Ramzan is a month of lots of blessings and blessings, in which we can not only improve our worship but also earn rewards and virtues. Keeping fast, reciting Quran, offering Namaz-e-Tahajjud and helping the poor is very noble in this month. By giving Sadqa and Zakat not only the poor are helped but one also gets a great reward from Allah. Sharing more Durood on Friday and asking for forgiveness also becomes a sign of forgiveness of sins. Every day of Ramazan is a new opportunity to do good deeds and get the best reward for the end.
In Ramzan, even the smallest of sins are forgiven. Through Nafl Namaz, Tasbeeh and Astaghfar, a person can get forgiveness of his sins. In this month, offering Tahajjud, Ishrat and Chasht Namaz is very beneficial. Remembering Allah all the time and asking for prayers from the heart is also a good deed which can bring the best reward for the end.
Fasting is not just a name for enduring hunger and thirst, but a way to control one's emotions and evils. Allah opens the doors of heaven for the person who keeps fast with truth and patience. Staying away from wrong things while fasting and keeping your tongue protected from abuse, lies and useless talks is also a part of worship.
Helping the poor and needy in Ramzan is the most noble deed. Allah fills his sustenance with blessings who gives Zakat and Sadqa with an open heart in this month. Organizing Iftari, offering moonrise in mosque and feeding a hungry person is the best way to attain Allah's mercy.
The greatest night of Ramzan is Lailatul Qadr, which is the best opportunity of worship. This night is better than thousands of months, in which even a single sajda performed is very much ajar. Allah forgives all sins of the person who spends this night in worship, recitation and prayers.
Ramzan is not only a month of fasting and worship, but also an opportunity to make one's own people better. Talking to anyone in a polite manner, not hurting anyone's feelings, and speaking well with family members and relatives is also a sign of Ajar. Not getting angry in this month, working with patience and talking with a smile is also a prayer that is liked by Allah.
In Ramzan even small good deeds are very important. If a Muslim helps a brother, solves his problem or prays for him, this also becomes a part of worship. Smiling is also acceptable in this month, so one should always behave well with others. Allah likes those people who improve their habits in this month.
Whatever prayer is asked from Allah during Sehri and Iftar, it is accepted. A person who feeds even a date to someone during Iftar, gets the full reward of fasting. Feeding and giving food to the poor and needy in this month is the most virtuous deed in the eyes of Allah. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity and help according to his strength.
Ramzan is not only a month of fasting and worship, but it is also an opportunity for a new beginning. Allah helps the person who gives up his evil habits and adopts good habits in this month. Controlling anger, taking action with patience and forgiving are such deeds that make a person successful in both this world and the hereafter.
The night of Lailatul Qadr is a very blessed night which comes only in Ramzan. The worship of this night is better than the worship of 1000 months. Every Muslim should stay awake on this night and worship, recite the Quran and pray for forgiveness. Allah forgives all the sins of the person who asks for forgiveness from the heart.
The real purpose of Ramzan is not only to endure hunger and thirst, but to achieve taqwa. The person who protects his fast in this month, stays away from bad things and remembers Allah, achieves real success. These habits should be maintained even after Ramzan so that Allah's blessings and mercy are received throughout the year.
Ramzan is such a blessing which comes only for a month, but its effect should remain for the whole year. The person who improves his habits in this month, he becomes successful in the end. In this month, there is a chance not only for worship but also to make one's life better. Those who become close to Allah, their hearts get peace and blessings.
The real purpose of fasting is not just to bear hunger and thirst but to gain control over one's self. The person who stays away from gossip, lies, burning and evil deeds, his fast is accepted. The real beauty of Ramzan is the expression of good conduct and patience. Every Muslim should improve his conduct and behavior in this month.
Allah's blessings are showered everywhere in Ramzan, but only those people benefit from it who pray and repent from the heart. The person who cries and asks for forgiveness from Allah, his sins are forgiven. Thanking Allah all the time and regretting one's mistakes are such good deeds that elevate the status of a man.
Iftar and Sehri are both blessed times, therefore one should not keep food till eating during these times. Making dua before Iftar, asking Allah for your forgiveness and seeking forgiveness is very good. Exaltation during Sehri also has great merit, because it is not just a habit but a Sunnat. The person who performs this deed is rewarded. In Ramzan, we should help the poor and the needy as much as possible. Nowadays people keep their wealth and property only for themselves, but the real blessing happens when we hold the hand of some needy person. Allah likes only those people who understand the pain of others and help them.
Ramzan is not only a month of worship but also a way to purify one's soul. Allah helps the person who tries to do good deeds by leaving his bad habits in this month. Speaking the truth all the time, working with righteousness and controlling one's anger is also a part of worship. Those who make their lives better, there is blessing in their lives.
Dua (prayers) has a great place in this month because Allah accepts the prayers of his followers. One must always pray to Allah for a better life and success in the afterlife. One must develop the habit of forgiving because the person who forgives others, Allah forgives his sins. Every Muslim should remove hatred, jealousy and anger from his heart and adopt only goodness.
Taraweeh prayer is a special part of Ramzan which is offered only in this month. The significance of this prayer is great and the person who participates in it from the heart, his faith is strengthened. This prayer not only becomes the reward of virtue but is also a means of improving the light of a human being. The person who offers the required patience in this month, becomes the recipient of Allah's mercy.
Patience and gratitude are tested in Ramzan. The person who shows patience in every difficulty and trouble, Allah gives him immense reward. Iftar is not just the time for eating, but also for thanking Allah. The person who thanks Allah daily, there is blessing in his life and he always moves towards success.
In the last part of Ramzan, we wait for Lailatul Qadr which is a great night. The doors of heaven are opened for the person who spends this night in worship. This is a chance to make it the best day of your life, get your sins forgiven and attain closeness to Allah. That is why every Muslim should not waste this night and remember Allah from the heart.