How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

in blurt-1787181 •  last month 

How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills
Here are tips to enhance your public speaking skills

1. Practice Regularly
you must have heard practice makes the men perfect The more you practice the more comfortable you will become. Rehearse in front of a mirror record yourself or perform in front of friends or family.


2. Know Your Audience
Understand who you are speaking to and tailor your message accordingly. Knowing your audience helps you adjust your tone examples and content to engage them better. never go dry with audiance always keep up and down with funny qiutes in between


3. Master Your Body Language
Non verbal cues like maintaining eye contact using hand gestures and standing tall can convey confidence and keep your audience engaged.


4. Manage Your Nerves
Take deep breaths and practice relaxation techniques to calm your nerves before speaking. Focus on the message not on how you are being perceived. try to calm yourself always stay composed and calm

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