Every day, whatever happens in our life, is the result of some law of physics. When we get up in the morning and walk, the law of friction works which saves us from falling. If this were not there, every human being would feel like slipping on ice.
When we lift anything, Newton's law of destruction comes into effect. If we lift a light object, it is easy, but to lift a heavy object, more force has to be applied. This is according to Newton's second law (F=ma). Similarly, if we kick a ball hard then it goes far, but if we kick it lightly then it falls nearby.
The law of gravity is working all the time. If there was no gravity then every thing would fly in the air. Whenever any thing falls, be it glass or any small thing, it falls down because Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation works. Planets also revolve in their orbits due to this law.
Electricity is used every day, be it to charge the mobile, switch on the light or operate the fan. All this is due to Ohm's Law and the laws of Electromagnetism. When you turn on a switch, the electrons move in the wire and your device starts working. This physics has made the world digital today.
Physics is not just a bookish subject but every moment of our life is connected with it. Operating a car, using a mobile, listening to sound, everything is a miracle of physics in some way or the other!
When we drive a car or a cycle, Newton's Third Law (Action-Reaction) is applicable. When the cycle tyre pushes the ground below, the ground also pushes in the opposite direction, due to which the cycle moves forward. Rocket also works on the same principle; when the fuel burns, the gases come out below and the rocket moves upwards.
If you look at any picture or mirror, the law of Reflection and Refraction is working there. Glass or water shows the image of any object only when light strikes it and comes back. This is why we can see our image in water or on a shiny surface. Glass and prism can also break light, which happens through Refraction.
When we play any musical instrument like guitar or tabla, the concept of Sound Waves is at work. Every sound moves through vibrations in the air. This is why sound does not travel in vacuum, because there is no air there. Its best example is that no explosion or sound can be heard in space.
Microwave oven is also a scientific miracle which works on Electromagnetic Waves. When you heat any food in a microwave, these waves bring the molecules of water into rapid motion due to which heat is produced. This is a practical application of physics which can be seen in every household.
The process of lightning striking is also a powerful law of physics. When Static Electricity accumulates in the clouds, there comes a time when this electricity gets discharged towards the ground. This is a very powerful natural phenomenon which is an excellent example of Electrostatics. Lightning rods work on this principle, which protect buildings from the danger of lightning striking.
Whatever mobile or computer screen we see is also a result of Quantum Mechanics and Semiconductor Physics. LED screens, touchscreens and all types of digital devices use Optoelectronics. Every small chip installed in a mobile or laptop was not possible without physics. All this is such a wonder of science and technology that is making our life better every day!
When we think of floating or see a boat in the ocean, Archimedes' Buoyancy Law comes into effect. Water exerts an upward force on any object, which prevents it from sinking. This is why even a heavy ship can float on water while a small stone sinks because its density is more than water.
When we see air getting hot or cold, it is a result of the laws of Thermodynamics. Hot air is lighter and rises upwards while cold air sinks below. Due to this principle, air conditioners and room heaters work in our homes. This natural airflow is an important law of physics which also controls the weather and winds.
When we look at anything, it is an effect of Light and Optics. Eyes work as a natural lens which focuses the light and makes us see things. If this system does not work properly, then we need to wear glasses or lenses. Camera also works on this principle, in which the lens focuses the light and a picture is captured.
Brakes play a very important role in our daily journey, which is a great example of Friction. When brakes are applied on a car or cycle, the tyres stop due to friction. If there were no brakes and no friction, it becomes difficult to stop the vehicles. Hence when the roads are wet or covered with snow, chances of accidents are higher because friction reduces.
Physics is not only near us but is also a part of every new technology. Every new invention like solar panels, electric cars, and artificial intelligence is a practical application of some or the other law of physics. The more we understand physics, the more we can improve technology in new ways and make life easier and faster.
When we see an air ship rising in the sky, it is a best example of Bernoulli’s Principle. This law states that when air is passing over and below a wing, lift is generated due to the pressure difference which lifts the ship up. With the help of this principle, birds can fly and paper planes also stay in the air.
In everyday life, when we blow air to cool hot tea or soup, it is a similar example of Evaporation and Heat Transfer. Due to the air becoming faster, evaporation from the liquid becomes faster and it cools down quickly. Refrigerators and air coolers also work with the help of this concept; they absorb heat and produce cool air.
When we see the moon and stars at night, it is a part of Astrophysics and Gravitational Laws. Every planet resides in a specific orbit which is explained by Newton and Einstein's theories of gravity. The satellites that are orbiting in space today also stay at their place with the help of this law and are a part of internet, GPS and communication systems.
When we listen to sound on our mobile or from any radio station, the concept of Radio Waves and Signal Transmission works. Mobile towers and satellites transmit electro-magnetic waves which send the signal to our mobile. This signal is then converted into sound waves which helps us to hear the voice of another person.
Whenever any thing falls or collides with any object, there is transfer of energy which is a part of Law of Conservation of Energy. This means that the energy is neither destroyed nor generated from a new source, rather it is converted from one form to another. For example, when we move a pendulum in one direction and leave it, its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy and comes back.