I’m doing some more experiments with AI (Artificial Intelligence) Film making today …
This is a short video I created from a painting of the Christmas morning Nativity Scene with Mary, Joseph and Jesus.
I animated the painting with the following prompts:
Joseph sings the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic
This is the ancient language that Jesus spoke …. Aramaic and Hebrew at the time he lived in Israel 2000 years ago .
I spliced the short video clips together and added the Audio with YouTube Shorts on my iPhone.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more AI creations from old paintings …
The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic
Aboon Dbashmayo (Our Father who art in Heaven)
Nethcadash shmokh (hallowed be thy name).
teethe malkoothokh, (thy Kingdom come),
nehwe sebyonokh, (thy will be done)
aykano Dbashmayo (on earth as it is in heaven.)
Off bar’0 Hab lan lahmo dsoonconan yawmono, (Give us this day our daily bread).
washbook lan howbain wahtohain (and forgive us our trespasses)
aykano doff hnan shbakn il hayobain (as we forgive those who trespass against us)
lo thaalan il nessyoono (and lead us not into temptation)
elo fasson men beesho (but deliver us from evil)
metool ddeelokhee malkootho, (for thine is the kingdom)
ou haylo ou Teshbohto, (and the power, and the glory)
loalam olmen Amin. (for ever and ever. Amen.)
Source: https://ww3.tlig.org/en/messages_prayers/the-lords-prayer-in-aramaic/
I really like your blog. Thank you for always sharing your wonderful blog with us.
Thank you very much … Blurt is the best place to share anything and everything
Absolutely right.