypto. Como te sentiste cuando pudiste comprar con Blurt, o lo que desees escribir referente al tema.

Para participar, tienes que cumplir algunos requisitos, super sencillos, los cuales nos ayudarán muchísimo a encontrar tu post.


  • Crea un escrito con 500 palabras como mínimo.
  • Comparte el link de tu post en la sección de comentarios de este post.
  • Reesteemea esta publicación (compartir en el mismo Blurt Blog), nos ayudaría mucho a crecer y continuar con estas iniciativas.
  • Comparte tu post en Twitter, Facebook, o cualquier red social que tengas. Mándanos un captured o el link. Así todos estaríamos ayudando a expandir Blurt Blog por el mundo.

Estaremos anunciando a tres (3) ganadores el día viernes. Así cerraríamos la semana muy contentos.

Por supuesto, hablemos de algo muy importante...

¡Los premios!

Otorgaremos los siguientes:

1er lugar: 20 Blurt
2do lugar 20 Blurt
3er lugar: 20 Blurt

Estaremos eligiendo a estos tres (3) ganadores usando la herramienta online, así será sencillo elegir, porque para nosotros todos hacen un trabajo excelente en nuestra plataforma.

Además de ello, todos los participantes serán ganadores debido a que recibirán un voto a nuestro a su favor.

¡Suerte a todos! Estaremos atentos a sus publicaciones!


English Version:

Hello, creative writer or content creator!

I know we have been a little inactive, between daily activities. But, don't worry, today we are going to make it up to you. Because we have an interesting, great, and super fantastic contest that you will love.

It consists of: Create a post on your Blog on Blurt Blog.

Topic: What have you bought with Blurt?

We want you to tell us about purchases with our crypto. How did you feel when you were able to buy with Blurt, or whatever you want to write regarding the topic.

To participate, you have to meet some super simple requirements, which will help us a lot to find your post.


  • Create a piece of writing with at least 500 words.
  • Share the link of your post in the comments section of this post.
  • Reesteem this post (share on the same Blurt Blog), it would help us a lot to grow and continue with these initiatives.
  • Share your post on Twitter, Facebook, or any social network you have. Send us a screenshot or the link. This way we would all be helping to expand Blurt Blog around the world.

We will be announcing three (3) winners on Friday. This way we would close the week very happy.

Of course, let's talk about something very important...

The awards!

We will grant the following:

1st place: 20 Blurt
2nd place 20 Blurt
3rd place: 20 Blurt

We will be choosing these three (3) winners using the online tool, so it will be easy to choose, because for us they all do an excellent job on our platform.

In addition to this, all participants will be winners because they will receive a vote in our favor.

Good luck to everyone! We will be attentive to your publications!



Post in our community! Accessing BeBlurt

We also invite you...

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  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Ni siquiera he hecho el intento de retirar porque lo veo complicado 😛. Ya tengo seis meses casi por acá. Shalom 🦋

¡Es más sencillo de lo que crees!
Este es solo el primer paso, para dar camino a tutoriales de retiro.

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Si tú lo dices, sigo esperando 😜

  ·  10 months ago  ·  


Hi @habloespanolweb3, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.

You can support us by voting for our witness, our decentralized funding proposal, or through delegation. You're also welcome to join our Discord server 👉 https://discord.beblurt.com

*For a delegation of 45,000 BLURT 👉 https://beblurt.com/mydelegation/@beblurt

BeBlurt (Blurt frontend) 👉 https://beblurt.com
on IOS/Android 👉 https://beblurt.com/s/aMGBrg

Congratulations! 🏆

You have recieved a coconutty upvote! 🥥
Thank you for contributing to the Blurt Blockchain!
Keep up the great work!

Curated by @outofthematrix!

A little reminder: I am a top 20 Blurt witness, sooo please help me stay there!

Please consider taking a moment to vote for my witness, if you haven't already done so!
You can do this by logging into your wallet with your active key! 🗳️
It only takes a few seconds and doesn't cost a cent!