Splinterlands: Kulu Mastermind and Merdaali Guardian Combo

in blurt-1787181 •  last month 

image created with Night Cafe Studio

The Merdaali Guardian is one of the best support units in the game. At level five she has both Tank Heal and Repair abilities that can sustain your tank for several turns. On the other hand, she has no attack capabilities. Enter the new ability, Weapons Training. One reward card that has this ability is the Kulu Mastermind. As strange as the pairing looks like, these two units complement each other well since the Kulu Mastermind can grant an attack stat to the Merdaali Guardian. Suddenly, the peaceful mermaid can deal three melee damage.


This pairing is most effective in cases where the Merdaali Guardian can attack from any position such as Melee Mayhem and Super Sneak.

Sample Battles

Battle Against Fire Splinter

In this battle, the rulesets were Melee Mayhem and Reverse Speed. In spite of the ruleset, I still used the Water Splinter and Kelya as summoner. This will leave me at a disadvantage since Water is naturally fast units and further given additional speed stat by Kelya. In reverse speed, my team is slower but I wanted to take advantage of the Melee Mayhem ruleset where I can use the Merdaali Guardian as an attack unit aside from her excellent support abilities.

My opponent picked the Fire Splinter headed by slow units Grum and Chimney Wallstop. All his units have speed of of 1 and 2 only so his is the faster team in this battle.

In spite of his speed advantage, Commander Slade's Dodge ability still worked and the Merdaali Guardians tank heal and repair did him wonders and I won the battle without losing any units.

Link to Battle

Battle Against Water Splinter

In another Melee Mayhem ruleset, I faced another Water team but my opponent didn't employ the same strategy as I did. Also, his units are inferior to mine and I won again with my whole team still intact.

Link to Battle

Final Thoughts

There are a lot of effective card combinations that we can use in Splinterlands. It's up to us players to find our card's stats and abilities and figure out how they synergize with each other. This way, we can build effective teams in battle for fun and profit!


Cover image created with Night Cafe Studio.
Other images are from the Splinterlands game.

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