Welcome to DSwap.Trade. A platform for cryptocurrency trading and market making.
Market Maker
I am trying to share this with all the members of dswap Maker HIve.
DSwap.Trade- basically a marketplace. A platform for cryptocurrency trading and market making.
Those who basically have an idea about cryptocurrency coins. They can work on this platform.
By registering an account on this site, there is implicit consent that the account owner authorizes the engine platform to place market orders on behalf of the account owner without the need for explicit approval of each order.
dswap has added a new feature. This is the ability to DCA, which stands for dollar cost averaging. Basically, you are able to spread a large market order over multiple purchases over a customizable period of time.
DSwap.Trade- The link to this platform is given below:
If we get more information about the dswap platform, I will share it with you.
My introduction,,
I am from Bangladesh @naturaluttom
May everyone be well and healthy. I will appear among you again with a new post.