Splinterlands: How to Rent Cards

in blurt-1787181 •  3 days ago 

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Hello Splinterlands Summoners and welcome to another Community Engagement Challenge. Today, I'll be discussing about renting cards.

Card Rental Feature

One of the unique aspects in Splinterlands is the ability to rent cards. The rental feature benefits both the card owner and the one who rents it. A card owner may have excess cards lying around. Renting it out gives the card owner an opportunity to earn from rentals. Conversely, a player who doesn't own that many cards but want to use those cards can rent them instead of buying.

How to Rent Cards

Method 1: In Game Rental Market

1. Click market and card rentals then you can filter by format, card set, foil, role, ability, etc.

2. Click the card you want. You can choose which level (for example below, level 5) and the cheapest rental. You can also choose daily or season rentals.

3. If you chose daily, input the number of days you want to rent the card for. In the below example, I input 13 days for a total rent of 25.4 DEC.

4. Approve the transaction with Hive Keychain and you're done.

Method 2: Peakmonsters

If you will rent a lot of cards like I do then it's better to use peakmonsters.

1. Got to peakmonsters and click "Rent". This will bring you to the following screen.

2. You can set the filter in the right side of the screen. In this case I chose Chaos Legion, Regular Foil and Fire Element.

3. You can rent a lot of cards and choose the level of cards from the list. For this example I rented four cards and set the rental duration to 13 days for a total rental of 120 DEC.

4. Approve the transaction with Hive Keychain and you're done!

Benefits of Renting

Renting allows players who don't own expensive cards to have the opportunity to use them. At the same time, card owners who have extra cards can earn from their excess cards through rental income. If you are a beginner player, then you can consider renting. Just crunch the numbers to ensure that your earnings will cover your rental expense and leave you with income at the end of the season.

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