Why Handwriting Notes is Effective Than Typing
Here are facts that why handwriting is better than typing
1. Enhances Memory
Writing by hand engages more cognitive processes reinforcing learning and improving recall compared to typing. it enhance the muscles memory and you remeber every single word you write it is from my personal experience
2. Encourages Understanding
Since handwriting is slower than typing it forces you to summarize and process information rather than transcribing it and if you ever encountered with long paras you forced youself to write on a good note .
3. Focus and Reduces Distractions
Taking notes by hand minimizes digital distractions helping you stay engaged with the material. so you can stayed up to the content . while typing on laptops and pc may lead yu to the digital distrubance or you may ended up using the social media platforms
4. Stronger Concept Connections
Visualizing and organizing information on paper helps form meaningful associations making it easier to recall later. writing by yourself helps to clear your concepts more tha typing it